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[英语]中考英语总复习完形填空 阅读理解(提高)知识讲解及答案1

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【英语】中考英语总复习∶完形填空 阅读理解(提高)知识讲解及答




Most parents send Care packages(包裹)and gifts to their Children when they're away at university. Terri Cox, from Leonardtown, Maryland, isn't one of those 1 .

A few weeks ago, Terri sent her son 18-year-old Connor, who's now 2 at Westminster College in Pennsylvania, a package. 3 Connor first got the package, he thought it was a usual gift filled with necessities(必需品).

\you're in College,\quite different from what he had 7 It wasn't a gift or a Care package. It was something he'd 8 while at home for the Christmas Break- his rubbish.

The box was filled with trash(垃圾)-everything he was too 9 to take out when his mother had asked him to over Christmas.

In fact, Connor didn't do all of his 10 at home at all. So Mom Terri got the idea to post his rubbish to him to 11 him. Connor didn't understand 12 his mom did this to him until he gave her a Call.\ 13 isn't usually strict, and I didn't see this as a Big punishment(惩罚). It was more of a(n) 14 reminder(提醒)that I have duties(职责). And we have a good laugh on the phone,\

Connor later said that the rubbish he had 15 in the Box was only a part of what he was asked to take out. Where was the rest? They were hidden in his Bedroom drawers(抽屉). Thinking what happens to rubbish if left for a long time, let's hope Terri find the rest fast. 1. A. Children 2. A. working 3. A. When 4. A. excited 5. A. Class 6. A. Bought 7. A. refused 9. A. lazy 11. A. teach 12. A. where 13. A. It 14. A. fun 15. A. left

B. parents B. If B. Careful B. opened B. decided B. afraid

C. students C. So C. angry C. Chose C. imagined C. shy

D. friends D. Checking D. Though D. sad D. shops D. Brought D. avoided D. Brave D. research D. offer D. when D. We D. silly D. threw

B. teaching C. studying

B. neighbors C. family

8. A. looked into B. put down C. searched for D. left Behind 10. A. homework B. housework C. practice

B. encourage C. surprise B. why B. He B. strict B. took

C. how C. She C. hard C. received

【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)A;(5)C;(6)B;(7)C;(8)D;(9)



(1)句意: 马里兰州莱昂纳尔敦的特里·考克斯不是这些父母中之一。 A孩子们,B父母,C学生们,D朋友们,根据 Most parents send 可知是父母,故选B。

(2)句意: 几周前,泰瑞给她18岁的儿子康纳寄了一个包裹,康纳现在在宾夕法尼亚州威斯敏斯特学院学习。 A工作,B教书,C学习,D检查,根据 at Westminster College 和18岁的线索,可知是在学校学习,故选C。

(3)句意: 当康纳第一次收到包裹时,他认为这是一份通常的礼物,里面装满了必需品。 A当......的时候,B如果,C所以,D尽管,根据 first got the package,可知表示时间,故用when,故选A。

(4)句意: 我当时很激动,因为这就像从5岁开始收到圣诞节礼物一样,尤其是在大学的时候。 A激动的,B仔细的,C生气的,D难过的,根据 because it's like Christmas when you get gifts,可知是感到激动,故选A。

(5)句意:我当时很激动,因为这就像从5岁开始收到圣诞节礼物一样,尤其是在大学的时候。 A班级,B邻居,C家人,D商店,根据 get gifts from 可知圣诞节期间礼物是从家人那收到的,故选C。

(6)句意:但是当康纳打开包裹时。A买,B打开,C关闭,D带来,根据 he found the things inside were quite different from 可知打开了才发现的结果,故选B。

(7)句意:他发现里面的东西和他想象的完全不同。A拒绝,B决定,C想象,D避免,根据 he thought it was a usual gift filled with necessities可知是他认为,想象是什么东西,故选C。

(8)句意: 这是他在家里过圣诞节时留下的东西——他的垃圾。 A调查,B放下,C搜索,D留下,根据下午 Thinking what happens to rubbish if left for a long time 可知是left behind,故选D。

(9)句意:箱子里满是垃圾,是在圣诞期间,当他妈妈让他拿出来,但他太懒了而没有拿走的东西。A懒惰的,B害怕的,C害羞的,D勇敢的,根据 his mother had asked him to over Christmas 可知妈妈让他做,而没做是因为懒惰,故选A。

(10)句意: 事实上,康纳在家根本不做家务。 A作业,B家务,C练习,D研究,根据上文说Connor很懒惰,可知是不做家务,故选B。

(11)句意: 所以妈妈想出了一个主意,把他的垃圾寄给他,因此来教育他。 A教,B鼓励,C使惊讶,D给与,根据 Big punishment 可知是妈妈教他学会什么,故选A。 (12)句意: 康纳不明白他妈妈为什么这么做,直到他给她打电话。 A哪里,B为什么,C怎么,D什么时候,根据上文妈妈把垃圾寄给他,这是一个奇怪的举动,因此康纳不明白,表示原因,用why,故选B。

(13)句意: 她通常并不严格,我不认为这是一个很大的惩罚。A它,B他,C她,D我们,此处指代妈妈,故用she,故选C。

(14)句意:更有趣的是它提醒我我有责任。A有趣的,B严格的,C困难的,D愚蠢的,根据 we have a good laugh on the phone 可知这种方式很有趣,故选A。

(15)句意:康纳后来说,他在箱子里收到的垃圾只是被要求带走的一部分。A离开,B带走,C收到,D扔掉,根据 post his rubbish to him 可知Connor是收到的东西,故选C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。


Most kids fall into the world of TV long before they enter school. 70%of the child care centers use 1 every day.

The TV, as a modern invention, can be a 2 thing. Students can learn about 3 on nature shows, and parents can keep up with 4 events on the evening news. No doubt about it—TV can be an excellent educator and entertainer. 5 too much TV can be harmful. A recent survey shows that kids in the United States watch about 4 hours of TV a day. Scientists suggest that kids older than 2 should watch 6 2 hours of TV a day. If kids spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV, they are more likely to be overweight. If kids view violent events, such as 7 and killing on TV, they are also more likely to believe that the world is not safe and that something bad will 8 them.

And, according to scientists, kids 9 age 2 should have no 'screen time'(TV, DVDs, videotapes, computers or video games)at all. The first 2 years is a very important time for children's brain to develop. Watching TV may 10 their exploring and learning abilities. 1. A. TV 2. A. bad 3. A. Maths 4. A. the oldest 5. A. Or 7. A. fighting 8. A. on 9. A. older 10. A. effect B;(10)D;


(1)句意:70%的儿童保育中心每天用电视机。A.电视;B.电脑;C.收音机;D.MP3播放器。根据 the world of TV.可知孩子孩子照顾中心每天都播放电视给孩子看, 故选A。 (2)句意:作为现在发明的电视可能是一件好东西。A.差的,坏的;B.好的;C.普通的;D.不同的。根据on nature shows, events on the evening news.可知,大家通过电视可以知晓很多东西,所有电视应该是一个好东西,故选B。

(3)句意:学生可以通过观看自然节目了解野外生物,父母可以通过晚间新闻接触最新的事件。A.数学;B.语言;C.野外生物;D.中国。根据on nature shows,可知,通过自然节目

B. computers C. radio B. good

C. common

B. languages C. wildlife B. But B. running B. with B. under B. correct

C. And C. playing C. happen to C. above C. collect

D. MP3 players D. different D. China D. As D. over D. chatting D. look after D. younger D. affect

B. the farthest C. the most special D. the latest

6. A. no more than B. more than C. no less than

【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)D;(5)B;(6)A;(7)A;(8)C;(9)






(8)句意:如果孩子通过电视看暴力事件,比如打架杀人,他们也可能认为世界不安全,某些不好的事情将会发生在他们身上。A.关于;B.和……一起;C.发生;D.照顾。happen to sb碰巧发生在某人身上,符合题意,故选C。

(9)句意:根据科学家所述,2岁以下的孩子根本不应该有接触荧屏的时间,A.更老的;B.在……下面;C.在……上面;D.更年轻的。由于刚出生的两年对孩子是孩子大脑发育的关键年,看电视可能会影响他们的探索和学习的能力,因此科学家建议2岁以下的孩子不宜接触荧屏,kids under age 2两岁以下的孩子,此处用under,符合题意,故选B。

(10)句意:看电视可能会影响他们 探索好学习能力。A.影响,名词;B.正确的;C.收集;D.影响,动词。may后缺少谓语动词,故排除AB,affect和abilities搭配,符合题意,故选D。



There are lots of ideas about how to make bullying(恐吓) less at school. So far most schools have tried to 1 bullying by making more rules and letting teachers watch kids at break. But a school in New Zealand had done 2 , and bullying really went down.

The school took part in a study by the Auckland University of Technology and Otago University just over two years ago with a goal of 3 students play and be active. Students can play on the playground, climb trees or do just about whatever they want so long as it doesn't 4 anyone else. They may accidentally hurt 5 . But the school says that's OK, because students usually do just about whatever they like, and they are happy and have no interest in making 6 .

\get into trouble is when they are not busy or creative. It's during that time they bully other kids, or break 8 at school,\

The result of the study is that more rules aren't always 9 . Safety is important, but making lots of rules on what kids can do at 10 doesn't make for a fun playtime for everyone.

1. A. deal with B. come up with C. find out 2. A. quietly B. difficultly 3. A. asking

B. seeing

4. A. answer B. hurt 5. A. myself B. ourselves 6. A. trouble B. advice 7. A. serious B. busy 8. A. books 9. A. worse

B. windows B. faster

C. differently C. helping C. hear C. themselves C. information C. free C. rules C. better C. home

10. A. break B. class C;(10)A;

【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)C;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)C;(9)【解析】【分析】主要讲了新西兰的一所学校怎样让校园欺凌事件变得更少。

(1)句意:到目前为止,大多数学校都试图通过制定更多的规则和让老师在课间看管孩子来应对欺凌。A.处理;B.提出;C.发现。大部分学校处理校园欺凌事件,故选A。 (2)句意:但新西兰的一所学校却采取了不同的做法,欺凌行为真地减少。A.安静地;B.困难地;C.不同地。根据后文可知两年多前,该校参加了奥克兰理工大学和奥塔戈大学的一项研究,目的是帮助学生玩耍和活跃。,所以是不同地,故选C。

(3)句意:两年多前,该校参加了奥克兰理工大学和奥塔戈大学的一项研究,目的是帮助学生玩耍和活跃。A.问;B.看见;C.帮助。帮助学生玩耍和活跃,help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事,固定搭配,故选C。



(6)句意:但是学校说没关系,因为学生们通常做他们喜欢做的事,他们很快乐,对制造麻烦没有兴趣。A.困境,麻烦;B.建议;C.信息。学生们做自己喜欢的事情,所以对制造麻烦没兴趣,make trouble制造麻烦,故选A。

(7)句意:孩子们是活跃的,忙于他们自己的活动。A.严肃的;B.繁忙的;C.自由的。学生们忙于自己的事情,be busy with忙于......,固定搭配,故选B。

(8)句意:在那段时间里,他们欺负其他孩子,或者在学校违反规定。A.书;B.窗户;C.规则。根据前句In my experience, the time children get into trouble is when they are not busy or creative.可知学生们不忙时就会违反规定,即break rules,故选C。

(9)句意:研究的结果是规则越多越好。A.更差;B.更快;C.更好。否定词+比较级,表示最高级,aren't better意思是最好的,故选C。

[英语]中考英语总复习完形填空 阅读理解(提高)知识讲解及答案1


