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“鼠”在英语里一般有两种称呼:mouse和rat。英文单词mouse在英语里指“小鼠、家鼠、耗子”(a small furry animal with a long tail)。而单词rat是指“大老鼠”(an animal that looks like a large mouse with a long tail),并且喻指“卑鄙小人、骗子”(someone who has been disloyal to you or deceived)。
了解与鼠有关的英语习语(包括典故),不但有助于我们了解英语国家的文化背景,而且能使我们的英语更加地道。 习语典故
与“鼠”有关的英语习语生动有趣,例如:a rat in a hole(瓮中之鳖)、a drown rat(落汤鸡)、smell a rat(觉得可疑)、the rat race(激烈的竞争)、play cat and mouse with sb(欲擒故纵)、as poor as a church mouse(一贫如洗)、a rat leaving a sinking ship(不能共患难之人)。又如:①A speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge.(一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥。)②It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.(狡兔三窟) 一些“鼠”典故也为人津津乐道。
1. The mountains have brought forth a mouse.
典出斯巴达王阿革西拉乌斯(Agesilaus,公元前444—前360)的故事。阿革西拉乌斯相貌平凡,小个跛足。他应埃及法老提奥斯(Teos)求助抗击波斯人。当埃及人看到他完全不像想象中那么威武时,便失望地说:The mountain has labored and brought forth a mouse.(大山分娩了,生下一只小老鼠。)阿革西拉乌斯当即回答说:I seem to thee a mouse, but one day I shall be a lion.(你们认为我是老鼠,但总有一天我会成为狮子。)意指不能以外貌来判断一个人,此外还讽指许诺很多、声势很大但成果很小的人,或虎头蛇尾、令人失望的事。 2. The mouse that hath but one hole is quickly taken.