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第31题、We wrote an article last month, and it turns out to be a success, so we begin to work on ___ one this month. A、another B、more

C、the other D、other 标准答案:A

第32题、No agreement was reached in the discussion, as __ side would give way to the other. A、none B、both C、either D、neither 标准答案:D

第33题、What will happen to you, if you ___ in your school work? A、fall down B、fall apart C、fall off D、fall behind 标准答案:A

第34题、He suffered terrible injuries, but his courage pulled him ___. A、out B、up

C、through D、over 标准答案:C

第35题、In this factory each worker must receive a ___ training course. A、two-month B、two months C、two-months D、two-months' 标准答案:A

第36题、They handed in their paper ___. A、in line B、by turn C、at turn D、in turn 标准答案:D

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第37题、___ her interest in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.

A、Given B、Giving C、To give D、To be given 标准答案:A

第38题、I had the good ___ to be chosen for a trip abroad. A、property B、estate C、wealth D、fortune 标准答案:D

第39题、No one can possibly racall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years since it ___. A、had taken place B、was taken place C、took place

D、was taking place 标准答案:C

第40题、I prefer live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of ___ over city life.

A、character B、qualities C、advantages D、ways 标准答案:C

第41题、You ___ all the way from the station to my place! You can take a taxi. A、needn't have walked B、shouldn't have walked C、must not have walked D、cannot have walked 标准答案:A

第42题、I believe you have ___ some important points in the report. A、left alone B、left behind C、left off D、left out 标准答案:D

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第43题、I prefer classic music ___ pop music. A、than B、on C、with D、to 标准答案:D

第44题、I ___ you that I had no intention of offending you. A、convince B、persuade C、guarantee D、assure 标准答案:D

第45题、She has always ___ to her father, although he did not graduate from a famous university. A、appreciated B、admired C、respected D、looked up 标准答案:D

第46题、The parents spoil their child by buying anything he wants, ___. A、however much it costs

B、however does it costs much C、how much does it cost D、no matter how it costs 标准答案:A

第47题、The act of speaking will also help to improve listening comprehension ___. A、to some way B、in the way C、to some extent D、in the extent 标准答案:C

第48题、Some of the citizens have been ___ medals for bravery. A、given B、offered C、awarded D、paid 标准答案:C

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第49题、I want to make it clear that I am utterly opposed ___ any form of terrorism. A、against B、to C、for D、with 标准答案:B

第50题、We wanted to go on a picnic. But the wind ___ strong, we had no choice but to stay indoors. A、being B、had been C、was

D、was being 标准答案:A

第51题、The president made his last public ___ before his term of office ended. A、engagement B、appearance C、meeting D、gathering 标准答案:B

第52题、I did not buy the same book ___. A、what he bought B、that he bought C、as he bought D、which he bought 标准答案:C

第53题、She was ___ the top prize in the competition. A、awarded B、rewarded C、received D、accepted 标准答案:A

第54题、The teacher ___, the children in the classroom burst into talking instantly. A、having left B、left C、leaving D、to leave 标准答案:A

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第55题、Perhaps some day it will be pleasant to ___ these things. A、look down on B、look forward to C、look back on D、look on 标准答案:C

第56题、Chinese must develop science and technology at a high speed ___ catch up with the latest development in other countries. A、so to B、so as to C、as to D、so 标准答案:B

第57题、The cost of computer used to be ___ for me, but now I can afford it. A、so much B、too much C、very much D、much too 标准答案:B

第58题、He ___ a six-year-old child as he was driving back from a party. A、ran across B、ran into C、ran over D、ran through 标准答案:C

第59题、The old lady who suffers from lung cancer ___ at the moment. A、is being operated on B、is operated on C、operates on

D、to be operated on 标准答案:A

第60题、Did you have a neighbor who was always ___ your business? A、doing B、makingit

C、getting above

D、poking his nose into 标准答案:D

第61题、Tony could be a very successful student, but he ___ no importance to study.

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