还记得习语 close the books 的寓意吗?今天又带来一个包含 book 的习语 can't (don't) judge a book by its cover,用来表示不能以貌取人,寓意:
outward appearance cannot be an indicator of the value or worth of someone or something
you cannot know what someone or something is like just by looking the appearances of them
the character of someone or the quality of something cannot be judged just by looking at them
解析:cannot 是 can't 的常见的展开形式,can not 也是 can't 的展开形式,但是这样写的主要目的是强调 not,且经常用在感叹句中。
an opinion of someone or something cannot be formed solely by seeing what's on the surface
The candidate did not look very intelligent, but you can't judge a book by its cover.
解析:此句中 look 是表像系动词,表示“看起来好像”,类似的还有 seem, appear 等。
The hotel looked attractive from outside, but the rooms were damp and not well maintained. You can't judge a book by its cover!
Do not form opinions of a person's character by looking at his appearance. You can't judge a book by its cover. 不要从外表来判断一个人的性格。你不能以貌取人。