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新视野大学英语视听说教程3 Uint6~Uint10口语参考答案

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新视野大学英语视听说教程3 Uint6~Uint10口语参考答案

Unit 6:

1.Why do you think some people smoke? What are the

disadvantages of smoking? Some people think smoking makes them relax. Some people smoke just because all those around them smoke. Some believe that by passing cigarettes around, it will be easier for them to start a friendship. Others claim that smoking is a precondition for a booming tobacco industry, which in turn ensures a large tax income for the state. But I think those

reasons, if we can call them reasons, are insignificant compared with the harm smoking brings. Smoking is harmful to one's health. It can lead to many

diseases. Long-term smoking may result in lung disease, or even lung cancer. Also, some heavy smokers may suffer from breathing difficulty, high blood pressure, heart trouble, amongst other diseases. It has been proved that even non-smokers who breathe in the smoke can develop health problems. Moreover, cigarettes cost money. Some chain smokers consume two packs of cigarettes a day. This can be an unnecessary financial burden on a family that is not rich. 2.What do you think can be done to improve older people's lives if their children do not live with them? First of all, children should

visit their parents from time to time. This is a sign al of concern, which can be a great comfort to them. Even if people are terribly busy under the pressure of work, they can at least call their parents to say hello.

Furthermore, children should provide their parents with what they need. If elder o lder people can get money or other supplies on a regular basis, they may get a sense of security.

Also, the government should establish more homes and organize more

activities to meet the increasing needs of an aging population. If some elder o lder people prefer to live at home, they should hire caregivers. In the light of their shortage of money, an expert has proposed a system under which aged people can mortgage (抵押) their apartments to the bank in exchange for a monthly income. By the time they pass away, the apartments belong to the bank. But at least the old people do enjoy a decent life while they are alive. 3.Why do some people become alcoholics? How can they solve their drinking problems?

Some people drink because their parents drink a lot, so they follow suit. Some people pick up the habit of drinking because they feel lonely or bored, others drink when they are sad or angry, and still others drink to celebrate happy occasions. Gradually, they drink

more and more until they are hooked on alcohol. To solve drinking problems, people should be informed about the dangers of too much alcohol consumption, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, liver trouble, and so on. It is also reported that alcohol can damage brain cells and memory. Under the influence of alcohol, one can hardly concentrate or think deeply, so their work

efficiency drops. Worse still, drunks often cause traffic accidents or resort to physical violence. Moreover, one must have strong willpower to give up drinking. But unfortunately, few people are strong-willed enough to defeat alcoholism on their own. Often, they need external help from parents, spouses, friends, doctors or an organization like Alcoholics Anonymous.

4.What should be done to help unemployed people? Before unemployed people find a new job, their basic living standard should be met. They need subsidies (补助金) from the government to maintain live a normal life, which includes money for food, clothes, shelter and transportation.

It is also important for unemployed people to be trained for re-employment. The government should offer training programs to update their skills so that they will become competitive on in the job market again. Unit 7:

1.According to your experience, what damages are being done to the environment?

Given key words such as littering, pollution, and poisonous substances, people may find it easier to remember some of the dangers. Littering Some people throw away paper, cigarette butts, empty cans or even batteries in public places or in scenic sites. Pollution

When households and factories dump sewerage and harmful substances into rivers and lakes, water pollution can be serious. Air pollution may worsen as the economy develops. If the smoke from factory chimneys does not meet

environmental standards, it pollutes the air. Also, the increasing number of cars brings further deterioration to the quality of the air. The cigarettes people smoke also contribute to the pollution. Poisonous Substances

When we discard air-conditioners and refrigerators, we release poisonous substances like CFCs(氟氯化碳), which deplete the ozone layer(臭氧层) or create a hole in the ozone layer. When you use

aerosol spray on your hair, you are spreading environmentally-damaging freon(氟里昂) as well. 2.Can you think of some measures to protect forests? I think the most important thing to do is to create a law to forbid the

cutting of trees in certain areas. Even when timber is needed for construction, logging should be well planned. In addition to the law, we also need law

enforcement personnel who will fine those who fell trees illegally. It is not enough to protect the existing forests. We must also plant trees to make new forests. We should also grow various types of trees to ensure bio-diversity. To make the afforestation program successful, the government should award those units and individuals that have made outstanding contributions. 3.If a chemical plant has to dump a poisonous substance into the river, but its closing-down means that many workers will lose their jobs and the local economy will be affected, then what would you propose to do?

In my opinion, the first step we can take is to introduce advanced ecological technology to make sure that the sewerage from the plant is

properly treated before it is discharged into the river. Since some company managers are unwilling to spend money


新视野大学英语视听说教程3 Uint6~Uint10口语参考答案


