邻国国王:不错,凡是人们想要的东西,我的确都有了,不过我仍然满腹忧愁啊!因为总有一天,我不得不扔不下在一切,离开人世,哎啊 ,为这事,我晚上连觉也睡不着呢!
Neighboring king: Yes, indeed, I have everything anybody could possibly want. But at the same time I worry because I'll have to die one day and leave it all. I can't sleep at night for worrying about that!
Aside: The ambassadors thought it wiser to go home without this man's shirt.
At his wit's end, the king went hunting. He fired at a hare but only wounded it, and the hare scampered away on three legs. The king pursued it, leaving the hunting party far behind him. 0ut in the open field he heard a man singing a refrain. The king stopped in his tracks. 国王:这位唱歌的人,一定是位幸福的人。 King: Whoever sings like that is bound to be happy!
Aside: The song led him into a vineyard, where he found a young man singing and pruning the vines.
The youth:Good day, Majesty, So early and already out in the country? 国王:天哪,你愿意我把你带到京都去吗?你将成为我的朋友。 King: Bless you! Would you like me to take you to the capital? You will be my friend.
The youth: Much obliged, Majesty, but I wouldn't even consider it. I wouldn't even change places with the Pope. 国王:为什么呢?像你这样能干的小伙子…… King: Why not? Such a fine young man like you…
The youth: NO, no, I tell you. I'm content with just what I have and want nothing more.
国王:啊!我终于找到了一个幸福的人!听着小伙子,帮我一下吧。 King: A happy man at last! Listen, young man. Do me a favor. 小伙子:只要能做到的,陛下,我一定尽力效劳。 The youth: With all my heart, Majesty, if I can. 国王:等等。
King: Wait just a minute.
Aside: said the king, who, unable to contain his joy any longer, ran to get his retinue.
国王:快,跟我来,我的儿子有救了,我的儿子有救了! King: Come with me! My son is saved! My son is saved! 旁白:接着,他带着他们来到小伙子身边。 Aside: And he took them to the young man.
King: My dear lad, I'll give you whatever you want! But give me…give me…\
小伙子:给您什么啊,陛下? The youth: What, Majesty?
国王:我的儿子快要死了,只有你能救他,快过来。 King: My son is dying! Only you can save him. Come here!
Aside: The king grabbed him and started unbuttoning the youth's jacket. All of a sudden he stopped, and his arms fell to his sides. The happy man wore no shirt.