Chapter 4 – Foundations of Decision Making
Chapter Four: Foundations of Decision Making
Multiple Choice Questions
1. __________ is not one of the eight steps in the decision making process. a. Identifying the problem b. Analyzing alternative solutions c. Implementing the decision d. Delegating the decision making 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Which of the following sequences is correct for the decision-making Process? a. Identify decision criteria, analyze alternatives, allocate weights to criteria b. Analyze alternatives, select an alternative, implement the alternative c. Select an alternative, evaluate decision effectiveness, weight the criteria d. Analyze alternatives, develop alternatives, allocate weights to criteria Once a problem is formulated, the next step is to a. Select an alternative
b. List all possible Solutions c. Observe a discrepancy
d. Decide what is critical in the decision
When a manager who is contemplating all the features a new purchase should have prioritizes the most important, he or she is practicing a. selection of criteria b. problem formulation c. weighting of criteria d. analyzing alternatives
After implementation has been accomplished a. The decision-making process is complete
b. The control function of management become important c. The alternatives are ranked
d. The manager must complete written evaluation forms
When a plant manager who is trying to reduce turnover of production workers notices that turnover has decreased by 10 percent four months after he instituted a new training program, at which step in the rational decision-making process is this manager? a. Identify the problem.
b. Evaluate the decision criteria. c. Analyze the alternatives. d. Evaluate the results.
According to the concept of bounded rationality, decision makers are limited by _______.
a. less than complete information b. environment c. time
d. All of the above.
8. __________ is selecting the first minimally acceptable alternative. a. Bounded rationality b. Unbounded rationality c. Satisficing d. Rational decision-making 9.
Suppose that you need a math elective to take in order to graduate. There are
Part II - Planning
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
five different courses you could take. You call one friend and, on the basis of her terrific experience in one course, you choose that one. What would Herbert Simon call what you have just done? a. Bounded rationality b. Unbounded rationality c. Escalation of commitment d. Rational decision-making
______________ occurs when a manager purchases stock in a company and refuses to sell it even after it has dropped 40 percent in value over the past 6 months.
a. Optimizing b. Satisficing
c. Bounded Rationality
d. Escalation of Commitment
____________ is one of the disadvantages of group decisions that typically results in groups that are very cohesive. a. Conflict b. Groupthink c. Domination d. Compromise
Which of the following is an advantage of group decision-making when compared to individual decision-making? a. The group process takes less time. b. Groupthink may occur.
c. More decision alternatives are generated. d. One person can dominate the group.
Bounded rationality refers to the idea that
a. Managers are bound by ethical considerations to be rational
b. Managers will promote rationalization as an aid to decision making c. Managers employ model construction to simplify decision making
d. Managers are to behave according to rational guidelines within the
bounds of their authority in the workplace The tendency for decision makers to base their judgments on information that is readily accessible to them is best described as a. Escalation of commitment b. Representative heuristic c. Bounded rationality d. None of the above
“Decision making under risk” means ____________.
a. the decision has no data on which to base his or her decision b. the decision maker is used to dealing with high-risk situations c. the decision maker knows all of the risks involved in the situation
d. the decision maker can estimate the risk involved in making a decision How do managers know when they have a disparity or discrepancy in the decision-making process? The best way is to compare their current state and some standard. Which of the following would not be a relevant standard? a. previously set goals b. past performance
c. the performance of some unit in or out of the organization d. use future projections
Putting a decision into action and conveying the decision to the persons who
Chapter 4 – Foundations of Decision Making
18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
will be affected by it is known as a. problem identification. b. decision implementation. c. rational decision making. d. irrational decision making.
When decisions must be made with limited information because full knowledge of the problem is unavailable and the probability of outcomes is unknown, the condition of __________ exists. a. uncertainty b. certainty c. risk
d. bounded rationality
Which of the following is not an assumption of the rational decision-making model?
a. The problem is clear and unambiguous. b. A single well-defined goal is to be achieved. c. Preferences change slowly.
d. Final choice will maximize economic payoff.
Creativity is formed when the elements of creative skills, expertise, and _____ intersect.
a. personality b. experience c. task motivation d. None of the above.
In the decision-making process known as bounded rationality, a. the final choice maximizes economic payoff. b. the final choice minimizes economic payoff. c. the first choice that is \d. all \
Jane just conducted the performance appraisals of five of her employees. Her appraisal was heavily influenced by the performance of the individuals during the last month. Jane's bias is an example of a. availability heuristic. b. representative heuristic. c. escalation of commitment. d. optimal decision making.
The decision-making process concludes with a. analysis of alternatives. b. identification of a problem.
c. identification of decision criteria. d. evaluation of decision effectiveness.
Problems where information is ambiguous or incomplete are which type of problem?
a. well-structured b. ill-structured c. programmed d. nonprogrammed
Well-structured problems are a. New
b. Closely aligned with the assumptions of perfect rationality c. Ambiguous
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26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
d. Characterized by limited information
When a decision maker relies on a programmed decision, he or She a. may fall back on rules, procedures, or policies
b. will develop many alternatives from which to select a solution c. will spend considerable time on the decision
d. must be dealing with a unique or unusual problem
A procedure can be defined as a
a. method to guide a manager's thinking in one general direction. b. hierarchy of authority relationships in an organization. c. series of interrelated sequential steps for problem solving.
d. collection of explicit statements about what a manager can or cannot do. A rule is BEST described by which of the following?
a. A general guideline designed to direct a manager's focus. b. A series of interrelated sequential steps. c. A prohibition against desired activity.
d. An explicit and specific statement of correct behavior. A policy typically contains
a. parameters to constrain behavior, not specific rules. b. nothing but explicit, unambiguous terminology.
c. a sequence of steps to follow for approved decision making. d. specific rules.
\following? a. rule
b. procedure c. policy
d. nonprogrammed decision
\example of a a. rule.
b. procedure. c. policy.
d. nonprogrammed decision.
As managers move up the organizational hierarchy, problems are more likely to become
a. well-structured. b. ill-structured. c. programmed. d. nonprogrammed.
A conceptual style of decision-making reflects an individual who a. thinks intuitively and has a low tolerance for ambiguity. b. thinks rationally and has a high tolerance for ambiguity. c. thinks intuitively and has a high tolerance for ambiguity. d. thinks rationally and has a low tolerance for ambiguity.
Peggy Juarez uses a decision-making style characterized by low tolerance for ambiguity and a rational way of thinking. They generally turn out to be fast decisions of a short run nature. What style does Peggy use? a. analytic b. conceptual c. directive
Chapter 4 – Foundations of Decision Making
d. behavioral
35. 36. 37. 38.
Which of the following is not true about group decisions? a. Group decisions are faster.
b. Group decisions tend to be more accurate. c. Group decisions are more creative.
d. Group decisions are more widely accepted.
Group decisions will usually be Superior to individual decisions when a. speed is a concern. b. accuracy is critical.
c. minimizing the tendency of groupthink is important d. flexibility is needed.
Which of the following is NOT an example of a situation in which groupthink occurs?
a. Group members rationalize any resistance to the assumptions they have
b. Group members apply direct pressure on those who express doubts. c. Group members avoid openly showing lack of consensus.
d. Group members question those who are silent and try to sway them. Bounded rationality differs from the rational model in that decision makers: a. act irrationally.
b. focus on easy-to-find choices. c. seek advice from employees.
d. act outside the boundaries set by their organizations.
39. Which of the following is not a method by which group decision making can be
improved a. brainstorming b. nominal group technique c. groupthink d. electronic meetings 40. The basic premise for the decision-making model is that individuals differ along
two dimensions a. degree of risk preference and position within the organizational hierarchy. b. experience and communication skills. c. way they think and tolerance for ambiguity. d. personality and attention to detail.