商务英语邮件写作范文:商品缺货通知 范文一: Dear subscribers,
Because of expanding sales, we feel very sorry for having to inform you that Alice in Wonderland has all been sold out.
However, we are replenishing our stock. Please contact us to confirm whether you d like it to be delivered by mail or express if you still want to place an order with us.
I m always looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours, Taobao
期待您尽快回复。 淘宝网 谨上 范文二:
Dear ,
I feel sorry to hear that Alice in Wonderland has all been sold out, since it has always been one of my favorite works. I still want to place an order with you. Would you mind informing me the moment your new stock has come? Thank you in advance!
I m looking forward to your earliest reply. Yours, Leo 亲爱的 :
期待您的早日回复。 利奥 范文三: 谨上 Dear ,
I am so sorry to be told that my favorite Alice in Wonderland has been sold out. But I can wait for your replenished stock. Please mail one once new books arrive. Thank you in advance!
Yours, Leo 亲爱的 :
利奥 谨上
商务英语邮件写作范文:付款确认通知 范文一: Dear Joyce,
On March 25, 2011, the amount of ¥100,000,000 as payment for your invoice No.1234567 was transferred into your account. Please check and send us yourconfirmation.
I have faxed a copy of the remittance slip for your reference. Truly yours, Edward 尊敬的乔伊斯:
汇款凭单我也已经传真给你,以供参考。 爱德华 谨上 范文二: Dear Edward,
I have received your mail informing that the amount of ¥ 100,000,000 as payment for my invoice No.1234567 has been transferred into my account. Thank you for your cooperation.