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Tom: What a great day, don’t you think?

Alice: I guess 1 . I just didn’t notice. I feel terrible because I watched television

2 after midnight last night. Tom: After midnight! Did you watch so late 3 you were bored? I usually watch TV only if I have nothing better to do.

Alice: Bored? No, I was unhappy because I left my meal tickets in the dinning room. There’s

one and a half 4 (dollar)worth of meal tickets lost. Tom: So did 5 (watch)TV make you feel better?

Alice: Well, I felt a bit better while I was watching. You know, it took my mind off my

troubles. But after I turned the TV 6 , I just felt even 7 with myself for wasting so much time.

Tom: I’ve had that feeling 8 . Alice: Really? What did you do 9 (make)yourself feel better? Tom: Well, I did nothing. I just enjoyed 10 (feel)down. I think that’s part of life. Keys:(邯郸一中 龚林)

1. so 2. until 3. because 4. dollars 5. watching 6. off 7. worse 8. before 9. to make 10. feeling


John: Hi, Anna. It’s nice to see you again. I 1 (hear) that you went to the UK

during the summer holidays.

Anna: Yes, I went to London 2 (attend)a summer course in English. John: Wow. You were lucky. How long did you stay there?

Anna: About 40 days. I went there 3 July 5th and came back yesterday. John: How about the course?

Anna: The course was very good. The teachers were nice. We 4 (teach)to listen,

speak, read and write in English, but it was mostly speaking. One interesting thing I found was 5 the classes 6 (give)there are different from our classes here because they are very free. You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom. You can ask the teacher questions at 7 time during the class, and you are welcome to share your ideas 8 the class.

John: How interesting! I think our teachers of English 9 try that. Anna: Yeah, I can’t agree 10 . Keys: Keys:(邯郸一中 龚林) 1. heard 2. to attend 3. on 4. were taught 5. that 6. given 7. any 8. with 9. should 10. more


Man: Hi young lady. How may I help you?

Girl: Well, . . . yeah. I'm looking for a Father's Day gift.

Man: Okay. How about 1 (get) your father a new wallet? Girl: Hmm. How much is that wallet? Man: Huh . . . 2 one? Girl: The black one.

Man: Oh. It's only $40.95.

Girl: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a 3 (cheap) one? Man: Hmm. How about this brown leather 4 ?

Girl: Umm. . . I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put pictures. How 5 is it anyway? Man: It's $25.99.

Girl: Humm. I don't have that much 6 _. Man: Okay. How much money do you have to spend?

Girl: I'm not sure [money falling on the table]. Probably about ten dollars or so. I 7 (help) my mom around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is 8 I have.

Man: Hmm. How about this tie?

Girl: That's real pretty, 9 the price tag says $13.99, and I know I don't have that much money.

Man: Well, let's just say the tie went 10 sale. How about $5.00. What do you say? Girl: Oh, thanks. I'll take it.

Keys: (邯郸一中 韩建敏) 1. getting 2. which 3.cheaper 4.one 5.much 6.money 7. have been helping 8. all 9.but 10.on


Alan: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?

Emily: Well, let’s look at this city guide here. Uh, here’s something 1 (interest).

Why don’t we first visit the Art Museum in the morning?

Alan: Okay. I like that idea. Where shall we go 2 lunch?

Emily: How about 3 (go) to an Italian restaurant ? The guide recommends 4

not far from the museum.

Alan: That sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? Well, it says

there are some unique animals not 5 (find) anywhere else.

Emily: Well, to tell the 6 (true), I’m not really interested in going there. Why don’t

we go shopping? There are supposed to be some really nice places 7 we can pick up some bargains.

Alan: Nah, I don’t think that’s a good idea. We only have a few traveler’s checks left. And I

only have fifty dollars left in cash.

Emily: Don’t worry. We can use your credit card to pay.

Alan: Oh, no. I remember the last time you 8 (use) my credit card for your new clothes.

Emily: Oh, well, let’s take the subway down to the seashore 9 walk along the beach.

Alan: I couldn’t agree 10 . It sounds like a wonderful plan. Keys: (邯郸一中 韩建敏) 1. interesting 2. for 6. truth 7. where

3. going 8. used 4. one 9. and 5. found 10. more


Today I’d like to talk about how to become a confident speaker. Confidence, 1 we all know, is very important in learning to speak English. 2 can you sound more confident when you speak English? First, speak often. The more often you speak, the 3 (easy) it becomes. Try to think of people you can talk to in English or places 4 English is spoken a lot. You need to put 5 in a position where you need to speak. Second, relax and think about the message. It’s easy to get nervous if you only focus 6 the grammar rules when you’re speaking. The key to 7 (relax) when you’re speaking is to talk about something that you find 8 (interest). Third, practice what you want to say. 9 you are nervous, try to 10 what you want to say to yourself a few times. It can make you more confident. OK, that’s all for today. Goodbye. Keys:(邯郸一中 胡正丹) 1. as 2. How 6. on 7.relaxing

3. easier 4. where 5. yourself

8. interesting 9. If 10. practice


W: Hello, Mr. Black. You’re a frequent traveler and we also know that you eat out 1 (two) a day. How come you are so fond of eating out?

M: When I got my first job back in 1982 and started traveling, I had no other choice but 2 (eat) out. I found that I felt different due to 3 I was eating, so I tried to find places that served food that made me feel good.

W: How did you manage to make a 4 of 218 favorite restaurants?

M: I’ve lived in many 5 , and when I moved back to Sweden from the United States, people asked me 6 to go to eat when they went to cities I knew. I got a lot of ideas. Then I wrote about restaurants for the Swedish Clubs’ magazine. And someone suggested I 7 (gather) the information about the restaurants together. Since I had all the facts about the 8 I’ve been to, I started to do that. W: How do you find restaurants?

M: The 9 (good) way is to ask the people there. I may talk to people at the street market or take a walk and look 10 a place myself. I never asked a hotel clerk or a taxi driver. Keys:(邯郸一中 胡正丹) 1. twice 2. to eat 6. where 7. gather

3. what 4. list 5. cities

8. restaurants 9. best 10. for


M: What a nice, quiet place away from all those people! Now tell me what’s bothering you.

W: Well, I’m having problems 1 (live) with Caroline, my roommate.

M: I knew that you two were having problems, but I wondered 2 things were so bad. What started it all?

W: Well, it started when we first moved in. I had a lot of things, and Caroline wasn’t so 3 (delight). She’s not easy 4 (please), you know. M: So where did you find the room for all your stuff?

W: I put them in the closet in the kitchen, 5 made her really upset because she wanted to put her things in there. M: Was that the only problem?

W: Oh, no. My part of the room is neat and orderly. However, Caroline is so careless, and 6 part of the room is always in a mess. M: Have you tried talking to her about this?

W: I’ve tried, 7 then she starts shouting at me about how my friends are always coming over. I don’t know what to do.

M: You might consider 8 (try) to settle your quarreling 9 her. If she promises to keep the house clean and tidy, then you’ll get her 10 (permit) before you bring your friends over.

W: Maybe that will work. Thanks for the advice. Keys:(邯郸一中 李欣) 1. living 2. why 3. delighted 4. to please 5. which 6. her 7. but 8. trying 9. with 10. permission


W: I can’t wait till Christmas. My friend is going to lend me her car, and I am going to the beach near Florida. Have you made any 1 (decide) yet? M: I haven’t 2 (complete) decided what I’m going to do. W: The term is almost over. You’d better think of something fast.

M: Well, actually I have a couple 3 plans. I just haven’t decided which one 4 (choose), I can either go to an island 5 the coast, 6 accept a position as a marketing manager’s assistant.

W: Well, that’s quite a choice. How did you manage 7 (find) those opportunities? M: My cousin, 8 is running a firm on San Francisco, invited me to come to stay for the winter. At first, I was sure 9 (do) that, but then my cousin offered me a job 10 an assistant of manager. I’m not sure which one I want to do. I’ll just wait for a while to think about it. W: That sounds like a good idea. Keys:(邯郸一中 李欣) 1. decision(s ) 2. completely 3. of 4. to choose 5. off 6. or 7. to find 8. who 9. to do 10. as


I am totally English but I spent most of my life basically in other countries. I was 1 (bear)in England, but I went to Africa fifteen days after I was born. When I was 8, I went off to a 2 (board) school in England. And then we stayed in Holland for nine years, 3 was really great. I stopped off in Africa and Nigeria for about five years.

Living away from your own country is great. I guess it’s really good to see different countries when you are young. I’m very lucky to 4 (grow) up in different countries. Although I feel 5 (vary) cultures, I can’t speak any of 6 languages. I always went to language schools, 7 it’s kind of difficult for me. I can easily get familiar 8 strangers. So I made friends everywhere. The bad part was that 9 you made friends and got close to them, suddenly you had to move to somewhere else. I found this to be the 10 (hard) thing.

Keys:(邯郸一中 商云云) 1. born 2. boarding 3. which 4. have grown 5. various 6. their 7. but 8. with 9.when 10. hardest


M: Hello, Lisa! What do you usually do after class?

W: Well, on Monday afternoon I usually go to the reading room or the library, 1 I

borrow interesting books and magazines. M: What other 2 (active) do you take part in? W: Every Friday afternoon we have an English party. Sometimes we watch English films. Do you like films, Tony?

M: Sure, I like films. Will there be 3 this week? W: Yes, of course. I think City Lights is 4 . M: I like the film but I have already seen it 5 (two). What about sports and games?

W: Oh, there are ball games and matches 6 (near) every week. You can also join different groups 7 (organize) by the Student Union. M: That’s interesting. I really should join one. Anything 8 ?

W: Oh, 9 is going to be a football match between Grade One and Grade Two on Wednesday afternoon. Are you interested?

M: Interested? I certainly am. I’d like to go and watch the match. School life is quite rich and full.

W: Right! 10 you organize your time, you can improve yourself in many ways. Good luck!

Keys:(邯郸一中 商云云) 1. where 2. activities 3. one 4. on 5. twice 6. nearly 7. organized 8. else 9. there 10. If


Tom was a poor man, so he tried to grow as many vegetables as he could in his own garden, so that he would not have to buy so many in the market.



