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第一部分 听力





四、听句子,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. family B. flower ( ) 2. A. these B. those ( ) 3. A. Miss B. Mrs. ( ) 4. A. Dinner time B. Lunch time ( ) 5. A. your name B. my name 五、听录音,用1,2,3,4,5,6给下列句子排序。 ( ) What are those? They’re trees. ( ) Who’s he? He’s my brother.

( ) Look at the moon! Oh, it’s big and bright.

C. sofa C. this C. Mr.

C. Breakfast Time C. his name

( ) What’s your father? He’s a doctor. ( ) It’s so cold. Put on your coat. ( ) Have some milk, please. OK. 六、听问句,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. It's bright. B. It's round. ( ) 2. A. Thank you. B. All right.

( ) 3. A. Here you are. B. Thanks, I like pies. ( ) 4. A. She's a student. B. She's my sister.


第二部分 笔试

七、选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. father B. mother ( ) 2. A. sweater B. sweet ( ) 3. A. rice B. juice ( ) 4. A. bean B. bee ( ) 5. A. door B. window ( ) 6. A. bread B. hot dog

C. butterfly C. skirt C. nice C. bird C. doll

C. hamburger


( ) 1. The bell is _____ Mary _____ Tom. A. in, at ( ) 2. What’s this? It’s _____. A. a blue T-shirt ( ) 3. A hot dog _____ cheese, please. A. in ( ) 4. _____ is she? She’s a nurse. A. Who ( ) 5. We can see carrots and beans _____ the market. A. at ( ) 6. Birds _____ singing _____ the trees. A. are, in ( ) 7. Rice _____ nice. I _____ rice. A. are, look ( ) 8. Who’s he? _____ my brother. A. She’s ( ) 9. What are these? _____ beans. A. They are ( ) 10. Look at the _____. Oh, it’s red and big. A. pear ( ) 11. Have some _____. OK, thanks. A. bananas ( ) 12. Is this _____ ant? _____, it isn’t. A. a, Yes 九、根据图片选出合适的单词。

B. for, and B. with B. What B. for B. is, at B. is, like B. He’s B. It’s B. apple B. banana B. an, No


B. T-shirt 十、情景问答。

( )1. 你想问他是谁时,你应该说________ A. What’s he? B. Who’s he? ( )2. 你想问她是做什么工作的,可以问________ A. Who’s she? B. What’s she? ( )3. 天气很冷,你想关窗户可以说________

A. Close the window, please. B. Clean the window, please. ( )4. 天气很热,妈妈可能会说________

A. Put on your sweater. B. Put on your skirt. ( )5. 你想买一些牛奶,可以说________ A. Some milk, please. B. Have some milk, please. ( )6. 你请别人吃一些面包,可以说________

A. Have some bread, please. B. Some bread, please. ( )7. 你想给别人东西,可以说________ A. Thank you. B. Here you are. ( )8. 想送对方一个礼物,可以说________ A. Thank you. B. The gift is for you. ( )9. 妈妈叫你擦书桌,可以说________

A. Clean the table, please. B. Clean the desk, please. ( )10. 爸爸叫你擦餐桌,你可以回答________ A. All right. B. Clean the table, please. ( )11. 你想问这些是什么,可以说________ A. What are these? B. What’s this? ( )12. 你想知道那个东西是什么,可以问_______ A. What’s that? B. What are those? 十一、看问句,选答句。 ( ) Merry Christmas! 1. They are tomatoes.

( ) It’s hot. Put on your T-shirt. 2. OK. Thanks. I like cakes. ( ) What are those? 3. Merry Christmas! ( ) Have some cakes, please. 4. All right. ( ) A pencil, please.

5. Here you are.




一、听录音,用1,2,3,??,15给下列图片标上序号。 1. teacher 2. star 3. potato 4. T-shirt 5. hot dog 6. cake 7. sweater 8. butterfly 9. tomato 10. cook 11. flower 12. skirt 13. sweet 14. hamburger 15. sun 二、听录音,判断图片内容是否正确,对的画上“√”,错的画上“×”。 1. What's he? He's a worker.

2. What are these? They're carrots. 3. Take off your sweater. 4. Clean the door, please.

5. Have some bread, please. OK. Thanks. 6. Who's she? She's my grandma. 三、听录音,连线。 1. The bell is for dad.

2. Look at the rice, Nancy.

3. Have some juice, grandpa. Thank you. 4. The red packet is for Helen. 5. The balloon is for Miss Li. 6. The chocolate is for David.

四、听句子,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 1. I have got a sweet family. 2. Those are potatoes. 3. This is Mr. Lee.

4. At dinner time, Mum says, “Have some rice.” 5. My name is Helen.

五、听录音,用1,2,3,4,5,6给下列句子排序。 1. What’s your father? He’s a doctor. 2. What are those? They’re trees. 3. Have some milk, please. OK.

4. Look at the moon! Oh, it’s big and bright. 5. Who’s he? He’s my brother. 6. It’s so cold. Put on your coat. 六、听问句,选答句。 1. Look at the star!

2. Clean the floor, please. 3. 3 pies, please. 4. Who's she?




