还记得那些年一起猜过的急转弯吗?还记得那些让人哭笑不得的奇葩答案吗?还记得那些爆笑时刻吗!以下是 ___为大家准备的少儿带答案,希望大家喜欢!
1. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors? 答案:A mushroom.(蘑菇)
2. What is s ___ller than an insect's mouth? 答案:Anything it eats.
3. Which can move faster, heat or cold? 答案:Heat, because you can catch cold easily.
4. What's the hardest thing about learning skating? 答案:The i ___.
5. What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees? 答案:A ___p.
6. What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness? 答案:
7. The temperature.
8. What ___kes the Tower of Pisa lean? 答案:It never eats.
9. Why is writing called handwriting? 答案:If people wrote with their feet, we would have to call it footwriting.
10. If there were only three girls in the world, what do you think they would do? 答案:Two of them would get together ans talk about the other one.
11. How ___ny great men have been born in London? 答案:None. Only babies.
12. When can you have an empty pocket and still have something in it? 答案:When you have a hole in your pocket.
13. The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it? 答案:Darkness.
14. The more you take away, the bigger I bee. What am I? 答案:A hole.
15. Who ___y ___rry ___ny a wife and stay single all of his life? 答案:A priest.(牧师)
1. why are people tired on April Fool's Day? ___在四月一日人们都很累?答案:Because they have just had a long March因为他们刚度过了一个很长的三月(行军) ___rch除了三月以外还有行军的意思。
2. what letter is an ani ___l?哪个字母是一个?答案:B(Bee)
3. What letter stands for the o ___an? key:C(sea) 哪个字母坐落在海边?答案:C(sea)
4. what letter is a question? 哪个字母是一个问题? 答案:Y(why)
5. what letter is your eye? 哪个字母是你的眼睛? 答案:I(eye)