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v1.0 可编辑可修改 重点短语

be in use 在使用中 set sail for 去航去 by the time 到......时候 lead to 导致

as early as 早在 in the future将来 take over 接管,接任,控制 lost civilization失落的文明 in memory of 纪念 in return for 作为。。。的回报 carry out实施,执行,进行 no more不再 be off to 出发去 too...to 太...而不能 pour out 涌出,倾泻 attend a lecture去听演讲 more than 多于, 不仅仅 be buried alive被活埋 be covered with被。。。覆盖 be known as

either ... or 或者。。。或者 neither ... nor 既不。。。也不 not only ...but also不但。。。而且 it turns out that 结果证明是/ 原来

on board在船上,飞机上或火车上 in good condition处于良好的状态 prevent sb. from sth/ doing sth 阻止某人做某事 cut down 砍到 declare war against 向。。。 宣传 together with 和。。。在一起 dig ...for treasure挖...找财宝 be involved in 参与,与...有关联

result in 导致 take ... as an example 以...为例 Be considered to be... 被认为是 have the chance to do sth 有机会做

of great value 具有很大的价值 take 相关短语

take over 夺取,接管,控制,管理,继承 take away _________ take off_______

take up__________ take time to do sth ____________ take charge of __________ put 相关短语

put out发表,发布,熄灭,出版 put off ___________ put on _____________ put up___________ put up with__________ put 相关短语

come to达到某种情况或状态 come to oneself 苏醒 when it comes to谈到...涉及..


v1.0 可编辑可修改 come across ___________ come up with __________ come out__________ 1. 集中于 2.对……有影响 3. 受够了某人 4. 阻碍(某人) 5. 患病 Come的相关短语:

流传,降落:come 找到解决办法:come 发生: come 发芽,出版:come 偶遇: come 总计:come

6. 实施,进行 7. 阻碍(某人) 8. 起义,反抗 9. 研究…… 10. 与……有关 11. 无疑,确实



decorate (vt.) 装潢、装饰→ ________ (n.) 装潢、装饰 declare (vt.) 宣布,宣称→ _________ (n.)宣布,宣称,宣言 educate (vt.) 教育→ ________ (n.) 教育→ ________ (n.) 教育者 complain (vi.) 抱怨→ ________ (n.) 抱怨

corrupt (vt.) 使腐败,使堕落(adj.)贪污的,腐败的→ ________ (n.) 贪污,腐败

erupt (vi) (火山等)迸发,喷发,喷出,爆发→ __________ (n.) 爆发 aware (adj.) 意识的,察觉到的→ __________ (n.)意识,认识 historical (adj.) 历史的,与历史研究相关的→ ________ (n.)历史 powerful (adj.) 强有力的→ ________ (n.) 权利

wealthy (adj.) 富有的,富裕的→ ________ (n.) 财富, 钱财

cultural (adj.) 文化的→ ________ adv.)文化上地 → ________(n.) 文化 extreme (adj.) 极度的,极端的→ ________ (adv.) 极其,极端

fortunate (adj.) 不幸的,运气不好的→ __________(adj.) 幸运的,侥幸的 →________ (adv.) 幸运地,侥幸地

gradually (adv.) 逐渐地→ ________ (adj.) 逐渐的


v1.0 可编辑可修改 remains (n.) 遗迹→ ________ (vi.) 留下,剩下→ ________ (adj.) 剩余的 judge (n.) 法官,审判者,裁判员→ ________ (n.) 审判,判决

poison (n.) 毒药,毒物;(vt.)毒害,下毒→ ________ (n.) 中毒→ ________ (adj.) 有毒的

solution (n.) 解决办法,解答→ ________ (v.) 解决,解答 expression (n.) 表达,表情,神色→ ________ (v.) 表达 sailor (n.) 水手,海员→ ________ (v.& n.) 航行

basis (n.) 基础,基准,原因→ ________ (vt.& n.)基地,以.......为基地 1. (n.) 表达;表情→ (v.)表现,表达

2. (adj.)强有力的,强大的 → (n.) 权力,势力 3. (adj.)幸运的 → (adj.)不幸的,运气不好的 → (adv.)幸运地

4. (vt.)宣布;宣称 → (n.) 宣言 声明支持/反对

5. (adj.)纪念的,记忆的 → (n.)记忆力,记忆 → (v.)记忆 纪念 in of; 类似结构的短语:

希望:in of 需要:in of 搜寻:in of 支持:in of 以防万一:in of 就……而言:in of 6. (v.)教育,教导→ (n.)教育;培养 → (n.)教育家

7. (n.) 荣耀,光荣 → (adj.)光荣的;荣耀的

8. (adj.)知道的,意识到的→ (adj.)不知道的 → (n.)知道,意识 * 提高……意识


v1.0 可编辑可修改 9. (vt.)使腐败→ (adj.)→ (n.)腐败 10. (n.)毒物,毒药→ (vt.)毒害 → (adj.)有毒的,有害的

11. (vt.)判断,评价 → (n.)法官→ (n.) 判断


A British club arranged for high school students to go on a cultural

tour of places where there are lost civilizations. Ann felt 1 (luck) to have the chance 2_______ (visit) Pompeii in Italy and Loulan in China.

On Day 1, Ann arrived in Italy. On Day 2, Ann attended a lecture about Pompeii and gained the knowledge of the city, which was founded in the 8th century BC but 3________ (bury) underground after the volcano near the city erupted in AD 79. On Day 3, Ann visited the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, 4_______ was discovered in the 18th century but was much damaged because 5_______ people’s digging before it got protected by the government in 1860.

On Day 10, Ann arrived in Loulan. She was filled with 6 _________ (excite) to be in Loulan, which was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road but was 7________ (gradual) covered over by sandstorms from AD200 to AD 400. On Day 11, Professor Zhang, a scholar from the local cultural institute, told 8_______ the discovery of Loulan---- an explorer from Europe 9_______ (call) Sven Hedin discovered the ruins of the Loulan Kingdom around 1900. The desert was once a green land with huge trees, but they were cut down, 10_______ (cause) the city being buried by sand.

Ancient Greek statue found in Xingjiang

A small statue of a Greek soldier was found in Xingjiang, which 1. (explain) as a result of Alexander the Great’s influence.

Alexander 2. (succeed) his father to the throne when he was

twenty. Then he led an army and took back many Greek cities3. didn’t obey him.


v1.0 可编辑可修改 From 334BC, Alexander took his army into the Middle East, Egypt, and then India, and won every battle. He occupied more land than anyone 4. when he was thirty. Unfortunately, he died5. a fever when he was around thirty-three.

Alexander had a deep influence on the world by 6. (spread) Greek culture from Europe to Africa and Asia.

The father of Western philosophy

Philosophy is a way of looking at the world around us, or of answering the great questions of life.

Socrates was the father of Western philosophy. He came from Athens, Greece and lived to the age of 70. He once worked 7. a solider, a teacher and a worker. Western thought and science have been 8. (deep) influenced by him.

Socrates taught his students by asking questions to challenge them 9. develop and explain their own 10. (argue). His way of approaching the truth is now 11. (call) the Socratic Method. However, Socrates’s way of questioning everyone made many people upset, and finally he 12. (take) to court and put to death.




