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Say the chant My horse is beautiful. My dog is too. My fish is ugly. My bird is blue.

My cat is young, and my mouse is gray. Here are our pets, on pet show day.

补充语言:One chair, two chairs. One book, two books.

One pencil, two pencils. One mouse, two mice.

* Sing the song Meera: My name’s Meera, and this is my fish. It’s a long fish. It’s a long fish.

Lenny: My name’s Lenny, and this is my bird. It’s a happy


bird. It’s a happy bird.

Stella: My name’s Stella, and this is my cat. It’s a clean cat. It’s a clean cat.

Suzy: My name’s Suzy, and this is my dog. It’s a big dog.

It’s a big dog.

Mrs Star: My name’s Mrs Star, and this is my horse. It’s a

beautiful horse. it’s a beautiful horse.

Simon: My name’s Simon, and this is my mouse. It’s a small mouse.

Suzy: it’s an ugly mouse.

Simon: No, it’ isn’t. Stella: It’s a dirty mouse. Meera: It’s a short mouse. Lenny: It’s a small



All: Yes, it’s a small mouse. Simon: Yes, it is.

Unit6 My face

Words: ear, 耳朵 eye, 眼睛 face, 脸 nose, 鼻子 tooth--teeth, 牙齿 mouth, 嘴巴

head, 头 shoulder, 肩膀 knee, 膝盖

toe, 脚趾 hair头发 Sentences:重点句型:

1.I’ve got two eyes.我有两只眼睛。

2.I ‘ve got a big nose and six small ears. 我有一个大鼻子和六只小耳朵。


3.A Have you got a big mouth? 你有一张大嘴吗?

B:Yes, I have. 是的,我有。

4.A Have you got a big nose? 你有一张大嘴吗?

B:No,I haven’t. 不,我没有。 补充语言: Trevor, (Troll ) friends, 山妖 朋友 *P35 Activity3 Say the chant Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Sing the song 实用文案

I’m a very ugly monster, I’m a very ugly monster, I’m a very ugly monster,

I’ve got six dirty ears. Yes, I have.

I’ve got pink hair, and my eyes are red. I’ve got a blue nose, and a purple head.

I’ve got a green mouth, and my teeth are blue. My name’s Slime. Who are you?

I’m a very ugly monster, I’m a very ugly monster, I’m a very ugly monster,

I’ve got six dirty ears. I’ve got six dirty ears. Yes, I have.

Unit7 Wild animal

Wild animals:野生动物 giraffe, 长颈鹿 elephant,


大象 hippo 河马 crocodile, 鳄鱼 monkey, 猴子 snake, 蛇 tiger 老虎 hand, 手 foot--feet, 脚 leg, 腿 arm胳膊 tail, 尾巴 move, 动一动 dance, 跳舞 shake, 摇摆 smile, 笑容 laugh 大笑 Sentences:重点句型:

They’ve got two hands. 它们有两只手。 They haven’t got_________.它们没有...

Sing the song Animals, animals, big and small. Animals, animals, short and tall.

Animals, animals, dirty and clean. Animals, animals, brown and green.


Come on, children, sing along, Sing and move to the animals song.

Let’s all do the hippo show,(3) Move your hands and feet.

Let’s all do the elephant dance,(3) Move your arms and legs.

Let’s all do the snake shake, move your head and tail.

Let’s all do the crocodile smile, (3) Show your big white teeth.

Let’s all do the giraffe laugh, (3) Open your big clean mouth.


Unit8 My clothes

clothes: T-shirt, T恤 skirt, 短裙 socks, 短袜

shoes, 鞋子 jacket, 夹克 trousers长裤

Centences: 重点句型:

He’s got a blue jacket. 他偶一件蓝夹克。 She’s got a pink skirt. 她有一件粉色的短裙。 He hasn’t got a red jacket. 他没有一件红夹克。 she hasn’t got a blue skirt.她没有一件蓝短裙。 She’s got yellow socks. ( ) He’s got clean white shoes.( )



I’ve got blue trousers, and a green T-shirt. I’ve got a brown jacket, and a purple skirt. I’ve got red shoes, and long pink socks. They’re on the floor, next to my box. *P49 Activity9 Sing the song. He’s got a blue jacket in his hands, a blue jacket. He’s got a blue jacket in his hands, a jacket in his hands.

He’s got a purple ball in his hands, a purple ball. He’s got a purple ball in his hands, a ball in his hands. She’s got a yellow sock in her hands, a yellow sock. She’s got a yellow sock in her hands, a sock in her hands.


She’s got a pink pencil in her hands, a pink pencil. She’s got a pink pencil in her hands, a pencil in her hands.

Unit 9 Fun time

Words: fun,乐趣 time, 时间 play, 玩 piano, 钢琴guitar, 吉他 basketball,篮球 tennis,网球 football, 足球 ride, 骑 bike, 自行车 swim, 游泳

Phrase: ride a bike.骑自行车 play tennis. 打网球 play basketball. 打篮球 swim. 游泳 play football. 踢足球 play the guitar. 弹吉他 drive a car. 开车 Setences:重点句型:


