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专题四 形容词与副词 高考精萃

1.(2014·大纲全国卷)Raymond's parents wanted him to have ________ (good) possible education. 2.(2014·福建卷)With online shopping increasingly popular, the Internet is seen as an ________ (efficency) way of reaching target customers.

3.(2014·安徽卷)My good performance in the job interview left me ________ (optimism) about my future and about what I can do here.

4.(2014·湖北卷)What was so ________ (impress) about Jasmine Westland's victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.

5.(2014·湖北卷)Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a ________ (tolerate) smile and let him go.

6.(2014·浙江卷)The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others ________ (blind).

7.(2014·大纲全国卷)Henry was away from home for quite a bit and ________ saw his family. 8.(2014·安徽卷)It's our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and, ________, supply more jobs.

9.(2014·湖北卷)Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said ________ (sharp), “Don't be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her.

10.(2013·课标全国卷Ⅱ)It may not be a great suggestion. But before a ________(good) one is put forward, we'll make do with it.

11.(2013·天津卷)I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time—there are ________(meaningful) things to do.

12.(2013·辽宁卷)This is by far ________(inspiring) movie that I have ever seen.

13.(2013·安徽卷)It's said that the power plant is now twice________ large as what it was. 14.(2014·课标全国卷Ⅰ)Tony can hardly boil an egg, still ________(little) cook dinner.

15.(2013·福建卷)Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy ________(afford) priced bikes.

16.(2013·浙江卷)If we leave right away, ________(hope) we'll arrive on time.


17.(2013·辽宁卷)Everything seemed to be going ________(smooth) for the first two days after I moved to New York.

18.(2013·福建卷)A society cannot be successful if it throws tradition away, but it cannot be successful ________ if we do something to stop progress.

19.(2013·江西卷)What a terrible experience! ________, you're safe now—that's the main thing. 20.(2012·全国卷Ⅰ)The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much the ________(good).

21.(2012·全国卷Ⅰ)This restaurant wasn't half as good ________ that other restaurant we went to. 22.(2012·山东卷)Be________(reason)—you can't expect me to finish all his work in so little time. 23.(2012·北京卷)Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs ________.

24.(2012·天津卷)The secretary arranged a________(convenience) time and place for the applicants to have an interview.

25.(2014·全国卷Ⅱ)Next to biology, I like physics ________(good).

26.(2012·安徽卷)Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is often thought to be the richest woman in the world. ________, her personal wealth seems rather small.

27.(2014·福建卷)Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be ________(equal) respected.

28.(2012·四川卷)I make $2,000 a week. 60 surely won't make ________ big a difference to me. 29.(2011·全国卷Ⅱ)Mr. Stevenson is great to work for—I really couldn't ask for a ________(good) boss. 30.(2011·四川卷)—How was your recent trip to Sichuan? —I've never had a ________ (pleasure) one before. 答案与解析

1.the best 句意:Raymond 的父母想让他尽可能接受最好的教育。根据题干中的possible 可推知设空处需用形容词的最高级,故答案为the best。

2.efficient 句意:随着网购越来越受欢迎,网络被看作是为目标顾客所熟悉的有效途径。冠词与名词之间应为形容词形式。

3.optimistic 句意:我在求职面试中的优异表现让我对我的未来和在这里可以做的工作感到乐观。(be)optimistic about 为固定短语,在本句中用形容词optimistic 作宾语补足语。


4.impressive 句意:Jasmine Westland 的胜利之所以给人留下如此深刻的印象是因为她光着脚在马拉松比赛中获得了第一名。be 动词后需用形容词作表语,impress 的形容词形式为impressive。 5.tolerant 句意:她没有责备打破花瓶的孩子,而是宽容地对他笑了笑,然后让他走了。修饰名词smile 需用形容词形式,故答案为tolerant。

6.blindly 句意:教育的目的是教会年轻人独立思考,而不是盲目地模仿他人。此处需用副词形式修饰follow。blindly 意为:盲目地。

7.seldom/rarely 句意:亨利离家很远,所以很少见到他的家人。根据语境可知,由于离家很远,所以很少见到他的家人。

8.therefore 句意:我们希望我们能在市场上发挥更大的作用,这样就能提供更多的工作岗位。根据句意可知前后是逻辑上的因果关系,故答案为therefore。

9.sharply 句意:Sabrina 的话音刚落,Albert 就用手指指着她恶狠狠地警告她说:“不要这么卑鄙。”本处需用副词形式作said的状语。

10.better 句意:这个建议可能不是很好。但是在较好的建议被提出之前,我们会先凑合用它。“a+比较级”表示“一个更……的”,题干中暗含着比较的含义,需使用比较级。

11.more meaningful 句意:我觉得每天晚上看电视是浪费时间——有更有意义的事可做。根据题干可看出,和看电视相比,有更有意义的事情可做,所以此处应用比较级。

12.the most inspiring 句意:这显然是我看过的最激励人的电影。形容词的最高级句式:“This is+最高级+that I have ever done”。by far “……得多,大大地”,与形容词、副词的比较级或最高级连用。

13.as 句意:据说这个发电厂现在是过去的两倍大。倍数表达法有三种:①倍数+as+形容词/副词的原级+as;②倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+than;③倍数+the+名词+of。

14.less 句意:Tony几乎不会煮蛋,更不用说做饭了。still less 为固定搭配,常与否定句连用,意为:更不用说,更何况。

15.affordably 句意:那些穷困潦倒的青少年在拐角找到一家商店很兴奋,在那里他们能买到付得起钱的自行车。设空处需用副词修饰priced, afford 的副词形式为affordably 付得起地。 16.hopefully 句意:如果立刻出发,我们有望按时到达。逗号前为从句,逗号后为主句,主句中主谓语齐全,由此可见,设空处应为副词作状语,hopefully 有希望地。

17.smoothly 句意:在我搬到纽约后的开始两天一切看起来都很顺利。设空处需用副词作状语,故答案为smoothly。


18.either 句意:如果一个社会丢弃了传统,它不会成功,但是如果我们做事情阻止了进步它也不能成功。either 用于否定句句末,表示“也”。

19.Anyway/Anyhow 句意:一次多么可怕的经历啊!无论如何,你现在安全了——那才是主要的事情。anyway/anyhow意为“无论如何,不管怎么说”。

20.better 句意:结果对我们来说并不是非常重要,但是如果我们确实赢了的话,那就更好了。“the+比较级”结构表示“两者中较……的”,根据题意可知,(在赢与不赢之中)赢了比赛,结果更好。 21.as 句意:这个餐馆不及我们去的另一家餐馆一半好。根据设空处前的as 可知设空处用as。 22.reasonable 句意:讲点道理吧——你不能指望我在如此短的时间内完成所有的工作。Be后需用形容词作表语,故答案为reasonable 有道理的。

23.more 句意:许多人捐了那种血型的血,但是血库需要更多的血。由句意可知,是需要更多的血,表示对比的含义,应用more。

24.convenient 句意:秘书为求职者安排了一个方便的时间和地点进行面试。convenient 形容词,意为:方便的;便利的。

25.best 句意:我最喜欢的是生物,其次是物理。next to 仅次于,紧接。又如:Next to soccer, I like playing tennis best. 我最喜欢足球,其次是网球。

26.However/Nevertheless/Still 句意:我们经常认为伊丽莎白女王二世是世界上最富有的女人,可是她的个人财富似乎很少。设空处前为句点,由此可判断设空处需为副词;前后两句为转折关系,故答案为:However/Nevertheless/Still。

27.equally 句意:任何人,无论是官员还是公交车司机,都应被同等尊重。根据句子结构可判断设空处需用副词形式,equal的副词形式为equally。

28.so/that 句意:我一星期赚2,000美元,60美元真的不会给我造成多么大的影响。“that/so+adj.+a/an+可数名词单数形式”相当于“such+a/an+adj.+可数名词单数形式”。

29.better 句意:为史帝文森先生工作感觉非常好——我真的再也找不到比他更好的老板了。从句中的couldn't 可以得知,此处是对not...better... 的考查。英语中“否定词+形容词比较级”相当于形容词的最高级。

30.more pleasant/more pleasing 句意:——你最近去四川的旅行怎么样?——这是让我最为愉快的旅行了。否定词never 与比较级构成最高级的含义。令人愉快的为pleasant 或 pleasing,其比较级形式需在前面加more。 模拟精选


1.(2014·浙江名校联盟第一次联考)I can't tell you how much the precious painting is worth, but it is __________(rough) assessed at $100 million.

2.(2014·武汉武昌调研)Although she brushed the old pot ________(thorough), she could not make it completely clean, which made her very upset.

3.(2014·合肥第一次质检)—Do you like Mary's new hairstyle? —Perfect! How much ________(good) she looks with the curly short hair!

4.(2014·河北保定调研)When it comes to my hobbies, I like rock climbing ________ (good). 5.(2014·杭州高考科目教学质检)The naughty boy entered the classroom ________(caution), fearing that his teacher would blame him.

6.(2014·北京海淀期末练习)—What do you think of your new Pad? —Good. I don't think I can find a ________(good) one.

7.(2014·浙江金丽衢十二校第二次联考)Basketball coaches waste no time in searching for ________ (promise) young players of great potential for better performances in the coming season.

8.(2014·武汉高中毕业生调研)When she was in elementary school, Diana was ________(enthusiasm) about becoming a police officer, but quit the ambition after learning that she won't be able to dye her hair or wear her favorite necklace and rings.

9.(2014·湖北黄冈质检)Life is stressful, and complaining may be considered by many as an extension of being __________(absolute) normal.

10.(2014·浙江金丽衢十二校第二次联考)His confidence built up ________ (gradual) as he gained more and more experience in teaching.

11.(2014·河南开封二模)Believe in us. We make sure you can get the ________(good) with your money. In other words, you can get your money's worth.

12.(2014·江西重点中学盟校一联)—Must I do some reading in English every day to improve comprehension?

—Well, you can never read ________ much while learning a foreign language.

13.(2014·陕西一联)We use human translators rather than machines as we believe human persons are more ________(rely).

14.(2014·浙江衢州一中一模)It was ________ fine weather that many people went out to enjoy the warm sunshine.




