Effect of pollution on DNA damage and essential fatty acid profile in Cirrhinus mrigala fr
Effect of pollution on DNA damage and essential fatty acid profile in Cirrhinus mrigala from River
【期刊名称】《中国海洋湖沼学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2017(035)003
【摘要】The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of anthropogenic pollution on DNA damage and the fatty acid profile of the bottom dweller fish (Cirrhinus mrigala),collected from the River Chenab,in order to assess the effect of the toxicants on the quality of the fish meat.The levels ofCd,Hg,Cu,Mn,Zn,Pb,Cr and Sn and of phenols from this river were significantly higher than the permissible limits set by the USEPA.Comet assays showed DNA damage in Cirrhinus mrigala collected from three different sampling sites in the polluted area of the river.Significant differences were observed for DNA damage through comet assay in fish collected from polluted compared to control sites.No significant differences were observed for DNA damage between farmed and fish collected from upstream.The micronucleus assay showed similar trends.Fish from the highly polluted sites showed less number of fatty acids and more saturated fatty acids in their meat compared to fish from less polluted areas.Several fatty acids were missing in fish with higher levels of DNA in comet tail and micronucleus
Effect of pollution on DNA damage and essential fatty acid profile in Cirrhinus mrigala fr