【期刊名称】《中国美容医学》 【年(卷),期】2001(010)001
【摘要】目的:筛选皮肤色素痣的最佳治疗方法。方法:用三种物理治疗法(CO2激光器、高频治疗仪、液氮冷冻)和三种外科治疗法(微型环钻切除缝合法、单纯环形切除法、梭形切除缝合法)治疗皮肤色素痣,3个月后随访,比较不同方法的复发率和美学效果。结果:三种物理治疗法治疗色素痣复发率大于66.5%,美容效果差。三种手术疗法治疗色素痣复发率小于2.0%,美容效果优良。结论:三种物理治疗法不宜用于治疗皮肤色素痣。1~3mm的色素痣应首选微型环钻切除缝合法、3~8mm的色素痣应选择单纯环切缝合法或梭形切除缝合法。%Objective: To sieve out the best methods for nevus treatment. Methods: Three sorts of physiotherapy (CO2,rnlaser, high frequency electricity and liquid nitrogen freezing) and three sorts of surgical therapy (miniature ring drill excision rnplus suture, simple ring drill excision and spindle excision plus suture) were used for nevus treatment. All patients were folrnlowed up three months after treatment. Aesthetic effects and complication rates were evaluated. Results: Three sorts of rnphysiotherapy gained over 66.5% of complication rates with bad aesthetic effects. Three sorts of surgical therapy gained 2.0% rnof complication rates with ideal aesthetic effects. Conclusion:Three sorts of physiotherapy could not be used for nevus treat ment.