目 录
I. Briefly define the following terms in English and write down the itemnumbers and your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points, 2 pointseach)
II. Briefly explain in English in what way the following terms are different.Write down the item numbers and your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points, 4 points each)
1.diachronic linguistics and synchronic linguistics2.morph and allomorph
3.surface structure and deep structure
4.explicit performance and implicit performance
5.linguistic context and non-linguistic context
III. Answer the following questions in English. Write down the item numbersand your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points, 5 points each)1.Briefly describe the development of the T.G. grammar.2.Exemplify the broad and narrow phonetics transcription.
3.What are the main components of the Standard Theory? How does eachof them work in the whole process of generating and transforming sentences?4.What is a performative utterance? How are performative utterancesclassified?
5.Briefly explain the basic idea of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and giveyour comments.
6.On what grounds do linguists group languages into different families anddifferent types? Write out the subfamilies, branches and the main members ofIndo-European Language Family.
IV. There are four choices following each statement. Write down the itemnumbers and your choices on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 pointeach)
1._____ means that human languages enable their users to symbolizeobjects, events and concepts which are not present at the moment ofcommunication.A. CreativityB. ArbitrarinessC. DisplacementD. Duality
2._____put forward the distinction between Competence and Performance.