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2010 年10 月自考英语二级答案及试题1—5 ABCBC 6-10 DACAC 1.you may use my bike A unless 2.He could not B hold up 3.good parents have C with

4.the teacher required that B eliminated

5.A person is lucky if his career C coincides 6.Our sleep influences our mood D in turn 7.It was A considerate 8.I’d appreciate it very much if C remarks 9.He is A so

10.No sooner C had I reached 完形:11-20 ADBBB ABDDC

11.A to 12.D before 13 B hours 14.B costs 15.B beginning 16.A written 17.B that 18.D requires 19.D who 20.C effort 阅读:

21 Stadtlander was sccused because? D. he sold wine to his guests without a license

22 in the 1980s,stadtlander ? B made his restaurant well-known around world

23 it turned out that mr.snd mrs.smith were? D. police officers

24 nobuyo stadtlander claimed that in the B no money

25 which of the following could be used as D receipt with the wine price

26 which of the following seatements C. six out of hundred couples experience

27 the example concerning auniversity D. domestic violence exists regardless of

28 what gelles says shows that? C. violence is related to the economic situation



29the word\line 5 of the last A. making something illegal

30 according to the sociologists,it is D. americans get tougher with violent behaviors

31.Nowing to the passage, B blocking unwanted calls..

32.Second paragraph mainly tells us D.(my 单词看不清) the researchers are developing..第一部分21第二部分44第三部分41123 24334 32311第四部分moothly physically impact onging musician gravity tempt supect publication routine thirtieth senseless voluntary improvise honestly undertake initial interval location Wednesday第五部分enlarge emplyees choice consideration profitable coverage characteristic inspection acquaintance strongthen 第六部分(他开头)1.He talked to me he had known me for years .(所有开头)2.All the things you are doing now will contribute to your success on the future.(他的开头)3.His points of view on this issue are exactly the same as mine.(这个计划) 4.This plan is feasible..5.People in that distraction are working hard to tarn the desret into fertile land.第七部分。直到二十世纪初人们才认识到某些膳食中的物质在预防或者治疗某些疾病方面是必须的。这些物质就是现在大家说的维生素,维生素对人体的生长健康和保持日常功能非常重要。 平衡膳食应该提供所有日常生活所必需的维生素。我们当中那些可以买到足够食物的幸运儿,不应该缺乏维生素。然而,出于多种原因,有些人不能保持平衡的饮食。有些人经常因为疾病而失去胃口。有些人独立生活懒得去准备和吃合理的膳食,还有一些减肥的人可能不会吃足够的,必需的食物

organizational[,?:ɡ?nai'zei??n?l, -ni'z-] a.组织(上)的 goal[ɡ?ul] n.1.目的,目标;2.得分进球,球门

objective [?b'd?ektiv, ?b-] n.目标,目的;a.1.客观的,真实的;2如实的,无偏见的

accomplish[?'k?mpli?, ?'k?m-] vt.完成(任务等) predict[pri'dikt] vt./vi.预言;预示

accompany[?'k?mp?ni] vt.1.伴随,陪同;2.为……伴奏

implement['implim?nt, 'impliment] vt.实现;完成(任务等);履行(协定、诺言等)



suboptimization[s?b,?ptimai-'zei??n, -mi'z-]n.局部最优化(指使整体目标中的某个选定目标圆满实现)

trade-off n.1.(对不能同时兼顾的因素)权衡;2物物交换 argue ['ɑɡju:]vt./vi.争辨,争论,辩论;vt.1.说服;2用辩论证明 budget ['b?d?it] n.预算;vt.1.把……编入预算;2安排,预定 scheme[ski:m]n.计划;方案;vt./vi.计划,策划 define[di'fain]vt.1.解释,给……下定义;2限定,规定 multiple['m?ltipl]a.多样的,复合的;n.倍数

precedent[pri'si:d?nt, 'presi-]n.先例,前例


simplify ['simplifai] vt.简化

correctness [k?'rektnis] n.正确,正确性

tendency['tend?nsi] n.趋势,倾向



maker ['meik?] n.制造者;制造商

achievement [?'t?i:vm?nt] n.1.完成,达到;2成就,成绩 attain [?'tein] vt.达到;完成 optimal['?ptim?l] a.最适宜的;最理想的


ongoing['?n,ɡ?ui?, '?:n-] a.进行中的,前进的 entity['ent?ti]n.1.存在,实体;2统一性 skilled[skild] a.熟练的;有技能的 in the way 挡路;碍事 make a guess at 猜测

and the like 等等,诸如此类 seek to 追求,争取in part 部分地,在某种程度上 point of view 观点

interview ['int?vju:] vt./n.1.面谈,采访;2面试,口试 criticism['kriti,siz?m] n.批评;评论

candidate['k?ndideit, -d?t] n.1.候选人,候补者;2应试者 vague [veiɡ] a.含糊的;不明确的 notion ['n?u??n] 1. 概念;2.想法,看法

prospect['pr?spekt] n.1.展望,景象;2[常pl.]前景,前程


speechless['spi:t?lis]a.1.不会说话的2不说话的 clarification ['kl?rifi'kei??n]n.澄清,阐明

correspondence [,k?:ris'p?nd?ns] n.1.符合,一致;2通信 photocopy ['f?ut?,k?pi] vt./n.1.复印,影印;2照相复制本 resume [ri'zju:m, -'zu:m] n.1.摘要,梗概;2个人简历 inefficiency[,ini'fi??nsi] n.无效;效能差 neat [ni:t]a.整洁的;简洁的;整齐的

conservative [k?n's?:v?tiv] a.1.保存的,防腐的;2守的,守旧的 punk [p??k] n.1.(俚)阿飞;2.朋克(60年代以来英国、美国的年轻人中的颓废派);a.颓废派的 miniskirt ['minisk?:t] n.超短裙

community[k?'mju:niti] n.社区;共同体

panel ['p?nl] n.专门小组

unattractive [,?n?'tr?ktiv]a.无吸引力的;不引人注意的

intimidate[in'timideit] vt.恐吓,恫吓

indifference[in'dif?r?ns] n.冷漠;不感兴趣(to)

clutch [kl?t?] vt./vi.抓住,握紧

interviewer ['int?vju:?] n.接见者;面谈者


personality[,p?:s?'n?l?ti] n. 个性;人格;品格

painful['peinfl] a.1.痛苦的;2费力的





