【期刊名称】《自动化与仪表》 【年(卷),期】2013(028)002
【摘要】三代核电技术AP1000将是我国今后长期发展的核电技术,已经过美国核管理委员会最终设计批准,应用于浙江三门1000MW核电站.AP1000核电站核反应堆设计采用先进的非能动安全技术与数字化反应堆保护系统.该文介绍了AP1000核电站反应堆保护系统的数字化仪控平台Common Q、反应堆保护系统的总体结构和设计特点等方面的内容.%AP1000 nuclear power plant was chosen as the next generation nuclear power plant in China. AP1000 final design has been approved by U.S. nuclear regulatory commission and applied in Sanmen 1000MW nuclear power plant in Zhejiang province. AP1000 uses advanced passive safety technology and digital reactor protection system. This paper introduces the digital instrument and control platform Common Q、reactor protection system general architecture and design characteristics. 【总页数】6页(11-15,60)
【关键词】Common Q平台;数字化反应堆保护系统;在线测试 【作者】冀焕青
【作者单位】中广核工程公司设计院上海分院,上海 200030 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TP277