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8. 9.

artificial language 人工语言 data declaration 数据声明

10. Structured Query Language 结构化查询语言 11. 可执行程序 executable program 12. 程序模块 program module 13. 条件语句 conditional statement 14. 赋值语句 assignment statement 15. 逻辑语言 logic language 16. 机器语言 machine language 17. 函数式语言 functional language 18. 程序设计语言 programming language 19. 运行计算机程序 run a computer program 20. 计算机程序员 computer programmer

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:

A programming language is a language used to write instructions for the computer. It lets the programmer express data processing in a symbolic manner without regard to machine-specific details.

The difficulty of writing programs in the machine language of 0s and 1s led first to the development of assembly language, which allows programmers to use mnemonics (助记符) for instructions and symbols for variables. Such programs are then translated by a program known as an assembler (汇编程序,汇编器) into the binary encoding used by the computer. Other pieces of system software known as linking loaders (连接装入程序) combine pieces of assembled code and load them into the machine’s main memory unit, where they are then ready for execution. The concept of linking separate pieces of code was important, since it allowed “libraries” of programs to be built up to carry out common tasks—a first step toward the increasingly emphasized notion of software reuse. Assembly language was found to be sufficiently inconvenient that higher-level languages (closer to natural languages) were invented in the 1950s for easier, faster programming; along with them came the need for compilers, programs that translate high-level language programs into machine code. As programming languages became more powerful and abstract, building efficient compilers that create high-quality code in terms of execution speed and storage consumption became an interesting computer science problem in itself. IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:




这一套程序设计类简化了程序设计员的工作,带来了更多“可复用的”计算机代码。 可复用代码使程序设计员可以使用已经设计、编写和测试的代码。 这使得程序设计员的工作变得比较容易,并带来更加可靠和高效的程序。

Unit Three/Section B


Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


platform-independent multithreading runtime

native code 本机(代)码 header file 头标文件;页眉文件 multithreaded program 多线程程序 Java-enabled browser 支持Java的浏览器 malicious code 恶意代码 机器码 machine code 汇编码 assembly code 特洛伊木马程序 Trojan horse 软件包 software package

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:

10. 类层次 class hierarchy

Unit Three/Section C


Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

subscript; index fixed histogram two-dimensional bar chart 条形图 frequency array 频率数组 graphical representation 图形表示 multidimensional array 多维数组 用户视图 user(’s) view 下标形式 subscript form 一维数组 one-dimensional array 编程结构 programming construct

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:

Unit Four: Software Development Unit Four/Section A


Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

application; operating assemblers compiler interpreter debugger

6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

loop driver

John von Neumann inference engine 推理机 system call 系统调用

compiled language 编译执行的语言 parallel computing 并行计算 pattern matching 模式匹配 memory location 存储单元 interpreter program 解释程序

library routine 库程序,程序库例行程序 intermediate program 中间程序,过渡程序

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:

10. source file 源文件

11. 解释执行的语言 interpreted language 12. 设备驱动程序 device driver 13. 源程序 source program 14. 调试程序 debugging program 15. 目标代码 object code 16. 应用程序 application program 17. 实用程序 utility program 18. 逻辑程序 logic program 19. 墨盒 ink cartridge

20. 程序的存储与执行 program storage and execution

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:

A compiler, in computer science, is a computer program that translates source code into object code. Software engineers write source code using high-level programming languages that people can understand. Computers cannot directly execute source code, but need a compiler to translate these instructions into a low-level language called machine code.

Compilers collect and reorganize (compile) all the instructions in a given set of source code to produce object code. Object code is often the same as or similar to a computer’s machine code. If the object code is the same as the machine language, the computer can run the program immediately after the compiler produces its translation. If the object code is not in machine language, other programs—such as assemblers, binders (联编程序), linkers, and loaders (加载程序)—finish the translation.

Most computer languages use different versions of compilers for different types of computers or operating systems, so one language may have different compilers for personal computers (PC) and Apple Macintosh computers. Many different manufacturers often produce versions of the same programming language, so compilers for a language may vary between manufacturers. IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:


较轻微的错误,如光标表现异常,会造成不便或带来挫折,但不会对信息产生破坏性影响。 较严重的错误会导致程序“中止”(对命令停止反应),可能使用户别无选择,只能重新启动程序,结果致使任何前面已经做好但尚未保存的工作丢失。


由于错误对重要数据的潜在危险,商用应用程序在发行前要经过尽可能全面的测试与调试。 程序发行后发现的较轻微错误在下一次更新时改正;较严重的错误有时可用称为补丁的特殊软件加以修补,以规避问题或减轻其影响。

Unit Four/Section B


Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

entity duration

data; process或process; data implemented

check box 复选框,选择框,校验框 structured design 结构化设计

building block 积木块,构建模块,构件 database schema 数据库模式 radio button 单选(按)钮

系统建模技术 system modeling technique 模型驱动开发 model-driven development 数据流程图 data flow diagram

下拉式菜单 drop-down (或pull-down) menu

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:

10. 滚动条 scroll bar

Unit Four/Section C


Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

heterogeneous asynchronous bridges openness

procedure call 过程调用 fault tolerance 容错

homogeneous system 同构系统 autonomous agent 自主主体 路由算法 routing algorithm

异构型环境 heterogeneous environment

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:

7. 8.

多址通信协议 multicast protocol 通信链路 communication(s) link

Unit Five: Software Process Unit Five/Section A


Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

off-the-shelf exclusive cascade

requirements; integration throwaway immediate; stable reuse-oriented; framework software; compromises

system specification 系统规格说明 unit testing 单位(或单元、部件)测试 software life cycle 软件生命周期(或生存周期) system validation testing 系统验证测试 evolutionary development process 演化开发过程 linear model 线性模型 program unit 程序单元

throwaway prototype 抛弃式原型

text formatting 正文格式编排,文本格式化

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:

10. system evolution 系统演变

11. 系统设计范例 system design paradigm

12. 需求分析与定义 requirements analysis and definition 13. 探索式编程方法 exploratory programming approach 14. 系统文件编制 system documentation 15. 瀑布模型 waterfall model 16. 系统集成 system integration

17. 商用现成软件 commercial off-the-shelf (或COTS) software 18. 基于组件的软件工程 component-based software engineering (CBSE) 19. 软件维护工具 software maintenance tool 20. 软件复用 software reuse

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:

There are three different types of software maintenance. Firstly, there is maintenance to repair software faults. Coding errors are usually relatively cheap to correct; design errors are more expensive as they may involve rewriting several program components. Requirements errors are the most expensive to repair because of the



