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Chapter Five Syntax (I) --- Syntactic Relations

0. Introduction

Chapter 4 deals with the smallest meaningful unit at the grammatical level --- morpheme. Chapters 5, 6, 7 are about syntax, which is concerned with the largest meaningful unit at the grammatical level --- sentence.

Two ways to study sentences: In syntax, sentences can be studied in two different ways: i. The static study(静态研究)of sentences means that we describe the structures of sentences to illustrate the parts of a sentence and relationships among them.

ii. The dynamic study(动态研究)of sentences means that we examine how sentences are generated by syntactic rules.

Two theoretical bases:

i. The static study follows the theory of structural linguistics(结构语言学). ii. The dynamic study follows the theory of Transformational-Generative Grammar (TG grammar) (转换生成语法).

To make a structural description of sentences, we shall describe various kinds of relations between words and phrases of sentences. There are three kinds of relations between them.

1. Sequential (syntagmatic) relations(顺序/横向关系)

i. Definition: In syntax, sequential or syntagmatic relation refers to the linear ordering of the words and the phrases within a sentence.

ii. Rearrangement of the words of a sentence yields either an ungrammatical sentence or a different sentence.

2. Substitutional (paradigmatic) relations(替换/纵向关系)

i. Definition: substitutional or paradigmatic relation is a kind of relation between linguistic forms in a sentence and linguistic forms outside the sentence. That is to say, if the words or phrases in a sentence can be replaced by words and phrases outside the sentence and the resulting sentence is still grammatical, then we say the replacing forms and replaced forms have paradigmatic relations.

ii. Syntactic category (句法范畴)



A. Definition: The linguistic forms that have paradigmatic relations belong to the same syntactic category.

B. Classification: The syntactic categories can be further divided into two groups: lexical category and nonlexical category.

D. Attention: A phrase often, but not always contains more than one word. Sometimes, it may be a single word.

3. Hierarchical relations(等级关系)

i. Definition: Hierarchical relation shows us the inner layering of sentences.

ii. What means can we use to reveal the hierarchical structure of a sentence? IC analysis.


iii. Three levels or hierarchies: sentence-level, phrases-level, word-level




