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人教高中英语选修八同步作业:nit Inventor and invention单元跟踪测评 含答案

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Unit 3 单元跟踪测评

(总分:150分 时间:120分钟)


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1.What does the woman want the man to do? A.Plan his budget carefully. B.Give her more information. C.Buy a gift for his girlfriend. 答案 B

2.What will the woman most probably do? A.She'll have some chocolate cake. B.She'll go without dessert. C.She'll take a look at the menu. 答案 B

3.What will the man do first after class? A.Go to the library. B.Meet the woman. C.See Professor Smith. 答案 C

4.What will the woman probably do? A.Have someone repair the fridge. B.Leave the fridge as it is now. C.Buy another fridge. 答案 A

5.What does Peter mean?

A.He tries new things once in a long while. B.He never tries new things. C.He often tries new things. 答案 A



听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Who is the woman's favorite writer? A.Jane Austen. B.Charles Dickens. C.Hemingway. 答案 A

7.Which of the following books is the man's favorite? A.Harry Potter. B.Sense and Sensibility. C.Pride and Prejudice. 答案 B

听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What is the actress Catherine known for? A.Her surpassing acting.

B.Her participation in social activities. C.Her incredible beauty. 答案 A

9.When will The Terminal be shown? A.A quarter to six. B.A quarter past six. C.Half past six. 答案 B


10.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a bank. B.In a hotel. C.At the airport. 答案 A

11.What might happen if Mr Brown takes the unused RMB back to his home country? A.It will cause a lot of trouble. B.He will break the law.

C.He will lose the large sum of RMB. 答案 B

12.What is the exchange rate between RMB and USD according to the conversation? A.7. C.6.8. 答案 A


13.What is the airport like according to the man? A.A hotel. C.A madhouse. 答案 C

14.Why does the man want a one-way ticket to New York? A.He will live in New York forever. B.He will not do business in Los Angeles.

C.He hates Los Angeles and does not want to be there again. 答案 C

15.How would the man like to pay for the ticket? A.In cash. B.By credit card. C.With a check. 答案 A

16.What did the man order during his last flight? A.Some cigarettes. B.A special salad. C.A toast. 答案 B

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17.What is Internet shopping also referred to as? A.E-shopping. C.E-retailer. 答案 B

18.What did the Seattle-based company begin selling online in 1996? A.Gifts. B.Books. C.Videos. 答案 B

19.What should you do if you want a list of every book your favorite author has ever written?

A.Visit Amazon.com.

B.E-commerce. B.A market. B.8.25.

B.Sign up online. C.Click the mouse. 答案 A

20.How can you pay in Internet shopping according to this passage? A.With a check. B.By credit card. C.In cash. 答案 B 听力原文 第一节 Text 1

M:Hello, Maria. W:Hi, Steven.

M:Christmas is round the corner and I'm looking for a gift for my girlfriend.Any suggestions?

W:Well, you have to tell me something about your girlfriend first.Also, what's your budget?

Text 2

W:What would you like for dessert?

M:I think I'll have an apple pie and an ice cream.What about you?

W:The chocolate cake looks great.But I have to watch my weight. You go ahead and get yours.

M:Oh, poor baby! Text 3

M:Professor Smith asked me to go to his office after class. So it is impossible for me to make it to the bar at 10:00.

W:Then it seems we'll have to meet an hour later at the library. M:OK, see you then.Bye. W:Bye. Text 4

M:Wow, your fridge is really noisy. W:Just leave it alone.It doesn't matter.

M:You know, though I am not an expert, that noise in your fridge doesn't sound right.Maybe you should have it fixed.

W:You are right. And I suppose I have put it off long enough. Text 5

W:You've never heard of bubble tea? I can not believe it!

M:Ha ha, is it that surprising? Actually, sometimes I wish I could go with you guys.You know, so I could learn more about the Chinese culture.

W:Really? Peter, I thought you are not interested in trying new things.

M:Aw…Come on, Julia.Even I'll admit that it's fun to try new things once in a blue moon.

第二节 Text 6

W:Have you read Harry Potter before? M:No, but my little brother likes it very much. W:It is really a wonderful book.You will like it, too. M:Actually, I like literature very much.

W:Wow, that sounds like a scholar.⑥By the way, who is your favorite writer? M:⑥Jane Austen.

W:⑥Me too.Pride and Prejudice is my favorite.

M:I like it, too.⑦But Sense and Sensibility is my favorite. Text 7

W:Hey, how about getting together for a movie tonight? M:Sure.Let me check the newspaper.What about The Terminal?

W:Wow, it stars Catherine Zeta-Jones, my favorite actress.She was in a lot of dramas.She is so beautiful and elegant and ⑧she is famous for her fine acting.

M:Well, birds of a feather flock together.I like her, too.She does not have any scandals and she likes to take part in charitable activities.

W:Who is the director?

M:Steven Spielberg.Another superstar.

W:Yes, a legend, also.I still remember, his movies, Jurassic Park and Schindler's List got him nine Oscar awards in 1994.

M:Can you introduce the story of The Terminal briefly? W:It tells a romantic and humorous love story. M:This is a really exciting movie.Let's go to this one.

W:⑨Oh, it is 5:45.It will be on half an hour later. We had better go right away. Text 8

W:Hello.Are you Mr Brown? ⑩You were here last week and exchanged 10,000 dollars for RMB.

M:Yes.Good memory! I am here to trouble you again. W:No trouble at all.What can I do for you?

M:I have got about 42,000 yuan unused.I wonder whether I could take it along with me to my home country.

人教高中英语选修八同步作业:nit Inventor and invention单元跟踪测评 含答案


