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大一下学期课本英语词汇汇总——win 版

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I had no difficulty in__________ (1) him, standing there with the book_________ (2) firmly in one hand、 A book had seemed the natural choice, as it had been those notes in the _________ (3) of another that had brought us together in the first place、 He was right on time,just as we had scheduled、 I liked that、 It seemed to fit well with everything I had discovered from__________(4) with him while he was _________(5)、Now here he was in the flesh, looking__________(6) handsome as he stood there in his uniform、 I almost ___________ (7) to put him to the test, but it was too late to change my mind and I was _________ (8) to the lady for agreeing to help、 I________________(9) past him and didn't wait to see his response to her、 So here I am in the restaurant,waiting to see whether I am going to have dinner on my own or not、Will he end up_______________(10) after all?

So Raymond found himself unpacking his bag in a London hotel before he had decided on his approach(接近得途径)to Jenny、 He _______ (1) thought of the telephone, but he knew that wouldn't do、 Jenny believed that he was dead、 He couldn’t just_________(2)up and say he wasn’t、________(3) could he just ring her doorbell and be standing there o

n the mat、 She would think she was seeing things(眼花了)、

A hot bath and a change of clothes did not bring any revelations (启示),either、 He sat down at the writing desk and began a letter to her 一tore it up and began_________(4) 一and tore that up、He、________(5) down the pen and went out into the early October dusk of London, _________(6) avoiding the address where Jenny was living、

He was unaccustomed to dilemmas(两难境界)like this which could not be _________ (7) out in a decent length of time, and he was getting angry with_________ (8)、 Moodily he turned into a cheerful-looking____________(9) and had a lonely meal, aware that he might have Jenny's happy face across the table 一he was wasting time 一but after so many years, did a few more hours________10)? Unit 7 Vocabulary 1、

1)The financial (财政得)help they got from the local government didn't ___________ toward solving the problem、

2) Their retail (零售)business in Asia __________ rapidly since the early 1990s、

3) ______________world peace, we must promote(增进)mutual understanding among nations with different social systems、

4) I thought it was still early, yet I got to the library____________find it closed、

5) On the train l__________an old lady who happened to be a neighbor of my daughter's when she lived in Los Angeles、

6) Our pany________________、with several American panies for the past few years in joint ventures、

7) Phil looked around at the other petitors(竞争对手)and__________ his chances of winning、

8) The police believed that the reason they failed to find anything suspicious in that guy's bag was that members of the gang(一伙歹徒)_______________bags at the airport、

9) Our visit to the Far East has certainly broadened our________、

10) Emily felt increasingly unfortable under the woman's steady ___________、

11) Everything was going smoothly until suddenly the___________struck、

12) Smallpox (天花),which used to be a severe epidemic(流行性得)disease, has been pletely______________、


1)Scientists _______________various kinds of __________research projects__________ animal intelligence, but they still can't reach an agreement on whether it exists or not、 (explore, original,undertake) 2) Lots of __________________us that the lost ancient tunnel (地道)must have run right_________the city,______________the seashore、 (extend,convince,evidence,underneath

3) We should try __________a win-win solution when resolving issues we __________ in foreign trade、 First we need ________________ what caused the problems、 Then we should proceed to _________ways of solving them that are beneficial to both sides、 (encounter, figure out, explore, negotiate) prehensive Exercises:

Interviewer: You mention the case of one whale

helping to save another in an ______________(1)、 What does this suggest?

Linden: Well, it seems to me that this is clearly__________________(2)of______________(3) thought、 Here we see an animal ______________(4) a situation and then taking appropriate action in cooperation with humans、

Interviewer: And when Jendry_______________(5) with Colo, what does that________________(6)?

Linden: It shows that some animals, gorillas at least, are intelligent enough to bargain, to _______________(7)、

Interviewer: Then there is the case of Miles and Chantek、

Linden:Oh,yes、We like to think of ourselves as the ________________(8)species, but that doesn't mean animals can't sometimes play tricks on us when it's ______________________________(9)!

Interviewer: Like Melati_____________(10)Shewman?

Linden: Exactly、

Interviewer: So would you say your approach to the problem settles the ________________(11)over animal intelligence?Linden: That's not an easy________________(12) to make, but it does,I think, open up interesting new paths to_________________________(13)、

Behavior is the way that animals act、 For example, how do they get food or take care of their young? How do they find a place to live in or_______________(1) themselves from danger? Much behavior is innate; that is, animals are born with it、

大一下学期课本英语词汇汇总——win 版


