高中英语人教版必修5 Unit5 First aid《Using LanguageⅡ》优
2. 让学生学会有逻辑的描述一件事,联系过渡句的使用,了解写作的基本技巧
活动1【导入】1. Warming up (brainstorm)
accidents:burns 烧伤 broken bones 骨头摔断choking 噎住窒息 dog bites 狗咬 nose bleeding流鼻血 sprained ankle脚踝扭伤 drowning溺水 asthma哮喘 cut medicine box :bandage绑带hot/ cold pack热/冷水袋wound plast创可贴 medicine药 cotton ball棉球
ways to treat : squeeze挤,压,榨 clean 清洁 dry弄干 wash洗 press 按,压 blow air 吹气 apply 涂,抹 mouth to mouth method人工呼吸 cover 盖,覆盖,包扎 活动2【活动】2. Students’ tasks:
Task1: Try to act out how do you give first aid to others when accidents happen.
1.asthma 2. sprained ankle 3. not serious cut 4. nose bleeding 5.drowning Task 2: how to give first aid.
1.Tom has an asthma(哮喘),but he doesn’t have his medicine. You’d better: A: get him a cup of coffee B: Take him outside for fresh air 2.If someone sprains his ankle, we could:
have the victim sit down and raise the foot. put a bandage around the foot and ankle. put a cold pack on the ankle
Why do we put a cold pack on the ankle? (To reduce swelling.) 3. How to treat not serious cut wash your finger
dry it with a cotton ball cover it with a wound plast
4. when your nose is bleeding, you can bend down a little.
raise your head slightly and press the soft part of your nose. Put a cold pack on your nose if necessary 5. if someone is drowning Check if he is still breathing.
Try to start his breath with the mouth-to-mouth method.
Lay him on his back, close his nose with your fingers and blow air into his mouth. Repeat this as often as necessary. 活动3【活动】Task3: sample writing.
One day, Tom saw a little girl get burned on her hand by accident. Luckily it was not very serious. He decided to help her by his first aid knowledge.
1.Cool the burned area with cool but not icy water.
2. continue to put the clean wet cloths on her hand until the pain is not so bad. 3.Dry the burned area gently. 4.Cover it with a dry clean bandage.
As a result, his knowledge of first aid made a great difference to the girl. 活动4【练习】writing
请同学们对上面的作文进行改写,使文章更好 首先为这些句子填上主语,注意时态
1.Cool the burned area with cool but not icy water. __________________________________________-
2. continue to put the clean wet cloths on her hand until the pain is not so bad. __________________________________________- 3.Dry the burned area gently.
__________________________________________- 4.Cover it with a dry clean bandage. __________________________________________- 用连接词来连接这几个步骤:
________, he cooled the burned area with cool but not icy water. _______,he continued to put the clean wet cloths on her hand until the pain is not so bad. _______ he dried the burned area gently. __________, he covered it with a dry clean bandage. 从下列句式中选择一个
First, next, then, finally ... First, second, third, at last ...
Firstly / First of all / To begin with, ... Secondly, .... Besides / In addition, ... Last but not least ...
开头:First aid is the timely treatment. First aid is given to the injured before doctors come. Though we are students, we should prepare for an emergency by learning something about first aid. 改写画线的句子
First aid is the timely treatment. First aid is given to the injured before doctors come.合并为一句 ___________________________________________________________ Though we are students,改成一个更高级的句式(倒装):
______________________________________- 结尾:First aid is very important.
We can draw the conclusion that first aid is of great importance to our daily life. In short / In brief / In a word, first aid is of great importance to our daily life. It seems clear that first aid is of great importance to our daily life.
高中英语人教版必修5 Unit5 First aid《Using LanguageⅡ》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教案