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2020最新七年级英语上册 Unit 8 综合水平测试 (新版)人教新目标版(考试专用)

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Unit 8 综合水平测试

(时间:90分钟 分值:100分)

卷Ⅰ (选择题60分)

一、听力(本题有15小题,第一、二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分;共计20分) 第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。每段对话仅读一遍。

( )1.What is on May 12th?

A.The school art festival. B.The school soccer game. C.The school trip.

( )2. What activity does Bill have on September 20th? A.A volleyball game. B.A baseball game. C.A basketball game.

( )3. When is Jack's birthday?

A.On October 26th. B.On November 26th. C.On December 26th.

( )4. Who likes to play tennis?

A.Alan. B.Frank. C.Peter. ( )5. What does Alice like?

A.English Day. B.School Day. C.Sports Day.


听下面一段较长对话,回答第6~7两个小题。 ( )6.How old is Lily?

A.11. B.12. C.13. ( )7.When is Lily's birthday?

A.On December 1st. B.On December 21st. C.On December 31st.


( )8.What does Grace have at her school on August 16th? A.A basketball game. B.A soccer game. C.A volleyball game.

( )9.When does Grace have a book sale?

A.On March 24th. B.On March 25th. C.On March 26th.

( )10.What activity does Grace like?

A.English Day. B.The art festival. C.Sports Day.


( )11.When is Jack's birthday?

A.On February 2nd. B.On March 21st. C.On April 21st.


( )12. What sport does Jack like?

A.Basketball. B.Baseball. C.Tennis.

( )13. What activity does Jack have on May 6th? A.A soccer game. B.A baseball game. C.A basketball game. ( )14. How old is Tim?

A.Fourteen. B.Fifteen. C.Sixteen.

( )15. When is the volleyball game at Tim's school? A.On May 16th. B.On May 26th. C.On June 16th.


阅读下面对话,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I am a twelve-year-old girl. I am a middle school __16__. Now I'm in Class 5, Grade 2. My birthday is on June 1st. It's the __17__ day of the __18__ month. It's also the __19__ Day. My parents always have a birthday __20__ for me on that day. __21__ friends and classmates come to my party. They give me __22__ of birthday presents. We sing and dance together. The happiest thing for me is to cut (切) the birthday __23__. I cut it into many __24__ and give __25__ a piece. We are all very happy at the party.

( )16.A.classmate B.student C.students D.boy

( ) 17.A.one B.first C.second D.third ( ) 18.A.fourth B.fifth C.sixth D.third ( ) 19.A.Teachers' B.Women's C.Children's D.Doctors' ( ) 20.A.present B.party C.day D.meeting

( ) 21.A.Much B.Every C.Many D.Any ( ) 22.A.lots B.lot C.many D.any ( ) 23.A.party B.cake C.bread D.hamburger

( ) 24.A.piece B.pieces C.cakes D.cake ( ) 25.A.everyone B.all C.someone D.some 三、阅读理解。(本题有15小题,每小题2分;共计30分)



Student Tracy, 12 Favorite star Name:Lu Han Birthday:April 20th, 2

1990 Likes:sports, singing He acts in several films (电影). Name:Deng Ziqi English name:G.E.M. David, 13 Birthday:August 16th, 1991 Likes:music She has a lot of concerts(音乐会). Simon, 13 Name:Zhao Liying English name:Zanilia 3

Birthday:October 16th, 1987 Likes:acting She has a lot of TV series (电视剧) and films. ( )26.Lu Han is ________ favorite star.

A.David's B.Tracy's C.Simon's D.Frank's ( )27.G.E.M.'s birthday is on ________. A.March 6th B.April 20th C.August 16th D.October 16th

( )28.Zanilia is ________ English name. A.Lu Han's B.Deng Ziqi's C.Zhao Liying's D.Zhao Wei's ( )29.Zhao Liying likes ________.

A.basketball B.soccer C.music D.acting ( )30.What do we know from the material (材料)? A.David is a student.

B.Lu Han has a lot of concerts. C.Zanilia was born in 1991.

D.Simon likes G.E.M. very much.


I'm Bob. We have a really fun term.Do you love volleyball? On September 7th, we have a volleyball game at four in the afternoon.It's interesting for me.My teacher says we can see some great volleyball stars.In October,we have a school trip.It's relaxing for us.In November,we have an art festival and an English party.The art festival is on November 3rd.The English party is on November 18th.It's in our classroom.Sally's birthday is on December 11th.I want to buy a white model plane for her.Tim wants to buy a book.She must be happy.

( )31.Bob's school has a ________ on September 7th. A.soccer game B.volleyball game C.basketball game D.tennis game

( )32.The school trip is ________ for Bob.


A.boring B.interesting C.relaxing D.difficult

( )33.The art festival is on ________. A.September 7th B.October 5th

C.November 18th D.November 3rd ( )34.The English party is ________.

A.in the library B.in the classroom C.in Sally's room D.in the store

( )35.Bob wants to buy ________ for Sally. A.a model plane B.a book C.a radio D.a birthday cake


Dear Ken, How are you?I'm very busy this month.We have many events at school.The basketball game and volleyball game are on December 10th and 15th.I like them very much.We also have a music festival in December.And we have a pop concert on December 20th.The speech contest is on December 22th.And next month,we'll have an art festival.

By the way,today is Friday,December the second.Tomorrow is my birthday.Mom and Dad will have a birthday party for me.Would you like to come tomorrow?

Yours, Ben

( )36.In which month is the art festival? A.January. B.February. C.November. D.December. ( )37.When is Ben's birthday?

A.December 1th. B.December 2th. C.December 3th. D.December 4th. ( )38.Which event is NOT in December?

A.The basketball game. B.The music festival. C.The art festival. D.The pop concert. ( )39.When is the speech contest?

A.December 10th and 15th. B.December 20th. C.December 22th. D.December 2th. ( )40.Who is busy this month?

A.Ken. B.Ben. C.Ben's mom. D.Ben's dad.

卷Ⅱ (非选择题40分)



one, trip, test, student, month

41.We have two English ________ every month. 42.My dog is only six ________ old.

43.National Day is on the ________ day of October. 44.All these boys and girls are my ________.


2020最新七年级英语上册 Unit 8 综合水平测试 (新版)人教新目标版(考试专用)


