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Conversation 2

Exercise 1 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. d

Interview with a Celebrity

W: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? M: Sure.

W: First of all, where were you born?

M: I was born in London, but I’m living in Madrid now. W: Oh, really? How long have you been there?

M: Not long. I moved from London with my two daughters about six months ago.

W: Are you happy there?

M: Yeah, very happy. We love the outdoor life. Also, my mother's Spanish. W: And what do you do in your free time?

M: I love reading. Sometimes I feel like wanting to buy every book in a bookstore. I’m crazy about books. And I’m a fast reader.

W: Do you ever feel the need to take a break so you can recharge your batteries?

M: All the time. There’s always so much more to learn. Going away helps. W: You’ve obviously traveled a lot, too. What’s your favorite place in the world?

M: That’s a difficult question because I’ve been to so many amazing places, but I think Hawaii is my favorite. The children love it there too. W: All of us are concerned with what kind of world our kids are going to live in. How do you give your children a semblance of a normal life? M: By living a normal life.

W: But as a superstar, you live at a level that’s different from most people. M: To a degree. yes. But we’ve all got to figure out how to raise our kids to be happy, responsible people.

W: One last question. What else do you want to do in your life?

M: Oh, there’s so much I want to do. I feel a lot of personal responsibility because of how much I’ve been blessed. I do volunteer work for Children’s Fund. I do a lot of fund-raising events for them. And I look forward to creating opportunities for young people.

Exercise 2 Personal Profile of a Celebrity Family Social work Leisure Self-improvement Tries to give his Has a strong sense of Loves outdoor Feels there’s two daughters a personal responsibility; life; Enjoys always so much normal life; Does volunteer work traveling and has more to learn, and Wants to raise for Children’s Fund, been to many wants to take a


them to happy, responsible people. be including a lot of fund-raising events for them; Looks forward to creating opportunities for young people. amazing places; break and recharge Crazy about his batteries all the reading and is a time. fast reader. Unit 3 Advertising Part A Exercise 1

Brand name Canon A95 Advantages 1) simple to use;

2) can create images of true color with terrific quality; 3) can capture beautiful pictures; 4) can satisfy the needs of more experienced users. Exercise 2

1. Advertising is a way of informing people of something. This can range from telling them a product for sale, or a service, or urging them to do something, or even making someone’s name known to the public. 2. Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers to buy a certain product, but it does not force them to buy the product. Consumers still control the final buying decision. Part B A Passage

Exercise 1 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. d

Successful Advertising

One of the keys to successful advertising is to catch the interest of readers. In your busy life, there is little time to read every page in front of you, so you have to be very selective. Being aware of this, advertisers go to great lengths to arouse your curiosity in what they have to say. You should know when advertisers are trying to catch your interest so that you keep in mind that they are attempting to influence you.

Advertisers always have an intended audience targeted for their

messages — men, women, or children of specific ages, from various ethnic groups, and with certain interests. It is important that you know to whom an advertisement is designed to appeal so that you can decide whether or not you should spend your time giving serious consideration to what it has to say. Obviously the whole point of a given advertisement is to get you to purchase a product, take a certain action, or think

In a certain way. An effective advertisement is very specific about the benefit to readers as a result of their buying, doing, or thinking whatever is being urged by the

Advertisement. It is extremely important that you recognize the benefit stressed by an advertisement so that you can make a sound decision as to whether or not to follow its advice.


Exercise 2

1. …men, women, children of specific ages, from various ethnic groups, …certain interests

2. …what benefit customers will get…buying, doing, thinking 3. …seriously …it is designed to appeal A Conversation

Exercise 1 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c

We Were Born to Help You Do It Better

Joyce: Dad!

Father: Yes? ?What?s the matter, Joyce?

Joyce: I?m wondering if I should buy a pair of tennis shoes. I?m going to join the tennis club in school.

Father: Why not? It?s good that you finally play sports. Joyce: But I?d like to have Adidas.

Father: Adidas? It?s too expensive. They are for professional athletes. Joyce: But all the guys in the school tennis team are wearing Adidas, boys as well as girls.

Father: But none of us has ever had Adidas and we used to play quite OK. Joyce: Here is an ad about Adidas. Can I read it to you? Father: Go ahead.

Joyce: “Over fifty-five years ago, Adidas gave birth to a new idea in sports shoes. And the people who wear our shoes have been running and winning ever since. In fact,

Adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone.”

Father: Nonsense the players have to go through a lot of hard training and practice. It has nothing to do with the shoes. They may be comfortable, but Joyce: You?re right, Dad. The ad goes on to say, “You?re born to run. And we were born to HELP YOU DO IT BETTER.”

Father: 11mm. It may be good for running, but you don?t run.

Joyce: Listen, Dad. The ad says, “... Maybe that?s why more and more

football, soccer, basketball and tennis ...“see? “TENNIS players are turning to Adidas. They know that, whatever their game, they can rely on Adidas workmanship and quality in every product we make.”

Father: OK, OK, dear. I know Adidas is good. But how much is a pair of your shoes?

Joyce: You don?t have to worry about that, Dad. I?ve saved some money since last Christmas. I just want to hear your opinion. Father: That?s good.


Exercise 2 1. …sports shoes 2. …in making sports shoes over fifty-five years ago

3. …running shoes 4. …football, soccer, basketball and tennis


5. …workmanship and quality

6. …comfortable….expensive

Unit 4 Culture

Part A Exercise 1 1. b 2. b 3. d Exercise 2 Japan Take it with both hands and open it later in private Cuba Open it right away Republic of Korea Refuse it at first; accept it only after some persuading Part B Passage 1 Exercise 1 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. d

What Are Good Manners?

People in different countries have different standards for good manners. Before entering a house in some Asian countries it is necessary to take off one’s shoes. In

European countries even though shoes sometimes become very muddy,

this is not done. A guest in a Chinese house never finishes a drink. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. In a Malay house, a guest always leaves a little food. In England, a guest always finishes a drink or eats up his food to show that he has enjoyed it.

Here are some examples of the things that a well- mannered person does or does not do no matter whether he is an oriental or a westerner.

He never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind whether to people or to animals. When he is waiting for a bus, he takes his turn and never pushes to the front of the line. In the bus, he gives his seat to an old person, or a disabled person or a lady who is standing. When talking to people, he never tells heavy people they are fat, but says that they are losing weight for he knows everyone is weight conscious and wants to be thin. He never asks people, women in

Particular, their age. Everyone wants to be young. If he is invited to a

dinner party at seven, he is sure to be there by seven, knowing how people respect time and expect everyone to be “on time”. If he smokes, he never lights his cigarette before getting the permission from people around them. He says “Please” when making a request and “Thank you” when he

receives something. He stands up when speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person is seated.

Exercise 2 1. …laugh at people 2. …animals, with kindness


3. …push to the front…waiting for a bus 4. …the old, disabled

5. …they are “losing weight” 6. …women … their age/weight

7. …time 8. …getting permission from people around 9. …Please …Thank you

10. …a lady or an older person … the other is seated Passage 2 Exercise 1 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d

Tea Ceremony in Japan

The tea ceremony in Japan, or Chanoyu, is a special form of

entertainment for distinguished guests. The tradition started in the 15th century and has existed for about 600 years, and it has very special and strict rules that must be followed.

There are many different kinds of tea ceremonies, from the informal to the quite formal. But all Chanoyu ceremonies have one thing in common, that is, guests are invited to enjoy a moment of peace and calm.

Traditionally a Chanoyu ceremony takes place in a tea room which is

usually not very big. The guests take off their street shoes and put on special bamboo shoes. Then they cross a beautiful garden. They stop for a moment at a rock water basin, where they wash their hands. Then they enter the tea room through a small low door.

The inside of the tea room is simple but beautiful. The room is not

furnished at all. The floor is covered with a kind of bamboo mats which are called ‘Tanami” There are flowers and some traditional decorations like tea set of ancient times, landscape painting, national costumes, etc. The guests sit in the traditional way, on their knees on the floor. In formal ceremonies, small cakes are also sewed. The tea master, a man or a woman, follows a certain procedure in making the tea and then serves it to the guests in turn, starting from the most distinguished. The guests are not supposed to drink the tea at one go. They should sip bit by bit and at the same time appreciate the designs of the bowl and the dish. From time to time the host and the guests would bow to each other. When the guests finally leave the tea room, put on their shoes and leave the house, they feel happy and peaceful.

Exercise 2

1. The tea room

Not big; ( √ ) Simple but beautiful; ( √ ) Not furnished; ( √ ) Its floor covered with tatami; ( √ ) Traditionally decorated; ( √ ) Decorated with fresh flowers and traditional artistic works; ( √ )




