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人教新目标九年级英语课件 Unit11.4学案设计

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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.

Period 4 Section B 2a-2e




2.能掌握以下单词:weight,shoulder,goal,coach,kick,courage,nod,agreement 3.能掌握以下短语:keep one’s eyes on,feel a heavy weight on,kick sb.off,be hard on

sb.,rather than,pull together,nod in agreement 4.能了解以下语言结构 make+宾语+宾语补足语



1.课前梳理自己犯的学习中或生活中的错误,并回想自己当时的心情和处理的方式。 2.预习P86的生词,了解其汉语意思。 【新课导入】

Have you ever made a mistake?

What happened?

How did it make you feel? 【新知呈现】 Fast reading

Read the story quickly and number the events in the correct order. Peter got home and went into his room. Peter talked to his teammates. Peter missed a goal.

Peter’s father gave him advice.

Peter realized that he was worried for no reason. Careful reading

1.Read the story and answer the following questions. Why did Peter feel angry and worried?

What’s his father’s point of view about his problem? 2.Read the story again and judge the statements.

(1)Peter went to soccer practice with great fear.( ) (2)Peter said sorry to his teammates.( ) (3)The coach kicked Peter off the team.( )

(4)Peter’s teammates thought they were going to win the next time.( ) (5)Peter thought he was on a winning soccer team. ( ) 【拓展提升】

Read the story for the third time and complete the passage.

Peter missed a goal in a soccer match,which made him that his coach may kick him off the team.His father noticed Peter’s over his face and told him not to be too on himself.He told Peter that winning or losing was only half the game,and the other half was learning how to with his teammates and learning from his .

His father’s words changed him.The next day he went to the soccer practice with rather than fear in his heart.He said to his teammates and asked them to together and win the next game.His teammates all with him and they would think about how to do next time.

【跟踪训练】 选词填空 keep one’s eyes on,feel a heavy weight on,kick off,be hard on,rather than,pull together,in agreement 1.Tom his back when he learned that he failed the text again. 2. We are with their decision.

3.The children would walk there take a bus.

4.The local people found some ways to the monkeys from the island. 5.If we ,we are sure to win the game.

6.Please my baby when I am out picking up her milk.I’m coming back soon. 7.The cruel stepmother the little girl;she often went hungry. 【课堂练习】 Ⅰ.单项选择

1.Let’s stop to have a rest. A.working B.to work C.work

2.I have to say sorry to Mother because I missed the dog today. A.walk B.to walk C.walking

3.I lost my purse,which made me . A.to worry B.worrying C.worried

4.What the teacher said made Tom carefully. A.think B.to think C.thought

5.If we pull together,we’ll the game. A.lose B.beat C.win Ⅱ.完成句子


We should learn to relax,and not put a our shoulders. 2.如果你不好好努力的话,我会要求你离开舞蹈队。

If you don’t work hard,I will you the dance team. 3.如果我们团结一致,我们就会成功。 If we ,we’ll succeed.


To his mother’s ,he didn’t the whole family . 5.记者提出了很多私密的问题,女演员快要掉泪了。

The reporters threw some private questions and the actress was








Words and expressions: Sentences:

2.学习本节课后我能用英语进行 3.我的易错点:



1.felt a heavy weight on 2.in agreement 3.rather than together 6.keep your eyes on 7.was hard on

【课堂练习】 Ⅰ.1~5.ACCAC

Ⅱ.1.heavy weight on 2.kick;off 3.pull together5.close to

4.kick off 5.pull 4.relief;let;down

人教新目标九年级英语课件 Unit11.4学案设计


