图7-4 设备属性设置
图7-5 编写脚本程序
致 谢
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附 录A
The design, documentation and maintenance of PLC software
By ChrisduToit, WSP Consulting Engineers
There are a little of books, courses or training manuals on the design, documentation and maintenance of programmable logic control (PLC) software. Many people are also keep the opinion that if PLC software works (i.e. it performs its intended function), it is good software and if it does not work, it is bad software. If software is written for an application where it will be commissioned and never touched again (neither for alterations nor for fault-finding), the effectiveness thereof can essentially be measured by how good the control is. Such applications however are few and far between, and do not warrants further discussion. By far the vast majority of software applications are used where someone (usually not the designer) will access it for fault-finding and/or alterations. There are applications where modifications must be made to an existing PLC (which might be relatively full in terms of memory capacity) or there might be an application in a new PLC where memory capacity is limited. In such cases the effectiveness of the software is measured by its effective use of available memory. Other good software principles might therefore have to be scarified cud in order to provide software for minimum memory consumption.
In most Cases however, memory is relatively cheap and therefore not a huge problem. We can thus concentrate on the issues related to the majority of PLC applications.
Many other areas can still be defined if required. The principle however, shows that specific data areas are reserved for specific functions. The advantage is that if one has to add to the software, one knows in which areas of the database to look for spare words, registers, if les or coils, rather than searching through an entire database consisting of very haphazard allocations. In some PLCs these data areas can even be made “local” to a specific section of software code. This will ensure that data from one area cannot accidentally be used in the wrong area. Similarly, by merely looking at an address, one can tell whether the data comes from a radio telemetry system, another PLC, a SCADA system or whether it was generated within the software code. External devices such as SCADA systems, radio telemetry systems and other PLCs on a network can then also be configured in a standard way for data exchange. All these factors contribute to quality control as well as the ease and speed with which software can be evaluated and/or modified.
Flags, outputs or coils generated internally should be annotated to describe the function it actually performs, and not the function it will eventually perform. For example, if a bit has to be set when several interlocks are healthy, and this bit is then later used to start a pump, the bit should be annotated as “All Interlocks Healthy”, rather than “Start Pump”. This will
ensure that when someone else evaluates the software, he can see what causes that particular bit to be on or off, rather than having to search for the code which controls it, to establish how it functions.