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1- 5题:选择正确的语旬完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 1. Can I take your order, madam? A. Yes. I'd like an Italia n soup to start with.

B. Yes, it's as quiet as we expected. C. No,the price's reas on ab1e.



汤。 是的,它和我们预想的一样安静。


2. Do you ofte n surf on the Intern et? A. Yes. I surf on the intern et. 是的。我上网冲浪。 B. Yes. I use it a lot no wadays. C. Yes. I se1dom do so.


它。 对。我必须这么做。



3. ? Why do you want to leave your previous job? A. I'm hopi ng to have a better positio n. B. I don't want to work at all. C. You won't un dersta nd it.



4. 一Our city is getting safer and safer. A. I hope there will be no crimes any more. B. Crimes are sometimes good.


我希望不会再有犯罪了。 我不想和你讨论这个。



我们在一楼的化妆品区购物。 大约半小时。我已经为她做了 100次



C. I don' t want to discuss this with you.

5. 一Okay. Calm down , please. What happened?

A. We were shopp ing in the cosmetic sect ion on the ground floor. B. About half an hour. I've bee n 100k ing for her everywhere. C. We were in the shop and 1 turned around and she was gone.

二、词汇语法{共计30分,每小题2分)阅读下面的旬子,从 A、B、C中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 6. They fou nd all the guests

A. gone whe n they woke up. 他们醒来时发现所有的客人都走了。

A. gone走了( go的过去分词);B. going

去,离去 C. have gone 已经走了(是现在完成时,表示去了还没回)

7. They have opportunities to learn from professors they 们有机会向教授学习,否则他们将无法接触到教授。 8. Will the AIDS patie nts ben efit

C. otherwise would not be able to access. A. therefore 因此 B. or 或 C. otherwise 否则


A. from the new drug?

A. from从(表示起始点)从…起,始于;(表示开始的时间)从…开始;(表示由某人发岀或给岀)寄自,得自 B. by靠近;在…旁边;常置于表示被动的动词后,表示使为者


C. of 是英语中一个常用的介词,助动词,表示 ……的;由…制成等意思 9. Relatio nships and frien dships can

B. lead to

gan gs. 关系和友谊会导致帮派。

C. arrive at 到达,来到;达成,获得,作岀(决定)

A. result in 导致 落得;致使 不好的结果,往往是指失败、错误等 B. lead to 是中性的词句中谓语多是静态、客观的一件事或物

10. We should provide useful information for the police no matter whether there is a not.不管有没有奖励,我C. reward or 们


A. prese nt 出席 B. mo ney 金钱 C. reward 奖励

11. We can file an action in the district court and C. move for an injunction aga inst your competitor. 我们可以向地区法院提起诉讼,要求对你的竞争对手下达禁令。

A. move in搬来;迁入;逼近,进逼;插手;涉足B. move out迁出;搬走 C. move for提议;申请,请求 12. This speech is particularly lovely because the wisdom she shares about life. marriage and family B. comes from her heart. A. arrives 到达抵达

这篇演讲特别可爱,因为她分享了人生的智慧。婚姻和家庭来自她的内心。 B. comes 来 C. travels 旅行

C. bunch of flowers. 13. You can bring along some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a 你可以带上几瓶酒,或一些巧克力,或一束花。

A. bucket (有提梁的)桶 B. block (方形平面)大块;立方体 C. bunch串;束;扎;大量;大批;群体; 14. There B. is still two hun dred dollars more to pay. were be的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式 15. If I

B. were the mayor of the city, 1 would in troduce severe puni shme nt for crimes. ;C. was ( be的第一和第



A. are是(be的第二人称单复数现在时, 第一、三人称复数现在时)B. is be的第三人称单数现在时形式


A. am是(be的第一人称单数现在式) B. were是(be的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式)


16. Keep an eye for your bel ongings in the bus stati on 注意汽车站的东西,以防被小偷偷走 B. so that因此;以便 C. in case 17. The global n etwork A. can be destroyed

18. I won der if you

C. in case they might be stole n by thieves A. thus 以此方式;如此;这样;因此;从而;所以 竟然,难道,假使;以备;以防;免得


A. can be destroyed by a sin gle leak. 毁。 可以摧毁 破坏 C. can destroy 可以被摧毁 B. destroy

B. could act as the professor to practice in terviewi ng with me in adva nee. A. act as扮演 B. could act as 可以充当 C.ted as 泰德作为


19. Many students at the school C. have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem. 学校的许多学生一直在做一个与失业有关的项目问题。 A. worked 工作 B. have worked

起作用了 C. have been working


20. A cover letter is a letter of introduction 求职信是一封介绍信,随附简历或简历。 三、阅读理解{共计40分,每小题4分}

B.sent_ along with a r e sume or curriculum vitae(CV).

A. sending邮寄;发送;B.sent(过去分词和过去式)C. send邮寄;发送;

题:阅读对话,从A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出一个最佳答案,填入合适的位置 A. if we could lock up serious crim in als for a Ion ger time B. But you may put inn oce nt people to death. C. I would impose tougher laws and puni shme nt


但你可以处死无辜的人。 我会实施更严厉的法律和惩罚


D. where people have bee n mistake nly put into pris on for many years

E. Well. it depe nds on what you mea n. 好。这取决于你的意思

Molly and Zha ng Hua are discussi ng if we n eed to tougher on crime. 采取更严厉的措施

Molly: Do you thi nk we should be tougher on crime? Zha ng Hua: E




Molly: 1 think we could bring back the death pen alty for murder and Ion ger pris on sentences for serious crimi nals. 莫莉:我想我们可以把谋杀罪的死刑和对重罪犯的更长的刑期恢复过来。 Zhang Hua: Isn't that a bit too cruel?




Molly: You'd only use capital puni shme nt if you were sure eno ugh. 使用死刑。

Zha ng Hua: But,there've been ma ny cases crimes.


Zha ng Hua: 1 doubt whether this would work.

D 张华:但是,有很多案子



Molly: Well, no system of j ustice can be perfect. I believe that a Ion ger pris on sentence is a good way to prevent serious



Molly: In my opinion, A people would learn that they couldn' t get away with it. Soft sentences wil1 only en courage them to do it aga in.


,人们就会知道他 张华:是的,但是

们逃不掉。柔和的句子只会鼓励他们再做一次。 Zha ng Hua: Yes , but remember that prisons are ofte n schools

for crim in als. To remove crime from society , you really have to solve its causes. 要记住监狱通常是罪犯的学校。要从社会上消除犯罪,你真的必须解决其原因。 Molly: Well, if I were preside nt

C . I would have a peaceful society based on fear of puni shme nt.

莫莉:好吧,如果我是总统, 我会实施更严厉的法律和惩罚 。我会有一个基于害怕惩罚的和平社会。 Zha ng Hua: You sou nd like a dictator! Molly: Well if it works, why not?

张华:你听起来像个独裁者! 莫莉:好吧,如果成功了,为什么不呢?

26 - 30 题:阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

The first year of school in America ,known as kin dergarte n ( ages of five and six. Among rich countries such a late start is very strange.

Preside nt Obama believes it is an econo mic and social problem; his educati on secretary goes as far as

to say that it is \from poor families en ter kin dergarte n well behi nd those from rich families -a disadvantage that usually lasts a lifetime. Children from households on welfare knew 525 words by the age of three, while the childre n of professi on als had mastered 1, 116.

Pre-school can help close this gap. So in a speech last mon th, Mr. Obama called for a partn ership

between the federal government and the states to expand it to every American child. It later became known that \those who come from families with in comes of up to 200 % above the poverty line - equal to an in come of $ 47,000 for a family of four.

Some critics ( 评论家)say that sending children to school at the age of four does not work. The evide nee suggests otherwise. For example, on March 20th new results were announ ced from a study of 9 to 11 year olds in New Jersey. This report found that disadvantaged children v ho had attended pre-school had better literacy( 能力),language, better tha n one.

Some studies also follow the effects of early learning over lifetimes, such as its effect on crime

math and scienee skills. And two years of pre-kindergarten


幼儿园),usually beg ins betwee n the

rates and other factors that may eventually burden society. Critics have singled out a government scheme called Head Start, created in 1965, which provides poor households with a range of services including school-based early educati on.



