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The old man could hardly walk any further, _______ he ?

11. worry n. 担心;令人担忧的事 复数 worries Let’s forget about those ________. (worry) worry vt.

使烦恼,使担忧 宾语通常是表示人的代词或名词

I don’t know what’s ______ her .(worry) worry vi. 发愁、担心、烦恼常与about 连用。

Mr Brown always _______ about his son’s lessons.( worry) worried adj.

be worried about “为....担心/发愁” feel worried “感到担心”

The old woman looked very _______. ( worry)

12. aloud adv. 大声地、出声地 没有比较级,强调发出的声音能让人听见,常与read, call等词连用。

The teacher asked me to read the poem aloud.

loud 既可作形容词也可作副词,“大声的;大声地 ”。强调声音大,传得远。作副词时多用来修饰speak,talk,laugh等动词,且位于这些词后。loud 多用于比较级。 Speak _____ . I can’t hear you.

loudly 为副词,“高声地”, 常与loud 通用。但表示令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思时常用loudly .

Don’t shout so ______.


1. What’s wrong, Eddie ? 怎么了,埃迪?

What’s wrong with sb./with ? 询问某人或某物出了什么问题? = What’s the matter with sb./sth ? = What’s the trouble with sb./sth ?

---- What’s ______ / _____/ ________ with you ? ---- I have a headache.

2. Why not eat less and exercise more ? 为什么不少吃多锻炼呢?

Why not + do ...... ? = Why don’t+ 主语+ do .... ? 建议某人做某事 “为什么不做....”?

Why don’t you _______ your parents know you need them ?( let)


Why not _______ something fun ? (do)

3. Sometimes I get low marks in exams. 有时我在考试中得低分。 mark n. 分数;标记 可数名词;作为”分数“讲,相当于grades v. 做标记 be marked in red get low/high marks 得低、高分

4. Perhaps you should manage your time better and go to bed earlier. 也许你应该设法更好地安排你的时间,并早点睡觉。 manage vt. ”合理安排,有效使用“

manage to do ..... 设法做成某事, 努力完成某事 He managed ________ a place to park his car. ( find)

5. I have a problem, and I do not know how I should deal with it. 我有一个难题,不知该如何处理它。 deal with,” 处理,对付”。

We must learn to _________ all kinds of difficulties by ourselves. 我们必须学会自己处理各种各样的困难。 deal with 与 do with

(1) deal with 有“处理,对付;涉及;打交道;控制(感情)”等意思。deal with sb. 的意思是“对待某人”,deal with sth 的意思是“解决某事,处理某事”。 The man is hard to deal with . 那个人难打交道。 (2) do with 也有“处理”的意思,但它要与what连用。

What have you done with the computer ? 你是怎样处理这台电脑的?

6. I have no choice but to do it. 我别无选择,只能去做。

have no choice but to do... 别无选择,只能去做某事 She has no choice but ______ hard. ( study )

7. I often have to stay up late. 我经常不得不熬夜到很晚。 stay up 熬夜

_____ up late is bad for your health. ( stay )


8. I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the next day. 有时候我发现第二天很难保持清醒。

stay awake 保持清醒 awake adj. 醒着的 ,在句中作表语 The baby next door kept me ________. He cried all night.(wake) 隔壁的孩子吵得我睡不着觉,他整夜哭个没完。

( 主语)+find it +adj. (宾语补足语) to do (宾语) 发现做... (用于简单句中) = (主语) +find it is/was +adj. to do.... (用于复合句中) I found it hard to work with him. = I found it was hard to work with him.

9. I know it is important to finish all my homework on time. 我知道按时做完所有的家庭作业是重要的。 on time 准时,按时 in time 及时

Take the medicine on time. He caught the early bus in time.

10. I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework. 我经常怀疑花这么多时间做家庭作业是否值得。 be worth doing ..... 值得做..... The book is well worth _______.(read) spend.... on+ n.

He spent two yuan on the pencil. spend..... (in) doing.....

It’s nice of you to spend so much time _______ me around your school. (show) doubt vt. 怀疑 在肯定句中,doubt 一般后接whether 或if 引导的宾语从句,在疑问句和否定句中,doubt 后接that引导的宾语从句。

I doubt _______ I’ll be successful. 我怀疑自己能否成功。 I don’t doubt that he’ll come . 他一定会来,我不怀疑。

1. I dream of a long holiday so that I could have more time for my hobbies. 我梦想有个长假好让我有更多的时间从事我的业余爱好。

dream of / about 梦想;想象 ,其后接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式。 I dream of / about ______ (fly) to the moon some day.


2. Can you offer me some suggestions ? 你能给我提供一些建议吗? offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 给某人提供某物 I can offer you something to eat. offer to do sth 主动提出做某事 He offered to help me learn English.

3. However ,my love of football has become the cause of my problem. 然而,我对足球的热爱成为问题的原因。

cause n. 原因 指引起某种结果的原因,后接介词of reason 理由,原因 指决定做某事或采取某项行动的理由

excuse 辩解,借口 指对某种行为所做的解释,可能是真的,也可能是托词。 The ______ of the fire was carelessness.火灾的起因是粗心。

He didn’t come today. Do you know the ________ ?他今天没来。你知道原因吗? That’s not a good ________. 那不是个好借口。

4. Then I get into trouble because my parents do not allow me to play outside after

6 p.m.

然后我就陷入了困境,因为我父母不允许我下午6点后在外面玩。 get into trouble “陷入困境,因做某事而招致不幸或处罚等” Nobody wants to ___________. 没有人想惹麻烦。

5. I don’t understand why they are so strict with me . 我不理解他们为什么对我那么严厉。 be strict with sb. “ 对某人要求严格” be strict in sth. “ 对某事要求严格” Our English teacher is very strict us. My parents are strict my schoolwork.

6. I look forward to your valuable advice. 我期待您宝贵的建议。

look forward to “ 盼望;期待” , to 是介词,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。 I am looking forward to ________ the film. (see)

7. Then work out how much time you need to finish it all. 然后计算出你需要多少时间把它都完成。


work out “ 算出;解决” 动词+副词, 若宾语为人称代词,则放在work与out 之间。

I have worked __________. A out it B it out

8. What about choosing your hobby according to the time you have ? 根据你有的时间选择你的爱好怎么样?

according to “ 根据”, 是介词短语,后接名词、代词或从句。 __________ (根据) the weather forecast ,it will rain tomorrow.

9. I have tried my best , but I don’t understand why I still get low marks. 我尽了全力,但我不明白为什么我仍然得低分。

try one’s best to do ... = do one’s best to do ... 尽力做某事 I’ll try my best ______ (help) you.

10. There’s so much homework and I’ve spent all my time on it. 作业太多而且我把所有的时间花在了这上面。

“ spend + 时间/金钱+on sth” 意为”在某事上花费多少时间或金钱”; “ spend +时间/金钱+ (in )doing sth “ 做某事花费多少时间或金钱” They spent three years _______ (build) this bridge.

(1) spend 既可指“花费金钱”也可指“花费时间”,但其主语必须是人。

(2) take 作 “ 花费”讲时,主要指花费时间。常用句型为” it takes/took sb+时间+to do sth.”

“做某事花费某人多长时间”,其中it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语。 It ________ her the whole day to finish the work.

(3) cost 作“花费” 讲时,主要指花费金钱。其主语必须是物,不能是人。常用结构为”cost+ (sb)+ 金钱“ 意为”花了(某人)多少钱“。 The pair of sunglasses _______ him a little money.

(4) pay 作”花费” 讲时,主语必须是人。 常用结构为“play +金钱+for sth ”, 意为“买某物花了多少钱”

I ______ little money for the book.

21. Classmates laugh at her and call her a bookworm. 同学们嘲笑她,叫她书虫。



