暴露出负面的、令人身心疲惫的和有害的后果,从而也就抵消了体育运动带来的诸多益处。 Sports teach much more than what is easily seen on the surface. Young athletes learn something every time they step onto the field. It does much more than just keep young bodies in shape and growing at healthy rates. Sports give youth a sense of self-worth and accomplishment and teach them to deal capably with failure and success. It helps them learn the ways of the world, the benefits of hard work and determination, and how to coexist with others to achieve a common goal, even with other team members they may not particularly like! It allows youth to find a role they can fill, then to change or adapt to that role, and, over time, to grow and redefine who they are and who they will become. These are all traits that can be extremely useful in the real world, and developing such traits at an early age paves the way for success later in life. 体育运动教给我们的远比表面上看起来的多得多。年轻的运动员每次踏上运动场都能学到一些东西。运动远不只是让年轻人保持健康的体魄并健康成长。运动能给年轻人带来自我价值感和成就感,并教会他们很好地对待成败。体育运动帮助年轻人了解处世之道,使他们认识到肯努力和有决心的益处,以及学会如何与他人、甚至是那些自己其实不怎么喜欢的队友相处以实现共同的目标。体育运动使年轻人找到自己的角色定位,然后为了这一角色去作出相应的改变或调整,并随着时间的流逝逐渐成长,重新界定他们自己是什么样的人以及他们要成为什么样的人。这些都是在现实世界中极其有用的品质。早期培养这样的品质会为年轻人未来生活的成功铺平道路。
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