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1.“The door to his room is always shut \ that . A.the son is busy with his homework B.the son doesn’t want to talk to his parents C.the son needs some sleep

2.What troubles Tina and Mark most is that their daughter . A.only talks to her teachers B.asks for too much money C.talks little in class

D.talks with them only when she wants something

3.Who do teenagers talk to first when they have problems in Michael Riera's opinion? A.Friends B.Teachers

C.Parents D.Brothers and sisters

4.According to the last paragraph, what advice does the writer give to parents? A.Be a manager with your children B.Never talk too much to your children C.Be a friend with your children D.Give your children whatever they want


16、Look at your classmates around you. You all wear the same uniform and similar shoes, even similar haircut. Do you want to be different from them? A fashionable and useful backpack can be a great idea!

Backpacks are lightweight and easy to carry on then go. They are great tools for students. They help you to stay organized and tidy. You can keep school things, books and personal items like cell phones and keys neatly(整洁地). With a special and cool backpack, you can also stand out among your classmates.

Tourists also love backpacks. With convenient backpacks, backpackers can move freely from one place to another. Meanwhile, they can also free their hands to do other things like taking photos.

But in the very beginning backpacks were not what we see today.

It is thought that US hiker Dick Kelty invented the first modern backpack in 1951. He used nylon(尼龙) to make backpacks lightweight. Then he added shoulder straps(带子) and waist straps to transfer much of the weight to the hips(臀部).

Today, backpacks come in different styles.

Rolling backpacks have wheels on the bottom. Users can pull them along the ground if they are too heavy to carry on their shoulders.

And with more people bringing notebook computers to school and work, backpacks also offer space for lightweight electronics. Most of them are in style and can be in good use.

A backpack has already become a symbol of fashion in some way. So, why not carry your fashion with your backpack?

1.What’s the writer’s idea for being different from other students? A.To wear surprising school uniforms. B.To get best grades.

C.To own a fashionable backpack. D.To have a usual haircut.

2.Students can use a wonderful backpack to _________. A.take photos B.lose weight C.stand higher D.keep school things

3.Which of the following statement about the first backpack is NOT TRUE? A.It was invented in the 20th century. B.The inventor of it is an English hiker. C.It was made of cotton and nylon. D.It had shoulder straps and waist straps.

4.How many new styles of backpacks are mentioned in this passage? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. 5.Where can we read this passage possibly?

A.A fashion magazine. B.A supermarket poster. C.A school notice-board. D.A tour guidebook.


17、There are two families on Earth who want a baby girl, but there is only one girl waiting to be born. She turns herself into two girls, but each of the girls only has half of a heart.Years later, the two girls meet.When they come together, their hearts beat faster, and they feel complete again.

Do you ever feel like you and your best friend were once the same person, but were split(分裂)before birth? Do you want to spend every minute with her? If you have a really good best friend, you might feel like you're incomplete when you areapart. In US middle schools, many girls show their feelings with a best friends necklace (项链).

The best friends necklace can take many forms. Usually, it is a heart split in two. It reads\each one of the friends wears half of the necklace. Best friends may live far away and not see each other for a long time. But the two pieces of the heart fit together perfectly when they meet again. If your very best friend is wearing her necklace, she has half of your heart.

Make a best friends necklace and give one half of it to your best friend.Some girls make their own necklaces out of clay (泥土) or pieces of a jigsaw puzzle (拼图). Alone,the necklace doesn't mean a lot. But when your friend is there, and the pieces fit together, everything seems to be complete again.

1.What is the first paragraph about? It's about a report of a special family. A.It's about a true story of two girls. B.It's about what the necklace used to be. C.It's about how best friends feel together.

2.According to the passage, if you have a best friend, what will you do? A.You will live together in her family. B.You will share one heart together. C.You will want to be with her. D.You will play jigsaw puzzle with her.

3.What does the underlined word \A.分离. B.相聚. C.重逢. D.团结.

4.Which of the following is NOT true about the best friends necklace? A.It's very popular around the world now. B.Each one of the friends wears half of it. C.Some girls use clay to make it. D.It can take many shapes. 5.What is this article mainly about? A.It's mainly about how to make friends. B.It's mainly about how the two girls grow up.

C.It's mainly about the best friends necklace in America. D.It's mainly about what American girls are doing at present.


18、In the eyes of many foreigners, Chinese are the best hosts and the worst guests in the world. They’re not really bad guests, but because the guest-host relationship in China is much different than in some western counties, it appears they are not nice guests. And western guests sometimes look rude (粗鲁的) in the eyes of Chinese guests.

In China, guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chinese person’s home, there is always fruit on the table for me, and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the west, generally the guest is

not a god. Acting according to the host’s way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.

My wife’s mother, a very kind elderly Chinese lady, doesn’t smoke. When I see some of her guests smoking in her house, as a non-smoker, I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them directly, but I must realize that in China, to be a good host, she must not do that. In most North America homes, if you are a guest, and the hosts are not smokers, you should not smoke in their house. At the very least, you could ask, “Is it OK if I smoke?” “But, don’t be surprised if they say, “No, you can’t smoke.” In our culture, if you smoke in their home, you are a bad guest, but if they don’t allow you to smoke in their house, they are not a rude guest. Guests in China also have special habits. Some western people may not adapt to these habits very soon. Thankfully my wife is Chinese, so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift. However, giving a gift to a host is not always necessary in my country. So, if you invite international guests to your home, don’t be too surprised if they don’t bring you a gift.

In China, you probably won't need to change the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host, and Chinese are naturally very good hosts. If western hosts invite you to their house, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected. 1.Many foreigners think that Chinese hosts are the _________in the world. A.best


C.most natural

D.most difficult

2.If the writer’s guests want to smoke in his house, what will he probably say? A.It’s OK if you smoke here. C.Sorry, you can’t smoke here.

B.Let’s smoke together. D.Smoking is a bad habit.

3.What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “adapt to” in the passage? A.think back to

B.get used to

C.look forward to

D.keep close to

4.What is the main idea of this passage? A.Foreigners should learn from Chinese. B.Hosts must do things in the guest’s way. C.Western hosts are always nice to guests. D.People should understand cultural differences. Ⅴ.书面表达

19、中共十八届五中全会提出一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策后,全社会展开了热烈的讨论,某校也就\是否想要个弟弟或妹妹\对部分学生进行了一次问卷调查,请你根据此结果写一份调查报告,并适当阐述你的观点,问卷调查结果如图所示:Do you want a little brother or sister? Do you want a little brother or sister? For(40%)

For(40%) against(60%)

against(60%) 1.not feel lonely any more

2.Help each other, share the happiness and sadness 3.……

1.not feel lonely any more

2.Help each other, share the happiness and sadness 3.…… 1.worry about parents’ love 2.Bother(打扰) his/her studying 3.……

1.worry about parents’ love 2.Bother(打扰) his/her studying 3.……


2.条理清楚,书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确; 3.短文中不能出现真实的人名、地名。


Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、C 2、D 3、B 4、B 5、D 6、B 7、D 8、B 9、C 10、A

Ⅱ. 完形填空 11、1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A



