Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is...” “My registration number is...”
1、Topic: Many people like to travel a lot on holidays. People may travel by air, by sea, by train, by coach or on foot. What do you think is the ideal way of traveling? Explain your argument. 2、Question for Reference:
1. Describe one of your interesting traveling experiences. 2. Make a comparison between air travel and train travel. 3. What do you think is the reward of traveling? 二、口译题
1、Part A (英译中)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal… You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1:
The trouble with education in Britain lies with the teachers. I don’t think teachers get enough training in actually how to teach rather than the subject they are teaching. They are too serious, too academic and not imaginative enough.//
Consequently, there’s not enough excitement in the classroom for children to get interested in the subject. I think there’s too much theoretical teaching given and not enough practical education and knowledge, with the result that students are far too busy studying for examinations to have time to learn about life itself and how to live in the world. Passage 2:
Our American food styles have undergone many changes over the last decade. More and more Americans have shown particular interest in the natural food that requires the least possible amount of processing; most of them prefer to get their essential proteins from beans, cheese and eggs.//
We Americans are rediscovering the family and social significance of the dinner table. We regard dining with family, relatives and friends as a special way of enjoying and sharing. While we still rush through lunch at a fast food restaurant, we prefer to take time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes of home style dinner with our family after work.
2、Part B(中译英)
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal… You may take notes while you’re listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let’s begin Part B with the first passage. Passage1:
中国发展体育运动的目的是在人民中及体育运动,增强他们的体质,提高整个民族的体育水平,创造新纪录,以促进经济、道德和文化的发展。 Passage 2:
其次,每位成人游客可带一名年龄12岁以下儿童,半价收费。最后,如发生不可预见的、使旅游无法正常进行的情况,我们保留对原定计划作出修改的权利,其中包括全价退费。谢谢。 三、参考答案: 1、口语题答案略 2、口译题 Part A (英译中) Passage 1:
因此,教室里没有充分的热烈气氛来激发孩子们对所学课程的兴趣。我认为理论教得太多,有实用价值的教育和知识不足,结果学生忙于应付考试,没有时间去理解生活本身以及学会如何生活。 Passage 2:
我们美国人正重新认识餐饮的家庭和社会寓意,与家人和亲朋好友共进晚餐已被视为一种享乐与交流的极好机会。虽然我们仍然会在快餐店里匆匆打发自己的午餐,但是我们下班后都希望同家人围聚在餐桌旁共进晚餐,从容不迫地共享家宴的美味。 Part B(中译英) Passage 1:
China’s sports have undergone several thousand years of development. But they had not been regarded as an undertaking of the state until 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was founded. Now, a nationwide network for physical culture and sports has been set up and expenditure on this field has been included in the state budget. //
The purpose of developing physical culture and sports in China is to spread sports among the people, enhance their physique, improve the sporting level of the country as a whole and chalk up new record, thus helping to promote the country’s economic as well as moral and cultural development. Passage 2:
Ladies and gentlemen, before you make a decision, I’d like to make some remarks about the quotation policies regarding the group tours with this travel agency. First, an individual’s quotation for each group tour includes the cost of transportation, accommodation, meals, sightseeing, tourist guide service and round-trip international airfare.//
Second, each adult can bring a child under the age of twelve, whose quotation is calculated on a half-price basis. And finally, we reserve the right to make changes to the set itinerary should we encounter any unforeseeable circumstances that would
prevent us from otherwise normal operations, including a full refund. Thank you.