一、 主持人开场白 Opening
女:圣诞的祝福、激情的狂欢、璀璨的灯火、欢乐的晚会 It’s the time of the year for joy, love and Christmas festivity. 男:尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们, To all faculties and students, 合:大家~晚上好! Good evening!
We are your hosts for tonight. I am Jordan. 女:我是主持人刘妹含 I am Keeno. 男:我是主持人邓成杰 I am Jack. 女:我是主持人何海珊 And I am Helen.
Tonight we are fortunate enough to have a joined Christmas celebration with Yinghua College and 六艺 Entertainment.
女:伴着圣诞的钟声,伴着圣诞快乐的歌声,愿每一个虔诚祈祷和心愿,在来年都能够实现。 May your prayers and wishes come true in the chimes of Christmas bells and Christmas carols. 男:因为相聚,让我们分享了这快乐的时光,因为浪漫的圣诞让我们承载无尽的祝福。 We are here to share the joy and blessing of Christmas. 女:亲爱的的老师们、同学们,真心地祝愿 We sincerely wish all teachers and students
男:大家在新的一年里万事如意,好运常在,平安快乐! the best of luck in the coming year. 合:我们的圣诞晚会现在开始!
Now let the party begin!
二、 给外教送礼 Gifting foreign teachers
圣诞节是西方传统的节日,也是西方最重视的节日之一。 今晚我们很荣幸和外教们一起共度圣诞晚会,下面有请英华的同学给外教献花,有请外教Roboson、 Aye、 Boris、 Boomer、Tim、William上台,让我们一起给外教们献上最真挚的祝福。大家掌声欢迎。
Christmas is the most important festival in Western culture. We are glad to celebrate this special time with our foreign teachers. We want to give our most sincere blessing to our Western friends. Please welcome Robson, Mr, Aye, Boris, Boomer, Tim and William to come on to the stage to receive their flowers.
三、外教William代表讲话 Speech by William
Before the show begins, let’s welcome William to make a speech.
四、节目 Performances
1、《Jingle Bell Rock》合唱 表演者:G1、G2、老师(英华)
不愧是我们的William,文采飞扬,出口成章,我相信他刚刚那段激情澎湃的演讲一定吐出了某些人的真心。接下来就是大家期待已久的节目和活动了。首先,我们的第一个节目就是英华师生在这温馨的圣诞晚会上给大家带来一首欢快的合唱《Jingle Bell Rock》。
Thank you, William. I believe your speech articulated what some of us feeling right now. Now let the show begins, the first act is from Yinghua College students and teachers. They will perform a Christmas Carol “Jingle Bell Rock”.
2、《雪绒花》、《隐形的翅膀》吉他弹唱、陶笛演奏 表演者:Jeff、Nisland、King老师(英华) 不愧是今晚的重头戏,充满了浓浓、的圣诞气氛,所以请再一次响起你们的掌声,为了刚刚出色的表演,也为了今天的圣诞节, 请欣赏由Jeff、Nisland、我们的King老师带来的2首抒情歌曲,分别是《雪绒花》、《隐形的翅膀》。
What an opening performance! It really set the mood for Christmas. Next up, Mr. King, Jeff and Nisaland will perform two songs “雪绒花” (Snowflakes) and “隐形的翅膀” (Invisible wings) accompanied with guitar and ocarina. Please give them a big hand!
3、《Dance baby》舞蹈 表演者:体舞班(六艺)
谢谢King老师、Jeff、Nisland的精彩表演。奔放的舞蹈,潮流的气息,时尚的脚步,跳动的音符。诠释了他们个性、开朗、奔放、热情的青春风貌。下面欣赏由体舞班带来的舞蹈《Dance baby》。
Thank Mr. King, Jeff and Nisland for your amazing performance. We are lucky enough to have some dance students to be here with us. Now it’s time for 六艺dance troop to show us their awesome dance moves. Here is “Dance baby”.
4、《白日梦》音乐剧 表演者:二班(六艺)
感谢体舞班的表演。或许是白日里不满意的地方太多,或许是对物质和精神的享受要求太多。始终不明白为何我的梦境中出现我多年的渴望,下面欣赏由编导二班林心怡等人带来的音乐剧《白日梦》。, Now just cool it and have a lovely musical portraying the materialistic and spiritual desire of adolescents produced by Writing and Directing Class 2 林心怡and her team. Here is “The Daydreamers.”
Thank you all for your breath-taking performance. I guess we are emotionally exhausted from the melodrama huh? Time to play some games! a)
游戏规则:邀请 6人参加游戏,每人分别代表一种颜色的萝卜,所有人横排面向观众列队,开始游戏。 示范:邀请2位女主持人
注意事项:玩家和观众可一起击掌打节拍,并逐渐加快节拍的速度,以增加游戏难度。反映慢的玩家和传错的玩家被淘汰。最后台上剩下的 2 名玩家为优胜者。 游戏顺序:六艺、英华
5、《中二病》说唱 表演者:Jacky(英华)
玩完好玩的游戏,还有更精彩的表演等着我们。接下来有请英华最牛,最最强,最燃的Jacky同学带来说唱 《中二病》,大家掌声欢迎。
It’s time to get back to the show. Jacky from Yinghua College will perform a rap song “中二病”. Let’s give him a big hand!
6、《血汗泪》独舞 表演者:Bill(英华)
Thank you Jacky, that’s epic! The next perform is from Bill. He will perform a dance routine to the song “Blood, Sweat and Tears”. Prepare to be blown away by his explosive dance moves.
7、《身骑白马》独唱 表演者:独唱(六艺)
Thank you, Bill. The next act is from陈小雨 singing “身骑白马” (Riding on a white horse). This song describes the emotional separation amongst friends. Every story has an end and every piece of memory has its beginning. Let’s cherish this special moments as we witness this beautiful performance.
8、《想把你留在这里》情景剧、说唱 表演者:五班(六艺)
Thank you 小雨. It’s not sorrow. It’s not sadness. It’s the memory of adolescence. Next up from Writing and Directing Class 5, 罗泽禧、黄一洲、许荡胤and their team will bring us a rap/play “想把你留在这里” (Please stay).
中间环节:圣诞老人出场(撒糖) 音乐 Intermission: Santa Claus is coming to town (Candy rain)
Thank you all for your performance. It's not Christmas without Santa. The imagery of a jolly old man riding a reindeer sleigh giving presents to children is the epitome of Christmas. So where is Santa now? I think we need to bring out Santa with a big cheer and applause.
9、《雪的梦幻》陶笛演奏 表演者:King老师(英华)
Have you all got candy from Santa? Thank Santa for bringing us Christmas joy. The following performances are even more magnificent. Next up Mr. King will perform an ocarina solo “Sonwdreams” by Bandari
10、《送别》、《南山南》独唱 演者:Nisland(英华)
Thank you King. The song “送别” (farewell) depicts the melancholy of parting and the song “南山南” (South of Southern Mountain) tells the story of a distant relationship. Together they portray a gloomy but beautiful imagery. Please welcome Nisland to bring this imagery to life with his amazing voice!
11、《T》舞蹈 表演者:五班(六艺)
Thank you Nisland. I’m bored. I need to be re-energized! And what is better than an explosive hip-hop dance routine to re-energize your mind? From Writing and Directing Class 5, dance duo 丘敏敏 and陈诗群 will bring us the most passionate, athletic and aesthetic performance “T”.
12、《成都》吉他弹唱 表演者:九班(六艺)
Let’s give a big hand to the dance duo! “Chengdu” is the capital of Szechuan province where you would find gorgeous scenery, inviting food or even love! A city you would deam of. Next up, from Writing and Directing Class 9 莫志威 and 叶晨晨 will perform a song named after this beautiful city accompanied with guitar.
在看了那么多精彩的表演之后,现在又到了我们游戏时间了。接下我们玩的游戏叫《双龙戏珠》。 I’m kind of tired of the performance now. Game time again! b)
队员背靠背,夹住气球,从起点运到终点,终点放有一个椅子,到终点以后要把气球放到椅子上坐爆,再返回起点继续夹气球,可以在队友坐气球的同时,另一个人回起点准备气球。注意:如果在跑动过程中气珠落地或因其他原因提前爆炸,要回到起点重新运气球。 每组以最先坐爆2个气球的代表队胜出。 道具:气球、椅子 游戏顺序:六艺、英华 英华礼物交换(同上)
13、《Dynasty Warriors》吉他、架子鼓演奏 表演者:Justin老师、Jacky(英华)
Now back to the performance. Now Mr. Justin and Jacky are going to perform a theme song from the video Dynasty Warriors. Let’s praise Jacky’s awesomeness!
14、《Canon Rock》电吉他演奏 表演者:Justin老师
Wow~师生二人组合实在是太酷了。接下来这首音乐改编于最受全世界人们喜爱的古典音乐《卡农》,曾称霸美国流行音乐排行榜长达百周以上,下面有请我们英华幽默风趣的音乐鬼才Justin给我们带来由这首曲的电吉他独奏《Canon rock》。掌声欢迎!
That’s awesome! We have come to the last performance of the night and Mr. Justin, the guitar God of Yinghua
School is going perform a guitar solo based on one of the most beloved classical pieces –“Canon” but with rocking electric guitar! Welcome Justin! 结束语:Closing
Today, we are brought together by joy and festivity. 男:今天,是热情的盛会让我们情深谊长
Today, our friendships are strengthened by unity. 女:让我们用歌声和祝福迎接圣诞的钟声
Let’s greet the sound of Christmas bells with prayers and hymns. 男:让我们为明天的平安与幸福送去最真的虔诚
Let’s pray for peace and happiness with our upmost sincerity. 女:让我们共同祝愿亲爱的老师们、同学们在新的一年平安快乐!
Let’s wish all of our teachers and students the best of luck in the coming year! 男:祝愿我们的明天更加灿烂辉煌! To a glorious future.
This is the end of the show and we would like to once again wish everybody a happy Christmas!
五、全体师生合影留念 Group photo 最后请全体师生一起上台合影留念。