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人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3

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Unit 3

词汇积累 句型过关


1. slide n.滑动 2. sense n./v.感觉 3. cruel adj. 残酷的 4. content n. adj. vt. 满足的 5. astonish vt. 使惊讶

6. particular adj.特殊的 挑剔的 7. entertain vt.& vi 使快乐

8. throughout prep. /adv. 贯穿,自始至终 9. homeless adj. 无家的 10. worn-out adj.穿旧的 11. failure n.失败 12. overcome vt.& vi. 克服 13. boil vi&vt. 煮 14. fortunate adj.幸运的 15. bottom n.底部

16. mountainous adj. 多山的 17. outstanding adj. 显著的 突出的 18. swing vt.& vi. 摆动 19. direct vt.& vi.指导 20. vast adj.巨大的


1. be content with 对……满足 2. badly off 穷的 缺少的 3. pick out 挑选 4. cut off 切断

5. star in 担任主角,主演 6. knock into 撞见 撞上 7. bump into 碰撞 与……相撞


1. skin ? __________adj.极瘦的 2. cruel? __________n.. 残酷 3. astonish? __________n. 惊讶

? __________adj. 惊讶的

4. poverty? __________adj.贫穷的 5. particular? __________adv.特别地

? __________n.特殊性 个性

6. entertain? __________n.娱乐

? __________adj.愉快的

7. home? __________adj.无家的 8. failure? __________v. 失败 9. difficult? __________n.困难

? __________adv.困难地

10. fortune? __________adj.幸运的

? __________adv.不幸地

11. enjoy? __________n.享受。愉快 12. direct? __________n.(人)导演

? __________n.方向、指导

Keys: 1. skinny 2. cruelty 3.astonishment astonished 4.poor 5.particularly particularity 6. entertainment

entertaining 7. homeless 8. fail 9.difficulty difficultly 10. fortunate unfortunately 11. enjoyment 12. director direction


(1) 宾语从句(三)

由 which,how,if,whether,what引导的宾语从句: 1. I wonder how he finished his work in a day.

我想知道他是如何在一天内完成工作的。 2. Our teacher did what he could to held us out. 我们的老师尽力来帮助我们。 3 .Nobody knows if he likes school . 没人知道他是否喜欢上学。

4. He wondered whether he had passed the exam. 他不知道自己是否通过了考试。

5. He hasn’t decided which book he should buy. 他还没决定他该买哪本书。


宾语从句中缺主语、宾语时连接词常用what. 而 whether、if在从句中意思为 “是否”,后接陈述句。


1. 他没说他是否要在这里呆下去

2. 他看上去和过去不一样了。

1. 你记得他是如何来的吗?

4. 他没告诉我他打算上哪所大学。 5. 这项工作花的时间长短我不在乎。 Keys:

1. He didn’t say whether or not he would be staying here. 2. He seems different from what he used to be. 3. Do you remember how he came?

4. He didn’t tell me which university he would go. 5. I don’t care if/whether the work will take long or not.

精要点拨 高分突破

高考考点1。slide n. v.

n.滑;滑行 滑面 滑坡、滑道或滑槽;

滑梯 幻灯片

have a slide on the ice 在冰上滑行

v.(使某物滑动),(使某物)悄悄地或偷偷地移动 (指价格)逐渐降低 放任某事,听其自然 1. The drawers slide in and out easily.


2. Can the car seat be slid forward a little?


3. He slid out(of the door)while no one was looking.


5. His mother slid a coin into his hand.


6. She got depressed and began to let things slide.

她情绪低落,一切都听之任之。 活学活用:

1. I was about helplessly on the ice. 2. The ship down into the water.

3.He lifted the mat and the key under it.

Keys:1.sliding 2.slid 3.slid

高考考点2。cruel adj.残酷的;令人痛苦的

be cruel to 对……残酷的 be cruel of sb. to do sth. 某人做什么事是残忍的 cruelly adv.残酷地

cruelty n.残酷,冷酷,刻毒

1. The cruel master beat his slaves with a whip.

残酷的主人鞭打他的奴隶。 2. He is cruel to animals.


3. To hit a weaker person is a sign of cruelty.


4. We’ll never forget the cruelties of the Japanese invaders.

我们永远不会忘记日本人入侵者的暴行。 5. He can`t bear seeing animals treated cruelly.

他不忍看动物遭人虐待。 活学活用:

1.Water is a good servant,but it is a master.

2.The king was hated by the people for his . 3.The US soldiers treated the Iraqi prisoners . 4.Don’t be the people around you,not even your enemies.

5.It was very the father to abandon his family when they needed him most.

Keys:1.cruel 2.cruelt 3.cruelly

4.cruel 5.cruel of

高考考点3。 bump into…… 撞上, 碰巧遇上 The two cars bumped into each other.

I bumped into an old friend when I was shopping.


偶然遇到: bump into… / knock into run into sb, come across sb

高考考点4。content adj.满足的;满意的

n.满足 vt.(使)满足 be content with 对……满足

(be) content to do …愿意做……=be willing to do content n.内容,目录 ;容纳物[pl] the contents of her bag

1. Don’t be content with such a success. 2. He’s content to stay in the countryside.

3. It is advisable to look at the content of a book before buying it.



对……满意be satisfied with be pleased with


1.The of the letter are secret. 2.I my new bedroom furniture.

3.The of the box fell onto the floor. 4.Her answer seemed to him.

Keys:1.contents 2.am content with 1. contents 4.content

高考考点5。astonish vt.使惊讶

1. He brought us a piece of astonishing news . Everyone was astonished. 2. She gave him an astonished look.


3. He looked at me in astonishment.



astonished adj.惊讶的;惊愕的 astonishing adj.令人惊讶的;惊人的 astonishment n.惊讶,大吃一惊 in astonishment惊奇地.

be astonished at sth 对……感到惊讶 He was astonished at the news . be astonished to do sth对……感到惊讶 We were astonished to hear the news .


1.To my ,the man lifted the rock effortlessly. 2.He was at what he found.

3.Her sudden death really everybody.

4.We were to hear that their football team had won the champion. 5.Nobody could believe the news.

Keys:1.astonishment 2.astonished

3.astonished 4.astonished 5.astonishing

高考考点6 。particular adj.特殊的;特别的


1. She has a particular preference for Chinese art.


2. Her daughter is not particular about food.


人教版高中英语必修四Unit 3


