第一章 Invitation to Linguistics
1)Language的定义:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. It is instrumental, social and conventional.
2) Design Features of Language
Design Features的定义:It refers to the defining/distinctive properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.
Design Features of Language:①Arbitrariness ②Duality
③Creativity ④Displacement ① Arbitrariness: There is no logical connection between sound and meaning.
For onomatopoeia, arbitrary and non-arbitrary effects work at the same
time. However, it can not change the nature of language, because: ⅰ.Onomatopoeia takes a small number of every language. ⅱ.Different language use different words to describe the same sound.
Arbitrariness makes language potentially creative, and conventionality
makes language learning laborious. In fact, conventionality is more worth noticing than arbitrariness.
② Duality: It means language has two levels structure, the
primary level and the secondary level. At the secondary level are elements which have no meaning but which combine to form units at primary which do have meaning. Secondary level is made up of meaningless sounds and primary level of meaningful words.