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Lesson2 Words:

1. until prep.直到···时 e.g. I sleep until 11 o’clock on Sundays.

重点:not…until e.g. He doesn’t wake until he needs another meal. until既可以加时间也可以加句子。 until和not until的区别 瞬否延肯

Exercise: He ___until it stopped raining. A. leaves B. left C. didn’t leave

2. outside adv. 外面 做地点状语 e.g. It is cold outside. 3. ring

① v.打电话 ring sb. (up) 给某人打电话

② n.戒指 ring finger the lord of the ring 指环王 4. aunt nephew niece

Aunt Lucy Uncle Tom/Sam Uncle Tom’s Cabin 5. repeat :say it again 因此后面不能用again重复 e.g. Would you please repeat what I said? Grammar: 感叹句 What a day! 1. What引导感叹句

结构: What+ a(an)+adj. +n.+主谓!

e.g. What a tall man! What a pity! What a lie! 2.How引导感叹句

结构: How+ adj./adv.+主谓!

e.g. How fast he runs! How delicious the food is! Text:

1.On Sundays: 所有的星期天,每逢星期天 2.look out of :朝窗外看 out of是固定搭配 从...里:from, out of 【辨析】look out 小心 3.What a day?

What + a + n.——感叹句

e.g. It is a terrible day.==> What a terrible day! what+a/an (+a.)+n.(+主语+谓语) What a terrible day! 省略 : 1.主、谓随时可省 what a good girl (she is)! 2.省形容词

What a day! 有上下文和一定的语境, 才能省略形容词. 4.it的用法

It was my aunt Lucy.

(如果不知道对方性别, 可以用it取代) it还可以指代时间,距离,天气等 5.by train

by 直接加交通工具(不能有任何修饰词, 复数) 如果加修饰词, 就要换掉by用in或on I go out by bus.

6.I'm coming to see you. 我将要来看你.

用 come 的现在进行时态 be coming 表示一般将来

同样的用法还有 : go, come, leave, arrive, land, meet, die, start, return, join...

Lesson4 单词

exciting adj. causing excitement e.g. What exciting news!

c.f. excited: full of strong feelings of happiness be excited about

e.g. Edison was excited about the result of the experiment. 同类

interesting/ interested :be interested in n.excitement

e.g. He has a weak heart, and should avoid excitement. 2. receive v.收到 receive….from….

e.g. I received a bunch of flowers from a strangers, but I did not accept it. 对比accept 和 receive 3. firm n. 商行 company adj. 稳定的,坚定的 a firm lief

4. different adj. be 不同的

be different from/to

e.g. On education, children’s view are different from/to parents. v. differ differ from

n. difference 不同

There are many differences between A and B

e.g. There are many differences between living in a city and living in a country. 5. centre/center n. 中心

e.g. Tian’an men is in center of Beijing. Sports centre 体育运动中心

c.f. middle 指时间的中心和长形物中心 in the middle of the night in the middle of the road 6. abroad adv. 在国外 go abroad

travel abroad study abroad live abroad 语法


1.结构have / has done

2.意义 过去的动作已完成/持续到现在 This has been my life.

3.用法:如何表达持续到现在 延续性动词和段时间两者缺一不可 I have been married.

I have been married for two years. 4.段时间:


since+时间点/句子 so far 课文

1.receive a letter from sb

2.a great number of 类似于, 约等于a lot of a great number of 后面一定要加可数名词复数 a lot of 可加可数名词也可加不可数名词 e.g.I have a lot of friends

I have a great number of friends. 3.has gone to :去了某地没回来

has been to :曾经去过某地, 现在不在那个地方 e.g.Have you been to Paris? 4.from there:从那地方起

from 即可以加时间又可以加地点

e.g.from half past 8 to half past 11 from Beijing to Tianjing

5.fly to Perth: go to Perth by air

【英文的简化】write to sb=write a letter to sb 6.find trip exciting

find +宾语+形容词做宾补 e.g. find the room clean find her happy

Lesson 6 单词

1. beggar n.乞丐 beg v.请求 beg for sth···

e.g. I beg your pardon? I beg for your help. 2. food n.食物 不可数名词

foods 表示的是各种各样的食物 junk food垃圾食品 3.pocket n.口袋 pocket book

pocket dictionary pocket money

4.call v. 拜访,光顾 call at sp. in + 地点 on sb call for要求

e.g. This work calls for lots of courage. call off取消 语法



特殊:the 加形容词表示一类人 the poor 2.特指:独一无二的事物加the 有些国籍前加the 3.小冠词大不同 In hospital In the hospital In front of In the front of 课文

1.move to :搬到

e.g. We will move to New York soon. 2.knock at:敲

knock at the door knock at the window

3.ask sb for sth:问某人要什么东西 for;为了这个目的去请求某人

e.g.The boy asked (his parents)for money again. 4.in return for this : 作为对什么的回报 in return:作为回报

e.g.He doesn't want anything in return.他不想得到任何回报 5.stand on his head : 倒立

stand on one's hands:用手着地(hand单数就是一只手, 双手复数) [拓展]

跪着, 膝盖 : stand on one's knees 躺着, 躺 : lie in bed

Lesson 8 单词

1.competition n.比赛

Enter for a competition参加比赛 无形比赛也用competition Be in competition with sb···

e.g. Liu Xiang is in the competition with some world class runners. 贸易竞争 trade competition 各种比赛的区别 Contest Match Race

2.neat adj.整齐的,整洁的 近义词:tidy

Tidy and neat 干干净净的

e.g. He keeps his office neat and tidy . 3. path n. 小径

e.g. Walk on the path,not on the grass. 抽象的路way——方法

短语in the way,on one’s way home··

By the way

4. wooden adj. 木头的 A wooden spoon 末等奖

5.pool n.水池

Swimming pool游泳池 语法点 比较级 1.规则


不发音e large,safe

以y结尾,前面辅音 happy,shy,easy,early 闭音,一元一辅 fat,big ,hot 多音 more/most+多音节词 特殊

good-better-best far-farther-farthest further-furthest

old-elder/older-eldest/oldest little-less-least many/much-more-most 2.用法: 比较 ···adj/adv.比较级+than···

最高级 the+形容词/副词est+in加地点/of+所属 原级 as···as···

e.g. He runs as fast as you. 3.可修饰比较级的副词

much,even,any,a little,a bit e.g. Are you feeling any better? 课文

1.enter for:报名参加, 强调报名 e.g. enter for the exam 【辨析】enter表示进入 e.g. enter the roon 2.win:赢 win something

e.g. I win the book. I win the gold cup win后面往往是奖品

e.g.win a prize:赢得了一个奖 win不能接对手

[辨析]defeat+对手 I defeat you.

Lesson 10 单词

1.jazz n.爵士音乐 (文化) e.g.pop music light music

2.musical adj. 音乐的,懂音乐的

e.g.a musical child 有音乐才能的孩子

musical instruments乐器 3.instrument n.乐器 各种乐器介绍

4.recently adv.=lately 最近的 5.damage v.毁坏

damage one’s reputation损坏名誉 e.g. The sun can damage your skin. 通常是不可逆转的损坏

【辨析】destroy:不可逆的破坏 completely ruined ,killed. e.g. The fire damaged most of the building. hurt:伤自尊hurt somebody’s feeling injure:通常指事故中受伤

e.g. She was injured in the accident. 6.key n.琴键 keyboard键盘


e.g.Put the key in the lock. key to···

e.g.the key to the exam adj.关键的,重要的 e.g. key role 7.string n.

A piece of string一根绳子 8.shock

v. be shocked at/by···

e.g.I was shocked at his death. 9. allow v.

allow sb to do sth

sb be not allowed to do sth

e.g. We are not allowed to touch the paintings. 10. touch v.

e.g.Don’t touch anything until the police arrive. n.接触

keep in touch with```

语法被动语态,双重所有格of+’s He is a friend of your husband’s He is a friend of your husband 被动语态

1.构成:be done (by···),本文主讲一般过去时的被动语态。Was done的形式 2.意义:被···

e.g.I was born in China. 3.何时用被动 强调动作承受者 动作发出者忽略 4.口语常用 课文

1.被动语态be made

1.1 be made in +地点

1.2 be made of/be made from(看不出原料/多种原料):由……制造(材料)



