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厦门大学网络教育2013-2014学年第一学期 《基础英语2》练习题

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1、I'm reading his ______ novel.(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )

A、 best-selling B、 best-sold C、 best-sale D、 best-sell

2、The local government cut down their costs ______ 30 percent.(1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、 at B、 by C、 for D、 with

3、To enter his house is like ______ a small museum.(1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、 to enter B、 entering C、 entered D、be entered 4、He is ______ a writer.(1.0分) (正确的答案:B )

A、 failure as B、 a failure as C、 the failure for D、 failure to

5、Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can't remember ______.(1.0分) (正确的答案:C ) A、 where B、 there C、 which D、whom

6、– Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? – I'm afraid ______ day is possible.(1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、 either B、 neither C、 any D、 all

7、In the centuries _____, Egypt became one of the most advanced civilizations on earth.(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )

A、 followed B、 that was followed C、 which was following D、 which followed

1、________ you are free, why not go skating with us?(1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、 Because B、 Since C、 As D、 For

2、Great men never give up ______ difficulty.(1.0分) (正确的答案:C

A、 in a face of B、 in face of the C、 in the face of D、 in the face of the 3、Macao ______ its return to China in December, 1999.(1.0分) (正确的答案:C ) A、 watched B、 found C、 saw D、 noticed

4、It's rude of you to shout _______ the room.(1.0分) (正确的答案:C ) A、 beyond B、 through C、 across D、 over

5、I walked too much yesterday and ______ are still aching now.(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )

A、 my leg muscles B、 my muscles of leg C、 my leg's muscles D、 my muscles of the leg 6、Facts show that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs ______ directed.(1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、like B、 as C、 which D、 so

7、After searching for half an hour, she realized that her glasses ______ on the table all the time.(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )

A、 were lain B、 had been lain C、 have been lying D、 had been lying

8、People are more likely to stay _______ 30 miles of _______ they were born.(1.0分) (正确的答案:D ) A、 in … where B、 at … what C、 within … what D、 within … where 9、This hotel _______ $60 for a single room with bath.(1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、 charges B、 demands C、 prices D、 claims

10、Usually, _______ care for children's ______.(1.0分) (正确的答案:C )

A、 woman writers... lives B、 women writer... life C、 women writers ... life D、 women writer ... live 11、He will have ______ 30 by the end of this year.(1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、 turned B、 become C、 got D、 taken

1、I don't know what illness he suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned ___ in hospital last year. (1.0分) (正确的答案:C )

A、 to have been B、 to be C、 having been D、 being

2、Whenever I met him, _____________ was fairly frequent, ___________ I liked his sweet and hopeful smile. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A )

A、 which ...不填 B、 that ... that C、 it ... that D、 what ... 不填

3、That was the first time I _______________ England's coast. (1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、 left B、 had left C、 would leave D、 has left 4、You may write to me or come to see me. ____________ way will do. (1.0分) (正确的答案:D ) A、 All B、 Both C、 One D、 Either

5、Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something. (1.0分) (正确的答案:C )

A、 seat... write B、 seated ... wrote C、 seated ... writing D、 seating ... Writing 6、That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert.(1.0分) (正确的答案:D )

A、 could B、 must C、 would D、 should

7、A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire. (1.0分) (正确的答案:C ) A、 truth B、 reason C、 cause D、 fact

8、There are ______ custom tailors and dressmakers in the U. S. than in European countries. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A )

A、 far fewer B、 so fewer C、 very fewer D、 too fewer

9、A:_____ is the engineer's husband ? B:The neighbor of your brother in the corner. (1.0分) (正确的答案:D )

A、 Who B、 What C、 How D、 Which

10、\分) (正确的答案:D )

A、 don't want to B、 can't eat C、. am not hungry D、 I'm full

1、The room contained ________ equipment including several TV monitors. (1.0分) (正确的答案:D ) A、little B、 a few C、a number of D、a lot of

2、Susan is nearly thirtyfive. Her parents think it’s time she _____ married. (1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、would get B、 gets C、will get D、got

3、At 13 _____ he was sent to a shop, he learned the business. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、when B、 which C、where D、that

4、____ they will send us an invitation is not yet known, __we hope they sill. (1.0分) (正确的答案:D ) A、 If... write B、 That so C、 When ... yet D、 Whether ... but

5、What was the matter with you this morning? you looked _____ you hadn’t slept for the last twentyfour hours. (1.0分) (正确的答案:C )

A、so as B、that C、as if D、like that

6、It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants. (1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、 however B、 whatever C、 whichever D、 whenever

7、Nancy isn't here. It's my mistake. I forgot all about____ her. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、 telephoning B、 to telephone C、 to telephone to D、 the telephone to 8、Helen looked at the finished painting with _______ . (1.0分) (正确的答案:A )

A、satisfaction B、 success C、victory D、favour

1、Try not to be absent _____ class again for the rest of the term.(1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、 in B、 on C、 from D、 of

2、______ that Bob had got promoted, his friends came to congratulate him. (1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、 Heard B、 Having heard C、 Hear D、 To hear

3、It isn’t _____ David says that annoys me but the way he says it. (1.0分) (正确的答案:C ) A、how B、that C、what D、why

4、.— Professor Brown looks sad today. — He is sad. Yesterday a fire broke out in his house and his dog got_____. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A )

A、burnt B、 to burn C、burning D、to be burnt

5、.— Can you speak Russian? — I can speak a little _____ I can’t understand much. (1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、and B、 but C、otherwise D、or

6、I’ve decided to _______ your advice and stop smoking for good. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、take B、 receive C、believe D、consider

7、.— Have you got any idea for the summer vacation? — I don’t mind where we go _____ there’s sun, sea and beach. (1.0分) (正确的答案:D )

A、as if B、 if only C、now that D、as long as

8、We must finish the job, no matter _______ difficult it is. (1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、however B、 how C、whatever D、what

9、If it rains, we should not go out, but the sky ______ perfectly clear. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、is B、 will be C、was D、had been

10、When you stay in a foreign country for some time, you get used to the people’s ______ of life. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A )

A、way B、 habit C、rule D、fact

1、By the time you ______ back, the meal _______.(1.0分) (正确的答案:A )

A、come, will be ready B、will come, will be ready C、come, is ready D、will come, is ready 2、.— Brad is Jane’s brother. — _______ he reminds me so much of Jane!(1.0分) (正确的答案:C ) A、No doubt B、Above all C、No wonder D、Of course

3、Professor Li ______ back from America for over two weeks. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、has come B、has been C、had come D、came

4、Everyone likes her. She always speaks _____ a _____ way. (1.0分) (正确的答案:C ) A、in, friend B、with, friendship C、in, friendly D、on, friends

5、You can't get a drivers license _____ you are at least sixteen years old. (1.0分) (正确的答案:A ) A、 unless B、 if C、 when D、 though

6、He has lost his job and his family. ________, the situation is serious. (1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、In other words B、In a word C、In word D、Word says

7、Ever since I arrived here, I _____ in the dormitory because it is cheaper. (1.0分) (正确的答案:D ) A、 lived B、 was living C、 had been living D、 have been living 8、The boy has great difficult _______ the text.(1.0分) (正确的答案:B ) A、to catch on B、catching up with C、catching on D、to catch up with 9、It was too late. He could do nothing but ______ back home.(1.0分) (正确的答案:D ) A、walked B、walk C、walking D、to walk

10、Mother warned Tom that he should be ______ for what he had done.(1.0分) (正确的答案:C ) A、shame B、shameful C、ashamed D、shameless

厦门大学网络教育2013-2014学年第一学期 《基础英语2》练习题


