Stability Analysis of Some Nonlinear Feedback Control Methods for Beam Halo-Chaos Suppression
Stability Analysis of Some Nonlinear Feedback
Control Methods for Beam Halo-Chaos
FANG Jin-Qing;WANG Zhong-Sheng;CHEN Guan-Rong
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2004(042)010
【摘要】Control of beam halo-chaos has been a very challenging subject for research in recent years, in which some nonlinear feedback methods have been developed for suppression of beam halo-chaos in high-current proton linear accelerators. However, stability analysis of such successful nonlinear feedback control methods has not yet been rigorously carried out, which remains an important open topic in the field. In this letter, we present a rigorous mathematical analysis of several nonlinear feedback control methods that are applied to control beam halo-chaos with great success on simulations. 【总页数】4页(557-560)
【关键词】stability analysis;high intensity proton beam;halo-chaos;nonlinear control
【作者】FANG Jin-Qing;WANG Zhong-Sheng;CHEN Guan-Rong
【作者单位】China Institute of Atomic Energy, P.O. Box 275-27, Beijing 102413, China;Zhongyuan Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou 450007, China;Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong
Stability Analysis of Some Nonlinear Feedback Control Methods for Beam Halo-Chaos Suppression