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[高中英语]2017年高一英语人教版必修3单元导练:Unit2 HealthyeatingWord版含解析

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【例1】If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,______ him or her leave a message. A.have B.get C.ask D.tell

解析:have后面接不带 to的不定式作宾语补足语,have sb.do sth. 让某人做某事.get,ask 和tell都后接带 to的不定式作宾语补足语. 答案:A


have sb.doing sth. 让某人做某事,让某种情况发生;have sb.do sth.使、让、叫某人干某事;have sth. done 请某人把某事做好;have sth. to do有事要做.

【例2】I have lost one of my gloves.I _____ it somewhere. A.must drop

B.must have dropped C.must be dropping

D.must have been dropped

解析:首先考虑主动,因为已经丢失,属于过去事实,从而推测过去一定丢在某处. 答案:B


对过去发生的事情推测,其肯定形式为must have done,may/might have done,但是must have done比另外两个语气强烈得多,表示特别有把握的推测,而其他表示“或许”,没有把握.

【例3】Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago ______ I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? A.that B.which C.what D.when 解析:首先要知道ten years ago为插入语,解题时结合定语从句用法和插入语可以忽略原则判断应选D项. 答案:D



【例4】—I was riding along the street and all of a sudden,a car cut in and knocked me down. —You can never be ______ careful in the street. A.much B.very C.so D.too

解析:can not...too,can never...too意思为“怎么……也不为过”或者“越……越好”,表示肯定意义.



用too表示肯定意义的有: (1)too...not to句式


(3)only too...to句式(too后为表示愉快心情的形容词,如:glad,pleased,willing等)

【例5】Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to others,_____ of course,made the others envy him. A.who B.that C.what D.which 解析:从句子成分分析,本题考查的是非限制性定语从句的引导词;从题意看,引导词指代的是前面整个主句的意思:Helen对小儿子比对待其他人更好. 答案:D



【例6】On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she _____ pale. A.got B.changed C.went


解析:本题考查系动词的用法.根据题意:她听到煤矿里发生事故的消息,脸一下子变得苍白.get,go均可以用作连系动词,表示变化,go表示“变得(不好、不妙等)”,符合题意;而appear用作系动词意思是“看上去似乎(而实际并非如此)”,不合题意.change不能用作连系动词. 答案:C


连系动词有两类;一是be,一是由行为动词转化而来的:look, seem, appear, taste, smell, sound,become,grow,turn,fall,run,prove,remain,lie等.如: The weather turned out fine.

His knowledge of English remains to be weak. It feels like glass.

【例7】 There’s _______ cooking oil left in the house.Would you go to the corner store and get _______. A.little;some B.little;any C.a little;some D.a little;any

解析:本题考查具体语境中的代词用法.由题意可知,第一个空需要否定意义的词,排除C、 D两项;第二个空表示肯定意义,排除B项. 答案:A


做这类题目的关键是要看清题意,明确代词使用的场合,具体表示什么意义.如:Sometimes Miss Li lets her favorite student do little jobs for her.本句中的little 却相当于small,是指老师让她的学生替她做点力所能及的小事情.

【例8】Stand over there ______ you’ll be able to see it better. A.or B.while C.but D.and

解析:本题考查固定句型结构“祈使句+and + 陈述句(一般将来时)”.句首出现动词原型可以判断该句是祈使句,而空格前后的意思顺承一致,含有因果意味,所以使用and.祈使句相当于一个条件句,and之后的陈述句表达结果. 答案:D


解答这类题目要掌握固定句型,并明确句子的意思.若意思逆反,则连词用or,副词用otherwise.如:Hold the handle tightly,or/otherwise you’ll fall off the motorbike.(抓紧把手,不然的话,你会从摩托上掉下来.)

【例9】 Sarah,hurry up.I’m afraid you wouldn’t have time to ______ before the party. A.get changed B.get change C.get changing D.get to change

解析:get changed是被动语态的另一种形式,相当于 be changed. 答案:A


在考试中考生往往对这类试题比较陌生,但是get +done是常用形式,如:get lost,get separated,get missed,get burnt,get paid,get burnt,get caught,get hurt等. 【例10】—Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? —Thank you._______. A.It couldn’t be better B.Of course you can C.If you like D.It’s up to you

解析:根据回答中的“谢谢”可以推断回答为高兴的语气,It couldn’t be better再好不过了. 答案:A




基础达标 Ⅰ.单词拼写


1.You know I am not an able man and there is a l to what I can do for you. 答案:limit

2.The famous scientist devotes himself to r on the effects of radioactivity. 答案:researching

3.There is a small a of food and we must think out an idea to get more. 答案:amount

4.For the b of people’s health,we must build more advanced hospitals. 答案:benefit

5.There are many i to be discussed in our meeting today. 答案:items

6.In some places in Japan,people are used to eat ______ (生的)fish. 答案:raw

7.In summer ______ (烘烤的) mutton is very popular and sells well. 答案:roasted

8.The ______ (软弱)of his character leads to total failure in the campaign. 答案:weakness

9.The modern actress who has a (纤细的) waist often appears on TV. 答案:slim

10.We all can’t help ______ (叹息)when we heard the death of Gao Xiumin. 答案:sighing


strength tell lies full of go away withbalance curiosity combine newlythrow away be tired of

1.To keep the ______ of nature is the main topic in the conference. 答案:balance

2.The man opened the door and wanted to know who was in the room out of ______. 答案:curiosity

3.If you ______ work with pleasure,you will find you to live a happy life. 答案:combine

4.This is a ______ small restaurant at the end of the street. 答案:newly-opened

5.When the boy heard the noise,he ______ the pot and rushed out. 答案:threw away

6.I ______ TV program and wanted to go out for a visit. 答案:was tired of

7.If you cheat in the exam you’ll never ______ it. 答案:got away with

8.The house ______ smell of gas and you should leave here at once. 答案:full of

opened 9.I never thought the honest man should often ______ in public. 答案:tell lies

10.The wounded got his ______ back slowly and could work in the fields. 答案:strength


1. ______ this way they cut ______ the fat and increased the fiber in the meal. 答案:In;down

2.He did not look forward ______ being ______ debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. 答案:to;in

3.Her mother looks young,but ______ fact,she is ______ her forties. 答案:in;in

4.How do you keep in touch ______ your friends? 答案:with

5.We can benefit ______ their deeds. 答案:from Ⅳ.单句改错

1.I feel like go to visit the Great Wall and take photos next Sunday. 答案:go→going

2.Tiring of all fat food,he decided to try another kind. 答案:Tiring→Tired

3.I have found the basket where has a lot of fruits. 答案:where→which

4.It was not giving its customers energy-given food. 答案:energy-given→energy-giving

5.The competition between the two factories was in. 答案:in→on Ⅴ.完成句子

1.My classmate was ______ (负债) and I was always helping him. 答案:in debt

2.She ______ (答应帮助他)and taught him how to earn much money. 答案:promised to help him

3.The poor girl was ____________ (站在那儿等着) when the official handed out food. 答案:standing waiting

4.My mother ______ (谋生) by writing articles for a publishing house. 答案:earned her living

5. ____________ (只有通过这种方法)can we reach the top of the hill as soon as possible. 答案:Only in this way



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


[高中英语]2017年高一英语人教版必修3单元导练:Unit2 HealthyeatingWord版含解析


