闽教版四年级英语下册 Unit 1 DayS Of the Week
[00:00.00]U nit 1 DayS of the Week [00:06.33]Part A 课文朗读
一星期的七天 ] [00:08.38]1 LiSten and follow. 听录音并跟读。 [00:12.49]What do you often do every week? [00:16.35] On Mo nday We raise our natio nal flag. 你们每个星期经常做什么?」 我们星期一升国旗。 我们星期二有一个班会。 我们星期三在操场跳舞。
[00:20.55]We have a class meet ing On Tuesday. [00:24.82]We dance in the PIaygro UndonWedn esday. [00:29.13]2 ASk and an SWer
.问答练习。[00:56.48]3 LiSte n and learn the En glish sou nds.
[01:02.11]m milk 牛奶 mon key 猴子 mouth 嘴 SWim 游泳 [01:17.24]Part B
[01:19.52]1 LiSte n and follow.
你们在星期四常常做什么? 我们在操场上做运动。 我们在星期五打扫我们的教室。J 你们在周六日常常做什么?
[01:23.53]What do you often do on ThUrSday? [01:27.21]We have SPOrtS in the PIaygrOU nd. [01:30.51]We clea n OUr CIaSSroom On Friday. [01:39.44]l play the violin On SatUrday. [01:43.96]l play football OnSUn day. [01:47.34]2 ASk and an SWer [01:51.35].....
[02:21.67]3 LiSte n and lear n the En glish sou nds. [02:27.24]n Pen 钢笔 run 奔跑 noodles 面条 nine 九 [02:41.82]Part C
[02:44.04]1 Si ng a Son g.
有七天 [01:34.37]What do you ofte n do On SatUrday and SU nday?
我在星期六拉小提琴。 我在星期日踢足球。
[02:47.82]There Are SeVen DayS [03:10.37][02:56.94]There are SeVen days. [03:12.07][02:58.68]There are SeVen days.
[03:13.65][03:00.37]There are SeVen days in a week.
[03:16.89][03:03.66]Su nday,Mo nday,Tuesday,Wed nesday,Thursday, [03:20.58][03:07.48]Friday,Saturday. [03:25.94]3 Let's Cha nt. [03:29.36]The Week So ng 我们一起来唱歌。 星期之歌 [03:34.20]Su nday,M On day,Tuesday, [03:37.15]Wed nesday is the middle day. [03:40.09]ThUrSday,Friday,Saturday, [03:43.02]SatUrday is the last day. [03:45.99]We are happy We Can say, [03:48.82]The names of the SeVen days.
[03:56.11]4 LiSte n and connect. [04:00.50].....
闽教版四年级英语下册 Unit 2 Clea ning Day
[00:06.49]Part A
[00:08.43]1 LiSte n and follow. 听录音并跟读。
. [00:12.63]It is Friday.Let's clean OUr
[00:17.31]Ya ng Ming is Sta ndi ng On a Chair [00:20.42]He is clea ning the blackboard. [00:23.87]LiIy is clea ning the desks. [00:27.47]JuIia is clea ning the chairs. [00:31.25]SaIIy is clea ning the Win dow. [00:34.85]Wa ng Tao is clea ning the door [00:38.51]2 Look and say. 看图片并练习说
莉莉正在擦桌子, 朱莉娅正在擦椅子。 萨利止在擦窗户,]
[01:05.56]3 LiSte n and Iearn the En glish sou nds. [01:10.83]h [01:27.29]Part B
[01:29.41]1 LiSte n and follow. [01:33.39]WeIl done, boys and girls! [01:39.74]PIeaSe close the Wi ndows. [01:42.74]Yes, MiSS Gao. [01:49.39]All right. 好的。 [01:51.23]PIeaSe close the door [01:54.00]OK. Let's go home. [01:57.64]2 Look and say. [02:06.47]PIeaSe close the door [02:09.89]PIeaSe turn off the fa n. [02:13.62]PIeaSe turn off the light. .请关上门。
好的,咱们回家吧。 看图片并练习说。
hen 母鸡 ha nd 手 horse 马
house 房子
[01:35.88]Our CIaSSroom is clea n and bright now.
[01:45.41]PIeaSe turn off the IightS and fans.
[02:02.36]PIeaSe close the Wi ndows.
请关掉电扇。 请关掉灯。 听录音并学习发音。 [02:16.73]3 LiSte n and Iearn the En glish sou nds. [02:22.32]j jacket 夹克衫 jump 跳跃 juice 果汁 [02:35.66]Part C
[02:37.73]1 Si ng a Son g. [02:41.46]It's Time to Clean UP [02:49.69]It's time to clean up. [02:52.55]It's time to clean up. [02:55.53]CIean up,clean up. [02:58.24]It's time to clean up. [03:01.23]CIea n up,clea n up. [03:04.10]It's time to clea n up.
[03:09.89]3 Let's chant. [03:13.31]Clea ning Day [03:18.29]Friday,Friday.
我们一起来唱歌。 清洁日 [03:20.91]lt's OUr Clea ning day. [03:23.93]Clean the chairs. [03:25.59]CIean the blackboard. [03:27.04]CIea n the Wi ndows. [03:28.47]CIea n the door . [03:34.49]4 LiSten and number [03:40.34].....
.听录音并标序号。 ∣
闽教版四年级英语下册 Unit 3 School SUbjeCtS 课文朗读
[00:00.00]U nit 3 School SUbjeCtS [00:06.92]Part A
[00:08.99]1 LiSte n and follow.
萨利,今天星期几? 第三单元 学习科目
[00:13.26]What day is today, Sally? [00:16.62]lt's Wedn esday. 星期三。
[00:19.14]We have a math class this morni . 我们今天上午有一节数学课。 ng
对,我喜欢数学。 [00:22.61]That's right. I like math. [00:26.14]We have an English class, too. [00:29.47]I like it. BUt I'm not good at it.
不要担心,我会帮助你。 [00:33.82]Do n't worry. I Ca n help you.
[00:37.56]It's Very nice of you. 你真是太好了。
[00:40.57]math [00:43.76]music
数学 音乐 语文
[00:46.83]Ch in ese [00:50.40]art 美术
[00:53.60]2 ASk and an SWer [00:57.54].....
[01:56.27]3 LiSte n and lear n the En glish sou nds. [02:01.48]w Window 窗户 We 我们 Winner 胜利者 [02:14.80]Part B
[02:16.74]1 LiSte n and follow. [02:24.64]No, I don 't. 听录音并跟读。
[02:20.71]Do you have a SCie nce class this morni ng? [02:27.07]May I USe your SCienCe book? [02:30.21]Sure. Here you are. [02:33.28]Tha nk you. 谢谢。 [02:35.51]I like SCie nce class. 我喜欢科学课。 你今天上午有科学课吗?
不,我没有。- ____________________________________
[02:38.27]Me, too. It's Very in terest in g. [02:46.79]Yes, I like her class.
我也是,它很有趣。 并且我们的老师林老师也很有趣。
[02:41.35]A nd our teacher Ms.L in is Very in teresti ng,too.
[02:50.30]2 ASk and an SWer .问答练习。
[03:51.97]3 LiSte n and Iear n the En glish SoU nds. [03:57.92]y yellow 黄色的 you 你(们) year 年 [04:10.91]Part C
[04:12.87]1 Si ng a Son g. [04:16.35]The MUSiC Room
[04:23.95]I n the music room,there's a Pia no. [04:29.79]Whe never We Si ng,it will Sing alo ng. [04:35.48]Do ti la so mi so do ti la so.
[04:41.09]Whenever We Sing,it will Sing along. [04:49.93]3 Let's Cha nt.
[04:53.13]Do You Like En glish?
[04:58.68]Do you like English?Yes,l do. [05:02.90]Do you like Chi nese?Yes,l do. [05:07.21]Do you like SCie nce? Yes,I do. [05:17.14]4 LiSte n and tick. [05:25.76].....
闽教版四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Tran SPOrtatiOn
[00:00.00]U nit 4 Tran SPOrtatiOn 课文朗读
第四单元交通 [00:06.88]Part A [00:09.05]1 LiSte n and follow. [00:17.25]By Car .乘小汽车。 听录音并跟读。 萨利,你怎么去上学? [00:13.50]How do you go to school, Sally? [00:19.50]How do you go to school? 你怎么去上学? [00:22.35]By school bus. 乘校车。 凯特怎么去上学? [00:25.09]How does Kate go to school? [00:28.52]She goes to school On foot. [00:31.90]How does your mother go to work? [00:35.37]She goes to work by bike. [00:38.63]by Car [00:46.66]on foot [00:50.34]by bike 她步行去上学。 你母亲怎么去上班? 她骑自行车去上班。 乘小汽车 乘校车 [00:42.68]by school bus 步行 骑自行车 [00:54.01]2 ASk and an SWer [01:02.26]By school bus. .问答练习。 你怎么去上学? [00:58.48]How do you go to school? 乘校车。 你父亲怎么去上班? [01:05.69]How does your father go to work? [01:09.26]He goes to work by Car他开车去上班。 [01:13.39]How does your mother go to work? 你母亲怎么去上班? [01:16.99]She goes to work by bus. [01:25.46]y goodbye 再见
[01:20.70]3 LiSte n and lear n the En glish sou nds.