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注意事项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项: 1 .本试卷共8页,满分为120分,考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2 .答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、 考试证号用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上指定的位 置。 3 .答案必须按要求填涂、书写在答题卡上,在试卷、草稿纸上答题一律无效。 第I卷共45小题,请将答案按要求写在答题卡上。 一、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题l分,满分15分)


1. Our teacher suggests us that watching TV at

most hour a day during the winter

holiday. A. the; a

B. a; an

C.不填;a D.不填;an

2. — I hear that John has gone to Japan for a visit. Do you know it? -He made no of his journey before.

A. memory

B. mention

C. member D. message

a way to solve the problem of Diaoyu Island.

B. put off

now is much

C. come up with

higher than

of 100

D. come out of

years ago because of more

and more

3. We hope our country can

A. catch up with 4. The temperature

greenhouse gas. A. this

5. Wu Bing is remembered

B. that C. it

the most beautiful driver

D. one

because he devoted his life



A. for; into

B. as; to C. for; to D. as; into

6. 一 How much are the two pairs of trousers?

—They are not expensive. I think one hundred dollars A. is 7.

B. are

C. were


D. was

一 Be quiet, the head teacher Mr. Gu is coming.

-Don't worry. It A. mustn 't

be him. Mr. Gu is much fatter. B. may not

C. needn't

D. can't


一 When did Prince William and ate get married?


A. have married

for about two years.

B. have been married

C. got married she?

D. have got married


一 My cousin often has nothing for breakfast,

A. has; Yes

B. doesn't; No

.Because she often gets up late and is afraid of being late for school.

C. does; No

,so I took them both.

D. hasn't; Yes

10. — I don't know which skirt was

- Yes, it's really difficult to choose.

A. better B. well

C. best

she bought a used one. C. Since

D. good

11. The young girl couldn't afford a new car.

A. Besides 12.

B. Otherwise

D. Instead

一 What is Mom cooking in the kitchen?

—Fish, I guess. How nice it! A. looks

B. smells

C. sounds

D. tastes

No. If I go home, I ll have to take ride. Wd ll have holiday in June. Will you go home? A. a one-week; seven days

C. a one-week; a seven days ' 14. 一 Could you show me?


A. what can I do with the bike C. which was the way to the zoo

B. how I could do with the bike D. where he lives


B. an one- week; a seven day ' s D. an one- week' s; a seven days

15. 一 I believe we ve

.It's the first time I ve been here.

met here before.

C. I don 't think so D. I believe so

A. it isn 't the same B. it's true

完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 上将该项涂黑。

Mary' s dime(一毛钱)

It was Sunday afternoon. I decided to clean up the room nicely so that my parents would feel

when they returned from a long ride! Then, I sat in the room, having nothing to do.

What else could I do? Then, with no reason, I suddenly 17 the pale face of that little beggar( 乞 丐)girl. I could see the glad light

18 her eyes when I put the dime in her little dirty hand.



How much I 19 that dime, too! Grandpa gave it to me a whole month ago, and I had kept it ever since in my red box upstairs, but those

sugar apples looked so attractive, and were so a dime a piece — that I wanted to have one.

I could imagine the little girl stood there in front of the

22 that were put all in a row in the window. I wonder what I should say, I gently asked. She felt 23 and looked straight at me, just as if

to her before. She realized what I had meant, so she said seriously and sadly. of those delicious hamburgers would 25 . I haven ' t had anything to eat today.

21 in her old dirty dress, looking at the

“ Little girl, what do you want?

d以乎) nobody had spoken so _24




— only

Now I thought to myself, “Mary Williams, you have had a good breakfast and a good lunch today, 26— this poor girl has not had a

mouthful yet. You can give her your more than you do.”

I could not run away from that little girl

' s sad, look - so I dropped the dime right into her


She needs it a great deal

hand. How 29 the girl was! I am so glad I gave her the dime, 30 I had to go without the apple lying there in the window. 16. A. disturbed 17. A. saw

B. unhappy

C. forgot

C. attracting C. missed C. satisfied

D. interested D. described

D . touching D. noticed

B. remembered

B. protecting B. loved

18. A. filling 19. A. hated

20. A. valuable 21. A. market 22. A. dresses 23. A. surprised 24. A. happily 25. A. taste 26. A. since 27. A. apple 28. A. proud

B. meaningful B. library B. magazines B. excited B. kindly B. sound B. so

B. hamburger

B. angry

C. expensive

C. store C. books C. pleased C. angrily C. feel C. and C. dime C. calm

D. cheap

D. bookshop D. candies D. worried D. sadly D. smell D. but

D. candy

D. hungry

29. A. grateful 30. A. unless

B. unlucky B. if

C. lonely C. though

D. friendly D. because

三、阅读理解 (本题共 15 小题;每小题

2 分,满分 30 分 )

A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡

请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 上将该项涂黑。


Are you an only-child in your family? Are you feeling alone at home? How are you dealing with it?

hang Luwen, 12, feels lucky to have a 4-year- old “ brother ” . “ With hiemv,eIrnfeel lonely at home. He goes with me wherever I go, ” said the girl of Sichuan Province. But it is not easy to be a sister. hang has to help her parents bath her “ brother ” every week. This is because he— is hhaeiryis a dog.

As the number of pet owners in China grows more and more, Chinese students have animal friends at home. Experts say that these small animals give these only-children lessons in love, care, teamwork and generosity.

This month, the first study on the influence of pets on the children came out. It is a survey of 402 Beijing primary school students. It shows that animal friends are good for children.

China had more than 90 million only-children by 2006, according to the government. “In families of three, most children feel lonely. They don ’t have many chances to learn how to love and be responsible for others, ” said hou ia in the study group. with the problem. ”

However, some students complain that their parents don ’t allow them to have pets. “They are afraid a pet would stop me studying, ” said Chen Qi, of Chongqing.

Perhaps he could learn from Qin Yixing, 13, of Beijing. “I don ’t play with my dog until I have finished my homework. I made the promise to my mom and I must keep it, ” said the girl.

31. According to the passage, experts think _____________ .

A. it is good for students to have animal friends at home B. only-children families in China will be fewer and fewer C. small animals at home are bad for students

D. parents should buy more pet animals for their children 32. What can we learn from the passage?

A. hang Luwen ’s parents bath every week.

B. hou ia thinks a pet animal can solve the problem that children feel lonely. C. Chen Qi of Chongqing has got a pet animal.

D. Qin Yixing ’s parents don ’t want her to have a pet.

“So having a pet can help



