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微软Kubernetes学习资料[需墙] - 图文 

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Step 2?? ?Understand secrets

management in Kubernetes

Securely deploy and manage sensitive information such as passwords and certificates

5 minutes, 5 seconds

Getting production ready in Kubernetes

Put Kubernetes services into production, plus see why CI/CD, monitoring, and failover planning are important

5 minutes, 44 seconds

Getting started with monitoring and alerting

Set up and customize alerts and monitoring for apps, and integrate metrics to operate apps more reliably

7 minutes, 6 seconds

How Kubernetes and config management work

Learn management practices and topics like ConfigMaps, rollout of configurations, and templating

6 minutes, 53 seconds

How service meshes work in Kubernetes

Get a quick overview of services meshes, what they provide, and why you would want one in your application

6 minutes, 21 seconds

How pods and the pod

lifecycle work in Kubernetes

Understand what happens when you create a pod—the atomic unit of scheduling

7 minutes, 47 seconds

Understand role-based

access control in Kubernetes

Ensure that people working on a project don’t interfere with each other’s work by setting up a proper RBAC system

7 minutes, 14 seconds

Simple app management on Kubernetes with operators

Adopt a cloud-native paradigm for managing apps in clusters and simplify management with core operator concepts

5 minutes, 40 seconds

Customizing, extending API with admission controllers

Add new and unique capabilities to your cluster by modifying how API objects are validated or created

6 minutes, 22 seconds

hereStep 3??Day 6-15Azure Kubernetes Service core concepts

Learn how infrastructure components, access and identity, security, network, storage, and scaling function in AKS in these technical articles. Each article covers a specific topic and only takes a few minutes to read, so you can understand the basics of Kubernetes in no time.

Click for access to all articles

6 articles = 45 minutes

Click for introductory module

6 module units = 25 minutes

hereStep 3? ?Clusters and workloads

See how infrastructure components like the control plane, nodes, and node pools work in AKS—along with workload resources like pods and sets

15 minutes

Network concepts for apps

Provide networking to your applications in AKS, including services, Azure virtual networks, ingress controllers, and network policies

9 minutes

Access and identity

Authenticate and assign permissions in AKS using Kubernetes service accounts, AAD integration, role-based access control, Roles and ClusterRoles, and RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings

4 minutes

Storage options for apps

Store applications in AKS using volumes, persistent volumes, storage classes, and persistent volume chains

6 minutes

App and cluster security

Safeguard your applications in AKS with master components security, node security, cluster upgrades, network security, and Kubernetes secrets

5 minutes

Scaling options for apps

Scale applications in AKS using manual scale, horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA), cluster autoscaler, and Azure Container Instance (ACI) integration

6 minutes

hereDay 16-20Kubernetes training webinars

Take a deep dive into specific Kubernetes use cases in these technical, on-demand webinars led by distinguished engineers, program

managers, and developers. Plus, hear answers to real-life questions from others who are learning and applying Kubernetes.

8 webinars = 462 minutes

6 article, 45 minuteshereStep 4??Step 4? ?Get Kubernetes up and running

See where to begin and find out how to simplify day-to-day operations with a managed Kubernetes service

50 minutes

Apply best practices for cluster management

Learn about multi-tenancy, logical isolation with namespaces, and cluster and image security to use AKS optimally

60 minutes

Manage microservices with Azure API Management

Get comprehensive examples and learn when and why to use API Management in your organization

60 minutes

Kubernetes anywhere with Azure Arc Preview

Manage, govern, and secure your

Kubernetes clusters across on-premises, edge, and cloud environments

50 minutes

Project design and layout for successful Kubernetes apps

Prepare your application for Kubernetes and organize for a weekly or daily release following these file system layouts

64 minutes

Build event-driven containers with Azure Functions

Take advantage of events on any cloud-native application with these

architectures, patterns, and best practices

60 minutes

Secure Kubernetes clusters

Keep your AKS cluster running with the latest OS security updates and Kubernetes releases as well as secure pod traffic and access to sensitive credentials

58 minutes

Manage Kubernetes clusters with built-in best practices

Learn how Azure solutions can identify potential issues and provide actionable recommendations for your clusters

60 minutes


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