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Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


● 你愿意一起报班学习,并告知感兴趣的内容,二选一; ● 阐述你选择的理由。

(注意:文中请不要出现真实的校名人名) Dear Li Nan,

Thanks for asking me to join your plan of learning driving or the second foreign language after the university entrance exam. I’m interested in driving and would love to attend driving classes with you. If you wonder why I choose driving classes instead of second foreign language, below are my reasons.

To begin with, after three years’ hard study in academic subjects, it’s high time that we try something different. Language learning is nothing different, given that we have already learned English for years. Driving is not necessarily easier than our studying at school, but it’s a good way to relieve us from the intense atmosphere. Next, if we are talented enough and make as much effort as we do with our academic study, we will able to get the driving license within one month, or even sooner. Thus we shall have almost 2 months left in the summer vacation, for other plans like traveling, speaking of which, here come the last point. How nice would it be if we can arrange a self-driving tour one or two weeks before the university enrollment. It will be an exciting and unforgettable experience for us.

Looking forward to your reply!

Yours, Li Hua


Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

第五届高中生创业大赛(Entrepreneurship Competition)近期在深圳落下帷幕。本次活动目的是通过创意、组队、制作、路演等环节启动一个创业项目,为社会带来属于新生代的力量。


1. 对本次大赛的看法; 2. 对大赛活动提出建议。

(注意:不得透露考生的真实信息) 范文一

Dear teachers and my fellow students,

Good morning! The fifth Entrepreneurship Competition has been held recently in Shenzhen. It aimed to bring newly-birthed power to the society by demonstrating creative ideas, team work, designing and making the items to start an entrepreneurship. I’d like to show you my own opinions on it.

From where I am standing, it goes without saying that this competition not only illustrates the ability of the new generation, but also offers us students in high school a golden opportunity to experience the entrepreneurship ahead of time. The approach of the College Examination stands for a sign that we are stepping into the society. We are about to leave the ivory tower and no longer just bury ourselves in books and exercise. Through this competition, we can put the idea that we have to hide them deeply in the inner heart into practice. Moreover, we will have a better

grasp of the importance of the ability to do-it-yourself, the ability to communicate with your partner when facing the disagreement. In a word, it will bring many benefits to us indeed.

However, I hold the view that there are still something that can be improved. For example, the competition can be held in many cities such as Beijing, Shanghai … to name but a few. And thus more students can participate in it. Besides, the official department should strengthen its announcement so that more students will have the knowledge of such an engaging and appealing competition. Last but not the least, the committee can establish a partnership with many schools, finding more creative students.

That’s all. Thank you for your listening. 范文二

Hello, everyone! It’s my great honor to stand here and show my personal opinions on the entrepreneurship competition for senior high school students.

The fifth Entrepreneurship Competition for senior high school students was ended in Shenzhen. The purpose of this activity is to operate an entrepreneurship object by students’ innovating, cooperating, making and showing in order to bring new-life power for society.

Personally, this activity is beneficial to us senior high school students. Not only can the process of this activity help society find the potential power of students, but also can give us an opportunity to improve ourselves. It is innovation, cooperation and illustration that will be developed through the competition. Additionally, it enables us to step into society in advance, which is inevitable for us senior high school students in the future. It can reduce our nervousness while communicating with strangers.

Just because it is beneficial to us doesn’t mean that we should spend all the time including when we should study in preparing for the competition. The balance between the competition and our own learning is the most critical thing. If you want to improve yourself, if you want to do something good for your future or if you want to go to your lengths to do things for society, I suggest you take part in this competition.

That’s all! Thanks for your listening! 范文三

Good afternoon, esteemed teachers and fellow students,

I’m honored to be here to share my perspectives on the lately-held Entrepreneurship Competition in Shenzhen. As we all know, the competition is meant for young students and they are intended to launch an entrepreneurship item through their creativity, cooperation and demonstration. Therefore, in the process of the competition, students’ imagination will be stimulated and the concept of collaboration will be engraved in their minds, which must pave the way for their future professional career. Additionally, the competition may also teach the participants to dream big, work hard and stay focused, so that any difficulty can be overcome and the success will be approached.

When it comes to my suggestions to the competition, I’d like to supplement that qualified professors and experienced relevant specialists and directions to those participants so that they can have access to first-hand knowledge in the competition. Besides, I call for that such kind of competition that can broaden students’ horizons should be held on a regular basis, for example, once a year, in order to recruit more teenagers to experience something new.

Thanks for your attention!


Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



1. 明确聚会将在何时,何地,以何种形式举行 2. 简述你的理由


As graduation is drawing near, our class intends to hold the graduation meeting. Reluctant as we are to say farewell, I’ll still try my utmost to make it unforgettable. In my plan, the time of the graduation meeting will be set on June the 10th, one day after Gaokao, when not only do the exhausted students have had a day break but they also haven’t put their summer vocation plan on schedule.

Since it is the last time for us to reunite cherishing the moments we spent together, the graduation meeting, in my perspective, is supposed to be arranged in our school auditorium, which is both cost-saving and transportation-friendly. Also, all our memories, joys or sorrows, are deeply rooted in our beloved mother school. Let’s touch, feel and recall our youth there again.

Then comes my theme design for this graduation meeting. In the first section, photos recording our memories will be displayed, reminding us of the happiness and sufferings we share together. Videos will also demonstrate our footprints on various activities like Art Festival or military training. Secondly, we will write a letter to ourselves ten years later. We can write down either wishes or expectations, and then letters will be sealed and taken care of by our class teacher. They won’t be opened until ten years later when we gather together again. At last, we will sing the song “Friends” to end the meeting.

Reasons for my above design are as follows. Firstly, Everybody’s youth is unique and valuable, photos and videos can put our memories in the bottom of our hearts. In the second place, the letter for the future self encourages us to achieve our dreams and dedicate to the society. Finally, the song will add to our grief to say goodbye, making the meeting memorable.

No matter how the graduation meeting will be, it is bound to be a star in our sky of memory, shining for long.


Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


Fun pastime有趣的消遣19%Building muscle 锻炼肌肉10%Keeping their figure维持身材122%Losingweight减重27%Staying fit 保持健康 As is vividly depicted in the pie table, losing weight, which is opted by 32% high school students as the reason for doing sports, takes the lead, followed by staying fit, fun pastime, keeping the figure and building muscle,



