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2018-2019学年英语人教版选修8:Unit 4课时跟踪练(三) Learning about Language Using Language

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Unit 4课时跟踪练(三) Learning about Language & Using Language




1.Lots of musical (音乐的) instruments can be found in the shop.

2.(2016·江苏高考)He did not compromise (妥协) easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.

3.What a disgusting (令人厌恶的) smell the food gave out!

4.The curtains I bought many years ago in the supermarket have faded (褪色) in the sun.

5.After taking the drug, she found it really effective (有效的). 6.Who's going to referee (当裁判) the basketball match? 7.We disapprove (不赞成) his behavior, which is really rude. 8.An old man in shabby (寒酸的) clothes came to the room. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.The heavy work robs him his free time.him后加of 2.She wants to show up her new dress at the party. up→off 3.We cannot compromise such terms.compromise后加on 4.To his disgusting, he saw a dead dog in his garden. disgusting→disgust 5.I would like to spend my holiday in Hawaii once much. much→more 6.If I have enough money, I would go to the zoo with you. have→had 7.Deeds are better than words when people are in need help.need后加of 8.When day dawned, stars faded out the sky. out后加from Ⅲ.选词填空

sob out, compromise with, show ...in, once more, in need of, fade out, deal with, in disgust 1.As soon as he showed the partner of the company in,_he left the room. 2.The old lady sobbed_out her sad experience in World War Two. 3.She expressed her wish to visit the attraction once_more. 4.On this dispute, the two sides will never compromise_with each other. 5.He threw away the rubbish in_disgust. 6.As the music at the end of the scene fades_out,_the film ends. 7.Many of the buildings are in_need_of repair. 8.We all know that, if not carefully dealt_with,_the situation will get worse. [本单元语言点温故练习]


1.Her quick adaptation (adapt) to the new environment is admirable. 2.Local residents were disappointed (disappoint) with the decision. 3.Generally (general) speaking, it's quite a fair settlement. 4.The carpet is far superior to that one in quality. 5.Attracted (attract) by the custom here, I decided to stay another two weeks at the village.

6.I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time. 7.What if we failed in the last exam? 8.It was reported that two young men knocked him down and robbed (rob) him of his briefcase (公文包).


1.I hesitated_to_take_such_a_big_risk as she did. 我不愿像她那样冒这么大的风险。

2.The goods in this store are_superior_to those in that one. 这家店的商品好于那家的商品。

3.I find it very difficult to adapt_myself_to_the_climate in the high mountains. 我觉得自己很难适应高山气候。

4.It is said that beer is_classified_as a food product. 据说啤酒被归类为食物产品。

5.The criminal was_condemned_to seven years' in prison. 这个罪犯被判七年监禁。

6.His tutor remarked_on his paper the other day. 他的导师几天前评论了他的论文。

7.He is very reliable and he will never betray_his_friends. 他很可靠,且永远不会出卖朋友。

8.She made_a_fortune by selling hand-made toys. 她卖手工制作的玩具发了财。


Inside Out is one of my favorite Disney/Pixar movies.The story is about a young girl named Riley who moves from Minnesota to San Francisco with her family and how she deals with her emotions through the move.These five emotions in Riley's brain are Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness.These emotions play a very important role in her life.I can relate because I am an 11-year-old girl and I am very in touch with my emotions and pre-teen feelings.

The film is extremely beautiful and you couldn't ask for better direction from Pete Doctor.The use of the right colors for the characters is great.For example, Joy is yellow, Sadness is blue, Disgust is green, Fear is purple and Anger of course is red.Sadness plays a main role in the story and it makes me wonder why we are told not to be sad.I think it's important to be sad when the time comes.The end of the movie pretty much got me and the whole audience (families, couples and even elderly people) in tears and I cried very hard.

I recommend this movie for anyone from 8 to 18 because it has enough joy in it for younger kids to like it even though it does have some sad moments.I believe that adults will like it too.And I give it 4 out of 5 stars because it connects to an older audience even though it is designed for a younger audience.I think younger children can see this, but a parent would have to explain some things to them after the movie.

语篇解读:本文是议论文。文章是一则关于动画片《头脑特工队》的影评。 1.The author feels connected with the movie because she and the character Riley ________.

A.enjoy the same movie B.have the same feelings C.have the same move experience D.have a similar family background

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“how she deals with her emotions”和“I can relate because ...I am very in touch with my emotions and pre-teen feelings.”可知,电影《头脑特工队》中的主角有着同样的青春期前的情感问题,从而引起了作者的共鸣。

2.What does the author think of Pete Doctor's job? A.Bad. C.Wonderful.

B.Just so-so. D.Disappointing.

解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句中的“you couldn't ask for better direction from Pete Doctor”可知,作者认为Pete Doctor导演得很棒。

2018-2019学年英语人教版选修8:Unit 4课时跟踪练(三) Learning about Language Using Language


