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2014-2020年高考英语真题分类训练 专题10 名词性从句(教师版含解析)

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1. (2020﹒江苏)This actor often has the first two tricks planned before performing, and then goes for ______. A. whichever 【答案】D

【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意:这个演员通常在表演前就已经计划好了前两个技巧,然后全力以赴。A. whichever无论哪个;B. whenever无论何时;C. wherever无论何地;D. whatever无论什么。分析句子成分可知,此处做goes for的宾语,指代“任何事情”,whatever符合语境。故选D。 2. (2020﹒江苏)It is not a problem _____ we can win the battle; it’s just a matter of time. A. whether 【答案】A 【解析】

【详解】考查主语从句。句意:我们能否打赢这场战斗不是问题;这只是时间问题。A. whether是否;B. why为什么;C. when什么时候;D. where在哪里。根据下文it’s just a matter of time可知,此处指”我们能否打赢这场战斗不是问题”,it是形式主语,whether引导的从句是真正的主语。故选A。

3. (2020﹒天津)The student completed this experiment to make come true ______ Professor Joseph had said. A. that 【答案】B

【解析】考查名词性从句。句意:为了使约瑟夫教授所说的成为现实,这个学生完成了这个实验。_________ Professor Joseph had said作make的宾语从句,该从句中,空处在从句中作said的宾语,表示”……所说的话”,因此应用what引导该从句。故选B。


25.Scientists have obtained more evidence ___________ plastic is finding its way into 【2019·江苏卷·单项填空】the human body. A. what 【答案】B


B. that

C. which

D. where

B. what

C. when

D. where

B. why

C. when

D. where

B. whenever

C. wherever

D. whatever


1.【2018·北京】11. Without his support, we wouldn’t be _________ we are now. A. how B. when C. where D. why 【答案】C

【解析】考查名词性从句。句意:没有他的支持,我们是不会在现在这个位置的。how表方式,when表时间,where表地点,why表原因。“_________ we are now”是表语从句,结合句子的意思可知,该处指我们所处的位置,故该从句应用where引导。C选项正确。


2.【2018·北京】15. This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. A. how B. which C. that D. what 【答案】D

点睛:what是常见的名词性从句引导词之一,它除了引导从句作用之外,还在从句中做主语,宾语,表语或者定语。根据不同的语境,what可以表示不同的意思,例如“……的东西或事情”,“……的人或样子”等。 3.【2018·天津】9. The gold medal will be awarded ___________to wins the first place in the bicycle race. A. whomever B. wherever C. whoever D. whatever 【答案】C


点睛:分析句子可知,空格处做be awarded to的宾语,同时在后面的从句中做主语,再根据句意可知,这里主语指人,故用whoever。

4.【2018·江苏】21. By boat is the only way to get here, which is _______ we arrived.zx.x.k A. where B. when C. why D. how 【答案】D



点睛:本题考查表语。首先需要弄清句意及分析句子结构,然后根据前句By boat is the only way to get here提示可知作方式状语,就不难选出正确答案。


【2017·北京】23. Every year, ______ makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival. A. whatever B. whoever C. whomever D. whichever 【答案】B

考点:考查连词。 【名师点睛】

主语从句 Subject Clauses (在主语的位置上)

1. 从句的连接词可以是that, 也可以是特殊疑问词wh-。 That he is a famous singer is known to us.= It is known to us that… Whether we shall attend the meeting hasn’t been decided yet. Who will go makes no difference.

? It is known to us that he is a famous singer. ? It is not yet fixed when he will go to America. 本题中,whatever引导主语从句,同时作do的宾语。 2. wh和ever 连用的词引导的名词性从句和状语从句的区别

? 区分使用wh-和wh-ever: wh 有疑问的意思;wh-ever有肯定强调的意思 *Who will be invited hasn’t been decided. *Whoever comes here is welcomed.

*A reward of $1,000 will be given to whoever can provide any clues to the case. *The gift will be given to whomever I like.

? wh-ever 在引导名词性从句时不能用no matter wh-来替换,但在引导状语从句时可以替换 Whatever happened, he would not mind.

2014-2020年高考英语真题分类训练 专题10 名词性从句(教师版含解析)


