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The passage is written imaginatively as the memories of a house. Using unusual narrators such as houses, cars, pets and so on is frequently a feature of children’s books. The statements are made by the house.

美好的回忆 虽然这个房子已经换了许多户人家了,但直到现在我还记得那些筑墙、盖屋顶的工人。 当时马路对过那座庄园大宅的主人需要建一个小屋给他的园丁住。他在这片连绵不断的巨大的丘陵果园中找到了一片空地,并派工人到本地的采石场运来金黄色的石头。工人们花了三个月的时间在园子里建起了这两座农家小屋。 Golden memories I can still remember the men who built the walls, and raised the roof, even though it was many families ago. The master from the Large private house 庄园 on the other side of the manor house over the way needed a lodge for his groundsman road 马路对面 to live, and found a clearing in the huge orchard which ran up A small house at the entrance to the grounds of a large and down the hills. He sent workman to bring the golden stone house 偏房,下房 from the local quarry and they spent three months building two A groundsman is a person whose job is to look after a cottages in the park. park or sports ground管理员 A clearing is a small area in a forest where there are no trees or bushes 空地 An orchard is an area of land on which fruit trees are grown 果园 A quarry is place, often a hole in the ground, from where stones are extracted采石场 A cottage is a small, usually one-storied house, often one that is the dwelling of a peasant or a farm laborer. 我只从侧面看到过我旁边的那座房子,我从来没有见过它的我们的朝向正好相反,这真是不可思议。我的前门朝东,隔壁房子的前门是朝西的。我的卧室在房子的后部,在隔壁那在隔壁的那个房子里,这个位置的楼上是卧室。 我觉得我比我的邻居更幸运,因为每天早上,我这边的石头会享受到阳光的照耀。

I only see my neighbor from the side. I've never seen him face One of the cottage. the story is written from the the exact opposite of each other, with my front door facing east Exactly the same and my neighbour's facing west, my bedroom in the back over Know 的宾语从句 I'm the lucky one because each morning, the stone gleams in the On 在…上头 sunlight. Shine;reflect lights 闪耀 正面。但是我知道,尽管我们在结构和外观上是一模一样的,on, but I do know that strangely, although we're identical, we're perspective of a cottage; another cottage 所房子里,这个位置的楼下是厨房。我的厨房在房子的前部,his kitchen, my kitchen under his bedroom in the front. I think 园丁精心地照料庄园周围的果园和花园,所以到了秋天,树四周的土地上全是一片忙碌的景象,帮工们采摘水果,把摘下的水果送到庄园或是沿着那条路运到镇上的市场去卖。 除了秋天,其他时候这里非常安静。园丁好像很孤独,直到后来有一天,他带了一名年轻女子回家。 房子里很快充满了欢声笑语和饭菜的香味。 园丁外出干活的时候,他的妻子会照看我周围的花园,种玫瑰、水仙和郁金香,还有夏季植物和菊花。 从早春的鲜花到深秋的深黄色的叶子,花园里真是五彩缤纷。 能照看这样一对夫妇,我感觉很幸福。 The groundsman tended the orchards and the gardens around apples and pears, and as the days grew shorter the land around was busy with helpers collecting the fruit to take to the manor house, or to market in town down the way. Apart from the autumn, it was quiet here, and the groundsman seemed lonely until one day, he brought a young woman home. I was soon filled with the sounds of conversation and laughter, and the smell of cooking. While the groundsman was at work, the woman looked after the garden around me, planting roses, daffodils and tulips, summer plants and chrysanthemums. 水仙 郁金香 There was a riot of colors, from blossom in early spring to the 菊花 there was a large amount of various types of colors; dark golden colors of late autumn. It felt good to look after the Blossom: flower esp. of a fruit-bearing tree happy couple. 没过多久,又有孩子要照看了。头一个孩子是女孩,她常常高兴得咯咯笑,睡得也很沉。后来又添了一个男孩,他哭起来嗓门很大,让我们大家都不得安宁。 但是他们都很快乐,他们长大了,也长高了。 最让我感到愉快的一个记忆是:在一个温暖的夏日,我看到男孩高高地坐在一棵苹果树的枝干上,读着他最喜爱的那本书。 我的窗户是我的眼睛,能看到绿树和田野。窗外的风景被低矮的丘陵围绕着,仿佛一切都栖息在它的怀抱里。 远处是尖塔林立的城市,平日里静悄悄的,只有在特定的日子里,才

Soon there were children to look after too, first a girl, who gurgled happily and slept deeply, and then a boy with powerful 咯咯笑 lungs, who kept us all awake. But both were happy and good 嗓门大(哭) and gradually grew older and taller. One of my happiest memories is of one warm summer's day. High up in the branches of one of the apple trees rested the boy, reading his favourite book. My windows are my eyes, and they look onto trees and fields, with low hills surrounding the whole scene as if everything 风景 view landscape nestled in their arms. In the distance is a city of spires, silent 栖息 is, rest tall pointed structure on the top 上总是果实累累,结满了苹果和梨。当白天越来越短的时候,the manor house, so the trees in autumn were always heavy with 也很听话。 他们会静静地在屋里或花园里一起玩耍。渐渐地,children. They played quietly together inside or in the garden,

会响起钟声。 在那些特定日子里,园丁和他的家人会穿上漂亮的衣服外出,几个小时之后才回来。 except on days when the bells sound. On these days, the of a building 尖顶 groundsman and his family used to dress smartly and leave the house for several hours. 孩子们渐渐长大了。先是女儿不见了,回来的时候挽着一个年轻人。 儿子也离开了家。有一天,我看到邮递员拿着一摞妻子大叫一声,晕倒在地。 在这之后的一段日子里,他们常常坐在我的门廊下相拥而泣。 过了一年又一年,园丁夫妇的年纪越来越大了,突然有一天这房子人去楼空。 我们是从小一起生活的,可是我连跟他们说再见的机会都没有。 一户新的人家住了进来,是一个聪明的男人和他的妻子,还有两个孩子。 他每天一大早就拎着公文包出去上班,晚上才爬树、踢足球。 差不多就在这个时候,我窗外的景色开始发生变化了,这儿不再只有我和我旁边的房子了,对面有人在盖新房子。 新房子是砖砌的,比我们高、比我们窄。 我觉得和我的漂亮石头相比,它们看起来比较粗糙。 越来越多的人来这附近居住,街道上人们熙来攘往,似乎没有人会在家里呆上太长的时间。 The children grew up, and the daughter disappeared, only to return with a young man on her arm. The son also left, and one 手里挽着 the groundsman and his wife a telegram. When they read it, she Lose consciousness for a short time cried out and fainted. For some time after this, they sat on my A covered entrance to a building 门廊 cry porch holding each other and weeping. He always faints at the sight of blood.他一见血就会晕倒。 信来到门口,递给园丁和他的妻子一封电报。 他们读完电报,day, I saw the postman arrive with a bundle of letters, and give A bunch of; a group of objects held/tied together tightly As the years passed by, the couple grew older, and suddenly the house was empty. We had grown up together, but I didn't have a The couple left 人去楼空 chance to say goodbye. A new family arrived, a smart man and his wife, with two children. He left us every morning carrying his briefcase, and A case used for carrying documents in and often brought their friends back to play in the garden, climbing trees and kicking footballs. Around this time, the view from my windows began to change. My neighbor and I were no longer the only homes around, because opposite there were new houses being built. They were made of bricks and looked taller and thinner than we were. I thought they looked rather coarse against my handsome stone. And many more people came to live Rough, unpolished, unrefined around here as well, the streets became quite busy with people walking up and down on their way somewhere. It seemed as if no one spent much time at home any more. 回来。 孩子们白天上学,放学后经常带朋友回家到花园里玩、returned home at night. The children spent their days at school, 年复一年,又有新的家庭住进来。 两个中年妇女在我这儿住

As the years passed, there were new families who came to stay.

了几年,我很喜欢她们,因为她们精心照料我的房间和花园。 Two middle-aged women spent several years here, and I liked 处处干净整洁,她们把房间布置得如同我当初刚建成的时候的样子。 她们还给房间通了电——我以前不知道电灯有这么亮,也没意识到我的房间以前是多么幽暗。 后来,她们觉得外面的洗手间不能满足她们的需要了,我就只好放弃一个卧室,这样她们就可以在室内装一个浴缸和马桶。 前门边的那个老井也被改造了,改造后水就可以通过地下管道直接通进屋内。 她们又逐渐安装了各种各样的电器,比如炉具和洗衣机。 我们都很暖和、干净。虽然房子和以前不太一样了,但是总体感觉还是不错的。 them because of the care they showed to my rooms and my garden. Everything was very clean and tidy; it was as if they had furnished the house in the same style as when I was first built. They also installed electricity—I hadn't realized how bright the lights could be or how gloomy my rooms must have appeared. But then they decided that the outside bathroom was no longer suitable for their needs, and I had to abandon one of the bedrooms so they could fit a bath tub and lavatory indoors. The old well by the front gate was changed so that water was brought Toilet, bathroom, washroom directly through underground pipes into the house. And gradually they installed all sorts of appliances, such as a cooker and washing machine. But we were all warm and clean, and Appliances are often electrical. although it was different, it wasn't unpleasant. 不久,周围建起了更多的房子,越来越多的人住了进来。 送牛奶的驾着马车来送奶,收破烂的坐在车上喊话,问我们有没有不要的旧衣服和金属废品,对这些我已经习以为常了。 不过后来,一种不需要马拉的车开始从门前开过。 一开始差不多是每隔一个小时能听到一阵金属声从门前响过。但是过了几年,马路上变得越来越热闹,很快就有了好几条公交线路,很多小汽车在十字路口排队等绿灯。 Soon more houses were built and more people came to live. I got used to the horse-drawn deliveries made by the milkman, or the A delivery is a giving or bringing of something to someone rag-and-bone man calling from his cart for old cloth and metal People who collect (come and buy) used things things we no longer needed. But then horseless carriages started to pass the front of the house. At first it was no more than a metallic noise going past every hour or so, but over the years, the road became busier, and soon there were lines of buses and cars waiting at the crossroads. 在家里,我又开始照看另一个家庭。 这家的男主人和女主人他们的孩子放学回来之后,自己用钥匙开门进屋,然后看上几个小时的电视,直到他们的父母回来。 他们养了一只宠物狗,它整天坐在外面,时不时地狂吠、嚎叫,还在我的花园里刨坑挖土,说实话,我很讨厌它这么干。

At home I had another family to look after. At different times in 理查德不喜欢在工作时被打断。Richard resent being down the hill or waited for the bus. When their children came Children home, they let themselves in with their key, and watched television for hours until the parents returned. They had a pet dog who sat outside all day, barking and howling, or digging up 嚎叫 make a long, loud, crying sound make a 早上分别在不同的时间离开家,步行下山或去等公共汽车。 the morning, both the man and the woman left me and walked interrupted while he is working.



