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外研版(三起)-英语-六年级下册--Module 6 Unit 2教材同步讲解

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【互动课堂】Module 6 Unit 2教材同步讲解

Look ,listen and say.看,听和说。

Look at our spaceship, It took us to the earth①. 看我们的飞船,它带我们去了地球。 And brought back our presents. 带回许多礼物。

①It took us to the earth.它带我们去了地球,took是动词take的过去式。take sb to...带某人到某处。如:we take him to the hospital,He was ill.他是病了,我们带他去医院。

Listen and read.听一听,读一读。

Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship. The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. In 2003,it took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the first time. It took the national

flag of China and some seeds too.


Look ,read and complete.看图片,把句子补充完整。

(l)The earth goes around the . 地球围绕着 转。 (2)You travel to space in a . 你乘 去太空旅行。

(3)She bought an interesting about space travel. 他买了有趣的 关于太空旅行。

(4)Shenzhou V took the national flag of into space. “神舟五号”带 国旗进入太空。 (5)Simon gave Daming a birthday . 西蒙给大明一个生日 。

Listen and say.Then sing.听一听,说一说,然后唱一唱。

My sister said,“Please buy me a hen.” 我的妹妹说:“请给我买一只鸡。”


So I bought her a hen. 所以我给她买了一只。

My sister said,\ 我的妹妹说:“请给我买一个篮子。” So I bought her a basket. 所以我给她买了一个。

My sister said,“Please buy me a bicycle.” 我的妹妹说:“请给我买一辆自行车”。 So I bought her a bicycle. 所以我给她买了一辆。 And what did she do then? 她做了什么? She put the hen in the basket. 她把鸡放在蓝子里, She hung the basket on the bike. 她把蓝子放在自行车上, Then she went away. 然后她走了。

And she didn't even say,“Thank you!” 她甚至没有说,“谢谢”或“祝你有愉快的一 天”。 or“Have a nice day!”

Say and guess.猜什么礼物。

Make a spaceship and write about.t,Then tell the class about it. 制作一个宇宙飞船,写关于它的情况,然后与同学们交流。


We made a spaceship, It is green and white 我们制作了一个宇宙飞船,它是绿色和白色的。



be surprised感到惊讶的,它的名词是surprise.惊奇;惊讶。 I am surprised to look at the accident.看到这次事故我感到很惊讶。 decide/disaid/动词(v)决定;决心 decide后跟动词时,动词前要加to. He decides to go there.他决定要去那儿。 brought/br?:t/(bring/bri?/)的过去式,拿来;带来 bring的反义词为take(拿起;带走)

They brought their pictures last week.上周他们带来了他们的照片。

外研版(三起)-英语-六年级下册--Module 6 Unit 2教材同步讲解


