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第1题、It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not ___ the time. A、offer B、leave C、afford D、manage 标准答案:C

第2题、To speak English well, ___. A、much practice is needed B、one needs much practice

C、much practice is needed by one D、one is needed much practice 标准答案:B

第3题、The material produced in China ___ easily. A、is washed B、washes C、washing D、are washing 标准答案:B

第4题、I am pleased to take ___ to exchange views with you. A、this opportunity B、a chance C、this time D、a period 标准答案:A

第5题、It is required ___ me that I give evidence. A、of B、from C、for D、with 标准答案:A

第6题、Canned foods are ___ with housewives because it takes so little time to cook them.

A、popular B、welcome C、desirable D、usual 标准答案:A

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第7题、As a senior, please give me ___ advice you can give on this issue. A、that B、what C、which D、whatever 标准答案:D

第8题、The committee proposed that more emphasis should be laid ___ developing practical skills in students. A、onto B、to C、on D、over 标准答案:C

第9题、Most of the residents near the airport have all moved as they can not stand ___ in such a moisy place. A、to live B、live C、living D、be living 标准答案:C

第10题、The new order will mean ___ overtime. A、to work B、working C、work

D、to be working 标准答案:B

第11题、Some pop singers have much influence ___ the young people today. A、to B、for C、onto D、on 标准答案:D

第12题、The mistake was ___ by the carelessness of the assistant. A、due B、caused C、because D、owe 标准答案:B

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第13题、The hall was almost empty. There were ___ people in it. A、little B、a little C、few D、a few 标准答案:C

第14题、There ___ not much milk in the refrigerator, ___? A、is…isn't there B、are…are there C、is…is there

D、are…aren't there 标准答案:C

第15题、A new driver can not be ___ careful in driving a car. A、very B、quite C、rather D、too 标准答案:D

第16题、Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one ___. A、endured B、survived C、persisted D、retained 标准答案:B

第17题、The passengers desire that the airline ___ them immediately of any change in flight time. A、inform B、informs C、informed D、has informed 标准答案:A

第18题、They carry ___ with their work in spite of the extremely difficult conditions. A、out B、over C、on D、back 标准答案:C

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第19题、You should make ___ your house or flat is secure. A、sure B、certain

C、understanding D、knowledge 标准答案:A

第20题、He ___ a knowledge of the language by careful study. A、obtained B、earned C、gained D、acquired 标准答案:D

第21题、He is a kind-hearted and ___ gentleman. A、respective B、respectable C、respected D、respectful 标准答案:B

第22题、She ___ a post at Yale University. A、took on B、took to C、took up D、took in 标准答案:C

第23题、The opening of a new school is always a great ___. A、chance B、occasion C、incident D、opportunity 标准答案:B

第24题、Hangzhou is an ideal place to settle down after retirement ___ it has beautiful scenic spots nearby and a far slower pace of life. A、provided that B、now that C、so that D、in that 标准答案:D

第25题、The boss ___ the young man that he would receive a raise.

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A、secured B、insured C、ensured D、assured 标准答案:D

第26题、Wealthy as he is, he is not ___ with his money, unwilling to help others in troubles. A、careful B、generous C、satisfied D、busy 标准答案:B

第27题、The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible ___ the explosions that happened last month in London. A、on B、at C、for D、about 标准答案:C

第28题、She is very careful. She ___ very few mistakes in her work. A、does B、takes C、makes D、gets 标准答案:C

第29题、It is difficult to __ a conversation with all this noise around us. A、carry on B、account for C、bring up D、get through 标准答案:A

第30题、By the time Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech, the blacks ___ with the white in the same classroom. A、had never before studied B、never before studied C、couldn't have studied D、have never before studied 标准答案:A

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