1 The U. S government is made up of three portions; executive, legislative and judicial.
2 For 18 months, Iran repeatedly rebuffed all U. S proposals to free the hostages.
3 The common earthworm is made up of round segments, commonly divided into anterior and posterior.
4 Slander has destroyed many a great man's career and reputation.
5 Before being able to sojourn to Europe, many preparations such as vaccinations and visas are required.
(A)stay briefly
(D)be bound for
6 In order to strengthen both the forearm and the grip, many athletes will repeatedly squeeze a tennis ball in their hands.
7 One cause of the Civil War was economic and political rivalry between the agrarian South and the industrial North.
(D)poorly organized
8 Trees, shrubs, flowers, and grass give character and interest to the parks.
9 Hobsion theory states that through unchecked proliferation of the human species, in twenty years the world's population will have out, own the total food supply.
10 Through modern medical science and technology, the average human life has been prolonged to 72 years.